Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wasting Time on a Non-Issue : Friends of BJP — Because India Deserves Better

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    • by Arun Narendhranath
    • Last Saturday I left home early in the morning and went to the tea shops (the best place to understand Indian politics) in different areas of my city. I had three questions for the people I met

      Q1) whom did you vote in the recent elections?

      If the answer was non-BJP (or) did not vote, then I fired the next question

      Q2) Have you ever voted for BJP in your life before?

      If the answer was yes, then the person had to face my third question

      Q3) why you did not vote for the BJP this time around?

      The answers I found for the last question were every Interesting. When I returned late night that day and tabulated all the answers, I found the following as top three answers:

      3) The local BJP leader told me not to vote for the party (R: Party infighting)

      2) I did not know details the polling booth to go and vote (R: Unhappy cadres)

      1) The BJP candidate put up is corrupt & not worthy of voting (R: Moral Bankruptcy)

    • Without realizing the ground realities if party puts ‘Hindutva’ as the most important talking point in its discussion of introspection then I can assure that it is a misplaced priority. The party is facing an Institutional crisis and not an ideological one.
    • If given an option to vote on whether to continue the relationship or not? I would prefer to stick with RSS (which has offered morality to the BJP for decades now) and its ideology.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

A commie mole in BJP « Indian Realist

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    • I read sometime ago the interview of an ex-IB chief who worked under Advani. He called Advani an intellectual light-weight and a very poor judge of men. Now I know how right he was. Advani hungers for acceptance from the secular cabal that loathes him. This is his weakness.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Rightwing Rumblings: Hindu's who voted for Congress ,must read this .

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

» Blog Archive » आलोक तोमर के गुनाहों की सत्य कथा

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    • 2006 में आलोक तोमर पर आरोप लगाया गया था कि अपने द्वारा संपादित एक पत्रिका में उन्होंने डेनमार्क में बने हजरत मोहम्मद के कार्टूनों में से एक को छाप कर मुस्लिम संप्रदाय की भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंचाई है
    • अब आप ये जानना चाहेंगे कि कृष्ण कांत पॉल का आलोक तोमर से बैर क्या था? बैर यह था कि पॉल के पुत्र अमित वकील है और जब पिता जी दिल्ली पुलिस के मुखिया थे तो अमित पॉल आम तौर पर दिल्ली पुलिस के खिलाफ अभियुक्तों के मुकदमें लड़ा करते थे और मोटी फीस लिया करते थे। इस कहानी आलोक तोमर ने एक्सपोज कर दिया।
    • शाहरूख का कहना है कि
    • मुसलमान होने के नाते इस्लाम मेरे एजेंडे में सर्वोपरि स्थान रखता है।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

मन जब आत्मघाती हो जाता है!! | सारथी

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    • मन और शरीर की रचना आपस में एक दूसरे के पूरक के रूप में कार्य करने के लिये हुई है. यदाकदा मन शरीर से अलग और शरीर मन से अलग कार्य करते हैं.
    • एक मिनिट वासनात्मक कपोल कल्पना में बिताना चार से छ:  मिनिट तीव्र गति से सोचने के तुल्य है. इसका मतलब यह भी है कि दस मिनिट वासना में लिप्त रहने पर एक घंटे की यौनक्रिया के तुल्य रासायनिक परिवर्तन मानव शरीर में संभावित है.
    • वासनात्मक कपोलकल्पना में लिप्त रहता है तो उसके शरीर में जो रासायनिक परिवर्तन होते हैं वे उसको नुक्सान पहुंचा सकते हैं क्योंकि मन सामान्य से दस गुना तेजी से उड रहा है और सामान्य निवृत्ति न होने के कारण शरीर अपने में होने वाली रासायनिक प्रक्रियाओं का नुक्सान उठा रहा है.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India's Romeo and Juliet tragedy

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    • By Sanjoy Majumder
      BBC News, Phaphunda, India
    • It was a story buried in the middle of the Indian newspapers.
    • Amreen was Muslim and her husband, Lokesh, a Hindu. Their match was simply unacceptable to their communities. The couple poisoned themselves.

    • Syeda, aunt of the dead woman
      God knows what madness prompted her to run away with that boy
      Amreen's aunt, Syeda
    • "The boy, Lokesh, would come here every morning to buy milk. That's how he met the girl and they fell in love,"
    • Phaphunda village
    • The pair fell in love buying and selling milk
    • "She was a lovely girl, very innocent and always used to read the Koran. God knows what madness prompted her to run away with that boy. We're all very sad at what happened."
    • "The young couple were legally married and therefore entitled to live together. Their parents and the villagers had no right to put pressure on them and force them to commit suicide. They are guilty of a crime and we will do all we can to build a case against them."

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.