Saturday, April 30, 2011

इस्लाम के दस नियम

इस्लाम के दस नियम: "

यह कहावत सभी जानते है कि सोते हुए व्यक्ति को जगाना आसान होता है ,लेकिन जिसने सोने का ढोंग कर रखा हो ,या जिसे नींद कि गोली दी गयी हो ,उसे जगाना मुश्किल होता है .नादान को समझाने पर वह फ़ौरन समझ जाता है ,लेकिन जन पढ़े लिखे लोगों की अक्ल पर सेकुलर विचारों का पर्दा पड़ा हो ,जो मुसलमानों की चिकनी चुपड़ी मक्कारी भरी बातों में गुमराह हो गए हैं ,उनको समझाना कठिन है .यह लोग नहीं जानते कि आज कश्मीर नाम मात्र को भारत का अंग क्यों बना हुआ है ?क्या इसके लिए मुसलमानों की जिहादी विचारधारा जिमेदार नहीं है ?
अज का हिन्दू सिर्फ मैच देखने ,या बिग बोस जैसे फालतू सीरियल देखने में व्यस्त रहते हैं .और महिलाएं ऐसे सीरियल देखती रहतीं हैं ,जो समाज को तोड़ने के लिए बने हैं .यह एक सोची समझी योजना है .
मुसलमानों ने यही नीति रूस के एक हिस्से "कौकेसिया Caucasia "में अपनायी थी .पाहिले वहां पर आरमीनियन ,अज़रबैजानी लोगों की अधिकता थी .धीमे धीमे मुसलमान अपनी संख्या बढ़ाते गए .और वहां के आतंकी संगठन "हिजबुत तहरीर "और "Muslim Brotherhod "ने वहां इतना आतंक फैलाया की ,वहां के लोग भाग कर आस पास के देशों में चले गए .बाद में उन्ही आतंकी गिरोह ने अपना अलग देश बना लिया .और 9 अगस्त 2008 में इसे आजाद देश घोषित करा दिया .इसकी सीमा ज्योर्जिया ,और रूस से लगी है.यहाँ पर इस्लामी कानून चलता है .यहाँ के शासक को अमीर कहा जाता है .अबतक इस देश के दो अमीर बन चुके हैं .वर्त्तमान आमिर का नाम "دوكوعمروDokku Umarov "है
इसका मकसद पूरे विश्व में इस्लामी राज्य की स्थापना करना है ,यानि "Pan islam "या "अल वहदत अल इस्लामिया الوحدة الاسلاميه"बनाना है .इस आतंकी गिरोह के तार भारत तक जुड़े होने के सबूत मिले हैं .
इस इस्लामी आतंकी दल ने अपने सदस्यों को जो दस आदेश दिए हैं ,वह प्रस्तुत किये जा रहे हैं -

1 - يجب على كل مسلم الاقتداء محمد. Every muslim must follow Mohammed’s example.
हरेक मुसलमान को मुहम्मद के उदाहरण का अनुसरण करना चाहिए.

2 - الجهاد هو أول واجب المسلمين في كل! Jihad is the first duty of ALL MUSLIMS!
जिहाद करना मुसलमानों का पहिला कर्तव्य है.!

3 - يجب تحويل العالم كله إلى الإسلام The whole world must be converted to Islam
सम्पूर्ण विश्व को इस्लाम में बदलना होगा .

4 - سوف الارهاب تجعل الإسلام منتصرا Terror will make Islam victorious.
इस्लाम सिर्फ आतंक से विजयी होता है.

5 - فيعذبه الله العذاب المسلمين أن لا نقاتل في الجهاد.Allah will punish Muslims that don’t fight in Jihad.
जो मुसलमान जिहाद में युद्ध नहीं करेगा ,अल्लाह उसे सख्त सजा देगा .

6 - يجب على المسلمين محاربة كل الكفار في جميع أنحاء العالم ويجب أن تكون قاسية معهم Muslims must fight all infidels around the world and MUST be ruthless with them.

7 -يجب على المسلمين استخدام أي وسيلة تحت تصرفكم لمحاربة الكفار Muslims must use any means at your disposal to fight the Infidel.
मुसलमानों को दुनिया भर के गैर मुस्लिमों से युद्ध करना चाहिए ,और उनसे क्रूरता का वर्ताव करना चाहिए .

8 - يجب على المسلمين أن يقتل كل من يترك الإسلام Muslims must kill anyone who leaves Islam
इस्लाम छोड़ने वालों को मुसलमान क़त्ल दें .

9 - واستشهد لك في قضية الإسلام، والله يأخذك إلى الجنة you are martyred in the cause of Islam, Allah will take you into paradise where you can enjoy unlimited sex with your brand new 72
अगर तुम इस्लाम की खातिर शहीद हो गए ,तो अल्लाह तुम्हें जन्नत में दाखिल कर देगा .जहाँ तुम्हें असीमित वासना पूर्ति के लिए 72 कुँवारी कन्याएं दी जायेंगी .

10 - ومداعبة الأطفال هو ارتفاع مضاهاة The fondling of children is the height of emulation
बच्चों के साथ यौनाचार सबसे बड़ी प्रतियोगिता है.

The Islamic Emirate of Caucasus
यह दस आदेश इस्लामी कौकेसिया की अमीरात के सदर 'दोकू उमरोव' ने अपने दल के लोगों को दिए थे .ताकि वह इन आदेशों का सख्ती से पालन करें ,और करवाएं .
अब यह सब पढ़ने के बाद ,जो लोग मुसलमानों को शांतिप्रिय ,शरीफ ,देशभक्त ,मानते हैं ,और उनकी वकालत करते हैं ,तो उनकी बूढी पर तरस आता है .अगर अब भी हिन्दू नहीं संभले तो ,यहाँ एक नहीं कई इस्लामी देश बन सकते हैं .मुसलमान कैसा भी हो ,मर्द हो ,या औरत ,बच्चा हो या बूढ़ा सब आतंक से इस्लाम फैलाना चाहते हैं.उनकी आपसी सौहार्द ,भाईचारे की बातों में नहीं आयें .आपको इस से बड़ा सबूत और क्या चाहिए ?

Monday, January 31, 2011

IslamDin : Message from the South-West sector Amir, Zakari (ha)
निवेदन -मुसलमानों के खूंखार इरादों ,आतंकी कार्यवाहियों के बारे में पूरी जानकारी के लिए इस दिए गए ब्लॉग को जरूर पढ़िए .!


Bose Founder Gives Majority of Company to MIT

Bose Founder Gives Majority of Company to MIT: "Amar Bose, the founder of Bose Corporation, has donated a majority share of his company to MIT. While the university will not be able to vote or sell its shares, it will be a recipient of stock dividends paid out by the company.

The Audacity of Fraud

The Audacity of Fraud:

Hitler must be credited for revealing a part of human psychology that many of us could not have figure out on our own. It is about the power of the big lie. He said if a lie is small, many people will detect it because everyone says a little lie here and there and are familiar with it. However, most people don’t dare to say colossal lies and since they are incapable of it themselves they fall for it when they hear it.

Can you possibly claim to be the citizen of a country that is not yours and nominate yourself as its president? That is outrageous. How can it be possible to defraud millions of people? That is what you’d ask and hence refuse to even think about it.

The truth is that Obama is not an American citizen. No one ever vetted this man when he filed his nomination for presidency. Everyone thought no one would have the audacity to defraud an entire nation and run for the top office in the word.

The Obama’s birth certificate became the emperor’s invisible cloth. No one had seen it, but everyone was sure that it must exist because if it didn’t, others would have said something about it.

Obama posted a computer generated certification of live birth on his website, with no signatures on it. Most people accepted it as authentic. A few wanted to see the long form with some signatures on it.

Col Terry Lakin demanded that Obama prove his eligibility and was jailed for refusing to obey orders that he thought were illegitimate.

Over thirty lawsuits were filed demanding Obama to prove his citizenship. He spent over two million dollars in lawyers’ fee to avoid proving it. Col. Terry Lakin, a decorated American soldier refused to obey the orders of his superiors unless Obama, his alleged commander in chief, proved his legitimacy. Obama could release his BC and resolve the matter. He didn’t and this patriotic American soldier was imprisoned.

The rumors did not die. More and more people wanted to know the truth. Then came along Donald Trump and made finding the truth about Obama’s eligibility a cornerstone of his campaign. Suddenly, his rating soared and he became a forerunner for the Republican nomination. Obama realized he can no longer dodge the question. On 27th of April, after laughing at the question for two years and fighting it in the courts, he finally released his birth certificate.

There is nothing out of the ordinary in that BC. Why he did not release it sooner? Why he spent over two million dollars to not show it? Why did he let a patriotic American colonel go to jail when all he had to do was show this document? The answer is that he did not have a birth certificate then and he does not have it now.

On the surface it appears that the matter is settled. The liberal media viciously attacked the “birthers” and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC bashed Orly Taitz like a rabid dog. (Watch the disgraceful conduct of this Liberal) Obama seemed to have won the day. In a speech full of hubris he derided the truthers and called them “carnival barkers.”

Not so fast Mr. Obama. The birth certificate you posted on site is tampered. This document is created by Phototshop and whoever has done it was not an expert. This is the document.

The first problem with this document is that it appears to be one sheet and two sheets at the same time. On the left, the paper is cut and slides behind itself. This defies the laws of physic. The paper has become longer after being cut.

This picture shows numbers that were not generated at the same time. This is evidence that the document has been tampered.

A closer analysis of the document reveals that the characters are not of the same color. Some characters are blurred, which is normal. Ink is absorbed by the paper and creates a blurred edge. When scanned and enlarged they will show multicolored. However most of the characters in that document are monochromatic and have sharp edges. This is only possible if the characters are computer generated.

You can see this yourself by enlarging the document. Download a trial version of Adobe Illustrator CS5 from Adobe site for free. Save the document from site and open it in Adobe Illustrator.

On the right, you’ll find a row of buttons. Click on the Layers and then the arrow next to the main layer. You’ll find the document has several layers. This should not happen if the document is scanned from paper, in which case you’d get only one layer.

Now go ahead and close the layers one by one by clicking on the eye. As you close them the objects on those layers disapear. By the time you have closed all the layers, except the last one you’ll see that most of the text has disapeared, and what is left is the background and the signature.

This is the smoking gun. This document is fake. It does not take a forensic specialist to see it. The forgery has been made by someone with very little knowledge of Photoshop and layers, which makes me believe that it is done by Obama himself.

Some people say that if the scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software is left on, it attempts to translate characters or words in a photograph into text.

Assuming this was the case, we still don’t have an explanation as to why there are so many layers. OCR does not separate texts in different layers.

Obama could have hidden his track only if he had printed his final work and then scanned it, in which case the layers would have disappeared and also the differences in the characters would have been less noticeable. Well, even the smartest crooks commit mistake. Can we have any doubt that we have an impostor in the Whitehouse? Tampering with one’s birth certificate is a crime. This alone is enough to drag this criminal out of the White House and send him to the big house.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Orly Taze has been investigating Obama for over two years and she has found that he has been using several social security numbers. The social security number he is using now belonged to a man who was born in 1890. ID theft is a crime. Obama is a common criminal. Apart from Islam this is the biggest fraud ever perpetrated in history. When was the last time that a common criminal usurped the highest power in the world through fraud?

Obama’s crimes do not concern me. That is up to Americans to decide how to deal with this gangster. What concerns me is his ties with Islam. He has put “devout Muslims” in charge of Homeland Security. That is like entrusting the chicken coop to the foxes. Obama is a crook and he is dangerous. This fake birth certificate alone should be enough to lock him up in jail.

The birth certificate is fake. But even if it weren’t Obama still would not be eligible to be the POTUS because when he was naturalized as an Indonesian he lost his American citizenship.

Donald Trump did a great work forcing this impostor to make this move that should seal his doom. This is the end of Obama. I can’t wait to see this criminal behind the bars.

Fasting (April 30, 2011) to Repeal Surrender Certificate Rule by Indian Government

Fasting (April 30, 2011) to Repeal Surrender Certificate Rule by Indian Government: "from Dharma Sthapana

date Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at
9:23 PM

subject Fasting April 30,

36-Hour Fast on April 30, 2011 to protest: retroactive rules, high fees, and bureaucratic hurdles that bar Indian-American connection to homeland
Indian-Americans across the United States are protesting recent Indian embassy rules that rupture diasporic connections to their homeland. Many will participate in a 36-hour silent fast on April 30th

Hindu kush mountains -- let us remember our past to safe guard our future. We saw this for the next 1000years

Hindu kush mountains -- let us remember our past to safe guard our future. We saw this for the next 1000years: "


Unlike the Jewish holocaust, the exact toll of the Hindu genocide suggested by the name Hindu Kush is not available. However the number is easily likely to be in millions. Few known historical figures can be used to justify this estimate. Encyclopedia Britannica informs that in December 1398 AD, Timur Lane ordered the execution of at least 50,000 captives before the battle for Delhi, .. and after the battle those inhabitants (of Delhi) not killed were removed (as slaves) (17), while other reference says that the number of captives butchered by Timur Lane's army was about 100,000 (18). Later on Encyclopedia Britannica mentions that the (secular?) Mughal emperor Akbar 'ordered the massacre of about 30,000 (captured) Rajput Hindus on February 24, 1568 AD, after the battle for Chitod' (19). Another reference indicates that this massacre of 30,000 Hindu peasants at Chitod is recorded by Abul Fazl, Akbar's court historian himself (20). These two 'one day' massacres are sufficient to provide a reference point for estimating the scale of Hindu genocide. The Afgan historian Khondamir records that during one of the many repeated invasions on the city of Herat in western Afganistan, 1,500,000 residents perished (11).

Since some of the Moslem conquerors took Indian plainsmen as slaves, a question comes : whatever happened to this slave population? The startling answer comes from New York Times (May-June 1993 issues). The Gypsies are wandering peoples in Europe. They have been persecuted in almost every country. Nazis killed 300,000 gypsies in the gas chambers. These Gypsies have been wandering around Central Asia and Europe since around the 12 th Century AD. Until now their country of origin could not be identified. Also their Language has had very little in common with the other European languages. Recent studies however show that their language is similar to Punjabi and to a lesser degree to Sanskrit. Thus the Gypsies most likely originated from the greater Punjab. The time frame of Gypsy wanderings also coincides early Islamic conquests hence most likely their ancestors were driven out of their homes in Punjab and taken as slaves over the Hindu Kush.

The theory of Gypsie origins in India was first proposed over two centuries ago. It is only recently that linguistic and other proofs have been verified. Even the Gypsie leadership now accepts India as the country of their origin.

Thus it is evident that the mountain range was named as Hindu Kush as a reminder to the future Hindu generations of the slaughter and slavery of Hindus during the Moslem conquests.

(United States) A recent survey found a higher number of people claiming a Hindu affiliation

(United States) A recent survey found a higher number of people claiming a Hindu affiliation: "Slow, steady
Hindu growth

Posted on April 28, 2011 by Peter Smith

Hinduism has grown slowly and steadily in the United States
— mainly through immigration from India, and much less through American-born
converts led by high-profile gurus or groups chanting in public squares and

Those are some conclusions of a recent survey by the
Institute of"

"Afghans can draw on pre-Islamic past to solve identity crisis" writes Nushin Arbabzadah (Afghan-born Guardian journalist)

"Afghans can draw on pre-Islamic past to solve identity crisis" writes Nushin Arbabzadah (Afghan-born Guardian journalist): "from Ravi date Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 2:58 AMsubject "Afghans can draw on pre-Islamic past to solve identity crisis" writes Nushin Arbabzadah (Afghan-born Guardian journalist) Afghans can draw on pre-Islamic past to solve identity crisisThe recent discovery of a 2,600-year-old Buddhist monastery highlights a rich and complex hidden history

The lack of fully-conducted archaeological survey unveiling the Afghans' past is at the heart of the dilemma and absurdity of Afghan nationalism. It is here that the importance of preserving the country's past becomes obvious. The evidence of a distinct cultural past that Afghans can claim as their own offers them a chance to formulate an alternative identity that draws upon more than religious zealotry.

Needless to say, this alternative identity cannot be created without evidence provided by archaeology. After all, it is only through such evidence that Afghans can fully understand who they are in addition to being Muslims.

That is why the preservation of the Buddhist site to the north of Kabul is not a luxury but a necessity. The site's acknowledgement could be the first step towards wisdom and true self-knowledge in Afghanistan. After all, as Lao-Tzu wisely realised, knowing others is intelligence but knowing oneself is true wisdom.

Peace March in Pakistan from Gujranwala to Lahore--Pakistan Hindu Council

Peace March in Pakistan from Gujranwala to Lahore--Pakistan Hindu Council: "from Sudhir Gandotradate Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 7:55 AMsubject Re: PAKISTAN HINDU SOUVENIR (2011)

We invite you to join
the Peace March in Pakistan
from Gujranwala to Lahore
from Saturday, May 7 at 5:00pm - May 8 at 6:00pm

Peace March will start from Gujranwala on 7th May, at 10 AM from Gujranwala Bar
and end on 8th May, at 6PM at Tomb of Allama Iqbal, Lahore.

People from different"

USCIRF places India in the 'Watch List' of countries along with Russia, Afghanistan and Cuba...

USCIRF places India in the 'Watch List' of countries along with Russia, Afghanistan and Cuba...: "April 28, 2011 - 10:39pm decision of the US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) to place India in the 'Watch List' of countries along with Russia, Afghanistan and Cuba raises questions of bias and flawed methodology, a Washington-based eminent Hindu group said here."USCIRF's decision to club India in with a dozen or so of the worst violators of"

Kolhapur: ‘Hunger strike’ receives good response on the third day !

Kolhapur: ‘Hunger strike’ receives good response on the third day !: "Kolhapur (Maharashtra): ‘Chain hunger strike’ by pro-Hindu activists and devotees continued on the third consecutive day protesting against allowing women in the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Mahalakshmi Temple."

There is recitation of ‘Veda-mantras’ when ‘puja’ is performed. Chanting of ‘mantras’ generates immense heat. If women recites ‘Veda-mantras’, as their reproductive organs are inside the pelvic region, the heat so generated can harm them; can adversely affect their uterus; therefore, ‘shastra’ does not permit women to recite ‘Veda-mantras’. As a result, they do not have a right to perform ‘puja’. MLA should try to understand the science and should not interfere in matters related to Hindu Dharma !

Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi
Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi

Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha at Vikroli

Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha at Vikroli: "Congress President Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi cannot be forced to declare their religion under the ‘Right to information (RTI)’. Instead of taking shield of this verdict, Soniaji and Rahul should take the people of this country into confidence and disclose the religion followed by them, appealed Mr. Kulkarni."

Muslims put bus on fire, 15 Hindus burnt alive in Pak

Muslims put bus on fire, 15 Hindus burnt alive in Pak: "Quetta (Pakistan): Atleast 15 Hindus, including women and children, were burnt alive when unidentified Muslim criminals torched a passenger bus near Sibi in Pakistan's Baluchistan province in the wee hours of today, police said."

Sonia, Sharad Pawar and Karkare behind my arrest : Sadhvi Pragya

Sonia, Sharad Pawar and Karkare behind my arrest : Sadhvi Pragya: "Congress President Sonia Gandhi and Central Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar are the best persons to ask about my association with Malegaon bomb blast that took place in the year 2008. Sonia Gandhi, Sharad Pawar, Digvijay Singh and Hemant Karkare are responsible for my arrest."

Bangalore: Hindu-traitors damage the hoardings propagating Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha

Bangalore: Hindu-traitors damage the hoardings propagating Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha: "Bangalore (Karnataka): It has been observed that some Hindu-traitors have damaged hoardings and tore off banners, which were erected to propagate Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha organised here by HJS on 1 May 2011."

Photo of damaged hoarding - 1
Photo of damaged hoarding - 1
Photo of damaged hoarding - 2
Photo of damaged hoarding - 2
Photo of tore wall posters
Photo of tore wall posters
Photo of damaged hoarding - 3
Photo of damaged hoarding - 3
Photo of tore banner - 1
Photo of tore banner - 1

साध्वी प्रज्ञा!! तुम इसी बर्ताव के लायक हो… Sadhvi Pragya, Malegaon Bomb Blast, Sunil Joshi Murder Case

साध्वी प्रज्ञा!! तुम इसी बर्ताव के लायक हो… Sadhvi Pragya, Malegaon Bomb Blast, Sunil Joshi Murder Case:

मालेगाँव बम ब्लास्ट की प्रमुख आरोपी के रूप में महाराष्ट्र सरकार द्वारा “मकोका” कानून के तहत जेल में निरुद्ध, साध्वी प्रज्ञा को देवास (मप्र) की एक कोर्ट में पेशी के लिये कल मुम्बई पुलिस लेकर आई। साध्वी के चेहरे पर असह्य पीड़ा झलक रही थी, उन्हें रीढ़ की हड्डी में तकलीफ़ की वजह से बिस्तर पर लिटाकर ही ट्रेन से उतारना पड़ा। कल ही उन्हें देवास की स्थानीय अदालत में पेश किया गया, परन्तु खड़े होने अथवा बैठने में असमर्थ होने की वजह से जज को एम्बुलेंस के दरवाजे पर आकर साध्वी प्रज्ञा (Sadhvi Pargya) से बयान लेना पड़ा। यहीं पर डॉक्टरों की एक टीम द्वारा उनकी जाँच की गई और रीढ़ की हड्डी में असहनीय दर्द की वजह से उन्हें अस्पताल में भर्ती करने की सलाह जारी की गई। मुम्बई में मकोका कोर्ट ने प्रज्ञा के स्वास्थ्य को देखते हुए उन्हें ट्रेन में AC से ले जाने की अनुमति दी थी, बावजूद इसके महाराष्ट्र पुलिस उन्हें स्लीपर में लेकर आई। (Harsh Treatment to Sadhvi Pragya)

इससे पहले भी कई बार विभिन्न अखबारी रिपोर्टों में साध्वी प्रज्ञा को पुलिस अभिरक्षा में प्रताड़ना, मारपीट एवं धर्म भ्रष्ट करने हेतु जबरन अण्डा खिलाने जैसे अमानवीय कृत्यों की खबरें आती रही हैं।

साध्वी प्रज्ञा से सिर्फ़ इतना ही कहना चाहूँगा कि एक “धर्मनिरपेक्ष”(?) देश में आप इसी सलूक के लायक हैं, क्योंकि हमारा देश एक “सेकुलर राष्ट्र” कहलाता है। साध्वी जी, आप पर मालेगाँव बम विस्फ़ोट (Malegaon Blast) का आरोप है…। और एक महिला होने पर भी आप जिस तरह खून के आँसू रो रही हैं… यह तो होना ही था। ऐसा क्यों? तो लीजिये पढ़ लीजिये –

1) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम संसद पर हमला करने वाली अफ़ज़ल गुरु (Afzal Guru) नहीं हो कि तुम्हें VIP की तरह “ट्रीटमेण्ट” दिया जाए, तुम्हें सुबह के अखबार पढ़ने को दिये जाएं, नियमित डॉक्टरी जाँच करवाई जाए…

2) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम “भारत की इज्जत लूटने वाले” अजमल कसाब की तरह भी नहीं हो कि तुम्हें इत्र-फ़ुलैल दिया जाए, स्पेशल सेल में रखा जाए, अण्डा-चिकन जैसे पकवान खिलाए जाएं… तुम पर करोड़ों रुपये खर्च किये जाएं…

3) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम बिनायक सेन (Binayak Sen) भी तो नहीं हो, कि तुम्हारे लिये वामपंथी, सेकुलर और “दानवाधिकारवादी” सभी एक सुर में “रुदालियाँ” गाएं…। न ही अभी तुम्हारी इतनी औकात है कि तुम्हारी खातिर, अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर “चर्च की साँठगाँठ से कोई मैगसेसे या नोबल पुरस्कार” की जुगाड़ लगाई जा सके…

4) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम्हें तो शायद हमारे “सेकुलर” देश में महिला भी नहीं माना जाता, क्योंकि यदि ऐसा होता तो जो “महिला आयोग”(?) राखी सावन्त/मीका चुम्बन जैसे निहायत घटिया और निजी मामले में दखल दे सकता है… वह तुम्हारी हालत देखकर पसीजता…

5) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम तो “सो कॉल्ड” हिन्दू वीरांगना भी नहीं हो, क्योंकि भले ही तुम्हारा बचाव करते न सही, लेकिन कम से कम मानवीय, उचित एवं सदव्यवहार की माँग करते भी, किसी “ड्राइंगरूमी” भाजपाई या हिन्दू नेता को न ही सुना, न ही देखा…

6) और हाँ, साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम तो कनिमोझी (Kanimojhi) जैसी “समझदार” भी नहीं हो, वरना देश के करोड़ों रुपये लूटकर भी तुम कैमरों पर बेशर्मों की तरह मुस्करा सकती थीं, सेकुलर महिला शक्ति तुम पर नाज़ करती… करोड़ों रुपयों में तुम्हारा बुढ़ापा भी आसानी से कट जाता… लेकिन अफ़सोस तुम्हें यह भी करना नहीं आया…

7) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम्हारे साथ दिक्कत ये भी है कि तुम अरुंधती रॉय (Arundhati Roy’s Anti-National Remarks) जैसी महिला भी नहीं हो, जो सरेआम भारत देश, भारतवासियों, भारत की सेना सहित सभी को गरियाने के बावजूद “फ़ाइव स्टार होटलों” में प्रेस कांफ़्रेंस लेती रहे…

8) साध्वी प्रज्ञा… तुम तो पूनम पाण्डे जैसी छिछोरी भी नहीं हो, कि दुनिया के सबसे बड़े लोकतन्त्र के “परिपक्व मीडिया”(?) की निगाह तुम पर पड़े, और वह तुम्हें कवरेज दे…

कहने का मतलब ये है साध्वी प्रज्ञा… कि तुम में बहुत सारे दोष हैं, जैसे कि तुम “हिन्दू” हो, तुम “भगवा” पहनती हो, तुम कांग्रेसियों-वामपंथियों-सेकुलरों के मुँह पर उन्हें सरेआम लताड़ती हो, तुम फ़र्जी मानवाधिकारवादी भी नहीं हो, तुम विदेशी चन्दे से चलने वाले NGO की मालकिन भी नहीं हो… बताओ ऐसा कैसे चलेगा?

सोचो साध्वी प्रज्ञा, जरा सोचो… यदि तुम कांग्रेस का साथ देतीं तो तुम्हें भी ईनाम में अंबिका सोनी या जयन्ती नटराजन की तरह मंत्रीपद मिल जाता…, यदि तुम वामपंथियों की तरफ़ “सॉफ़्ट कॉर्नर” रखतीं, तो तुम भी सूफ़िया मदनी (अब्दुल नासेर मदनी की बीबी) की तरह आराम से घूम-फ़िर सकती थीं, NIA द्वारा बंगलोर बस बम विस्फ़ोट की जाँच किये जाने के बावजूद पुलिस को धमका सकती थीं… यानी तुम्हें एक “विशेषाधिकार” मिल जाता। बस तुम्हें इतना ही करना था कि जैसे भी हो "सेकुलरिज़्म की चैम्पियन" बन जातीं, बस… फ़िर तुम्हारे आगे महिला आयोग, मानवाधिकार आयोग, सब कदमों में होते। महिलाओं के दुखों और पीड़ा को महसूस करने वाली तीस्ता जावेद सीतलवाड, शबाना आज़मी, मल्लिका साराभाई सभी तुमसे मिलने आतीं… तुम्हें जेल में खीर-मलाई आदि सब कुछ मिलता…।

लेकिन अब कुछ नहीं किया जा सकता… जन्म ने तुम्हें “हिन्दू” बना दिया और महान सेकुलरिज़्म ने उसी शब्द के आगे “आतंकवादी” और जोड़ दिया…। साध्वी प्रज्ञा, इस “सेकुलर, लोकतांत्रिक, मानवीय और सभ्य” देश में तुम इसी बर्ताव के लायक हो…