Muslims attack Hindus' wedding procession in Maharashtra - Attacks | hindujagruti.org
- http://www.diigo.com/068sy
- There is a mosque near the hall rented out by the Town Council (TC). The marriage procession, playing music, on its way to the hall, came near the mosque, music was stopped. After the procession passed by the mosque, the music was started again. Muslims asked those participating in the procession to stop music.
- Hindus, however, argued with them that the mosque was quite far and the wedding was in the TC's hall and continued to play the music. This enraged Muslims and they entered the office of Town Council and ran riot breaking the earthen flower pots in the office.
- Later, the matter between the workers of Town Council and Muslims was resolved and no complaint was registered against anyone. It was said by the locals that Hindus did not lodge a complaint as they were scared of Muslims and TC did not lodge complaint for votes.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.