Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jagran - Yahoo! India - सब कुछ झुका-झुका सा है हुमा के शैवपीठ में

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    • महानदी तट पर बसे एक छोटे से गांव हुमाका शैवपीठरोम के पीसा की झुकी मीनार से कम आश्चर्यजनक नहीं। विमलेश्वरबाबा के नाम से प्रसिद्ध इस शैवपीठमें सब कुछ झुका-झुका सा नजर आता है। इसे हुमाव्रकमंदिर के नाम से जाना जाता है। हुमामें स्थित यह वक्र शिव मंदिर शायद भारत का एकमात्र मंदिर हैं, जिसका गुंबद तो सीधा है, लेकिन किसी भी दिशा से देखने पर यह झुका हुआ दिखाई देता है। यहां नदी में कुडोमछली भी दर्शनार्थियोंके आकर्षण की केंद्र हैं। विमलेश्वरबाबा का मंदिर किसी भी कोण से देखने पर एक ओर झुका नजर आता है। मंदिर की इस खास विशेषता को देखने दूर-दूर से पर्यटक यहां आते हैं और शैवपीठपरिसर में सब कुछ झुका-झुका देखकर चकित हो जाते हैं।
    • संबलपुर [राधेश्याम वर्मा]

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Reservations to muslims at the cost of hindu taxpayers: Togadia

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    • By: Ch. Narendra
    Reservations to muslims at the cost of hindu taxpayers: Togadia
    • This is all twisting the constitution & exploiting the hard working Hindus. Majority Hindus from middle class, higher middle class & other working / business class work hard & pay taxes. Instead of giving benefit of this money to the poor Hindus, Hindu Scheduled castes, Hindu OBCs & Tribes, government is all out to use this money to subsidize Muslims who do not even limit number of children quoting religion. This is not only unfair to Hindus but also it is a criminal looting of Hindus.”

      Dr Togadia termed the Sachhar & Rangnath Mishra reports as “Preparation for Criminal Looting of Hindus”. He further added, “Andhra 4% quota, Sachhar & Rangnath reports & now West Bengal giving 10% reservations to Muslims are not sporadic isolated incidents. They are well connected & are a part of a larger conspiracy against Hindus. This criminal conspiracy of looting Hindus is being hatched to please & appease Muslim vote bank. Today Union government also announced that youth from POK would be encouraged to come to J&K & would be given special facilities. At this moment 78% Hindu youth in Bharat are unemployed, 79% Hindu farmers have already lost their lands / crops & most are about to commit suicides, 68% Hindu children are mal nourished. Yet, instead of helping them, governments are showering favours on Muslims. This is not acceptable to Hindus.”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Rahul should avoid demagoguery

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    • Rahul should avoid demagoguery
    • Sidharth Mishra

    • Rahul Gandhi must stick to a progressive agenda and not get into a duel with the retrograde forces. Gimmicks may get him some electoral dividends but in long-term its good governance and development which would yield results.

      Protection of the migrants in Mumbai is the job of the Maharashtra Government, at which it has constantly failed. Rahul Gandhi would do better to take Chief Minister Ashok Chavan to task rather than do a reality TV show on a Mumbai local.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.