Friday, December 11, 2009

'Decision to form Islamic Banking dangerous for India' |

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    • Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy on Tuesday criticised the LDF government’s decision to accord sanction for formation of an Islamic banking company by the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC), reports The Hindu.

      According to the leading South Indian English daily, Subramanian Swami while speaking to reporters said that the proposed banking company had to follow Islamic law. The decision was “scandalous and dangerous” for the country.

    • Kochi
    • Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy coming out of the Kerala High Court in Kochi on Tuesday after presenting his case against the proposed Islamic banking company

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Indian or B’deshi, Muslim or Hindu... crisis for ULFA kids

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    • Guwahati
    • Disoriented and bewildered about their names, their religion and their identity, the children of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) leaders arrested last week are still trying to come to terms with the reality of their lives and those of their fugitive fathers.
      Khamchen Bohagi and Gadadhar, the two children of outlawed ULFA chief Arabinda Rajkhowa, are surprised to see their father's handcuffed photographs and television images and are constantly asking their mother Kaveri what is wrong.
      As far as Bohagi, 13, and Gadadhar, 5, know, their father is a businessman in Bangladesh and his name is Mizanur Rahman Choudhury.  The two children, now lodged at the 4th Assam Police Battalion headquarter guesthouse in Guwahati, did not know they are Assamese nor that their father is a separatist leader and one of India's most wanted fugitives until his arrest last week.
      "Both the children speak only Bengali and were made to believe they were Muslims.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Hindu temple faces demolition in Malaysia

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    • Kuala Lumpur
    • A Hindu temple in Malaysia’s Perak state will decide in a week whether or not it will vacate the temple premises, as per the district council’s order.

      Meanwhile, Tronoh assemblyman V. Sivakumar appealed to the Sri Maha Kali-amman Hindu temple in Batu Gajah committee to consider all repercussions before reaching a decision.

    • According to The Star Online, the notice was issued after the owners of a food stall beside the temple complained that the structure was built illegally on council land.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Telegraph Nepal : Refusing Chinese invitation Nepal President set for India visit

    • The President of the Republic, Dr. Ram Baran Yadav, who had refused the Chinese Invitation to participate in the Beijing Olympics, August 2008, too is flying to the preferred destination of Nepal’s political actors, India, February 15, 2009.
    • Be that as it may, the three day visit of the Ceremonial Head of the State to India will be the first after Nepal’s 240 Years Old Hindu Monarchy abolished by Nepal’s political parties with the support of the former rebel party the Maoists which was planned with the tacit support of the Indian establishment.
    • Dr. Yadav will also visit Haridwar, the famous Hindu pilgrimage site in India.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Muslim artist sculpts Lord Ram’s statue in Kerala | Top News

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    Muslim artist sculpts Lord Ram’s statue in Kerala
    • Thrissur
    • Thrissur,
    • A Muslim mason in Thrissur district of Kerala has designed and sculpted an idol of Lord Rama for the local Hindu temple.
    • Rasheed and his wife have spent all their savings to sculpt and install this idol.

      “Being an Indian every one of us should protect India as our own country. Let an individual be from any religion - Muslim, Hindu or Christian or belong to any caste, it is our duty to save our country. So I sculptured the idol of Lord Ram to spread awareness about communal amity to those people who kill one another in the name of religion," said Abdul Rasheed.

      Hindus have applauded and welcomed his move and said that the idol will be duly placed on a pedestal at the Triprayar Rama Temple after obtaining permission from the state''s governing body of temples.

    • The six feet high idol is entirely made-up of concrete.
    • He has formed a small group of like-minded people in the village.

      Members of this forum in their free time interact with the villagers as a part of their crusade against the evils of alcohol and tobacco.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

एक मुस्लिम कर रहा गीता का अनुवाद

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    • उत्तर प्रदेश के इस आस्थावानमुस्लिम ने पवित्र हिंदू धर्म ग्रंथ गीता का उर्दू में अनुवाद करने का सपना वर्षो पहले देखा था और आज यह उनका मिशन बन चुका है। सांप्रदायिक सद्भावना की अलख जगाने का जज्बा रखने वाला यह शख्स इस ग्रंथ का गीतात्मक संस्करण तैयार कर रहा है।

      यूं तो अभी तक उन्हें 40श्र£ोकोंका ही अनुवाद करने में सफलता मिली है, पर वे इस मिशन में बडी कामयाबी हासिल करना चाहते हैं। लखनऊ से करीब 200किलोमीटर दूर अंबेडकर नगर जिले के रहने वाले ए.जलालपुरी पिछले पांच वर्षों से गीता का अनुवाद करने में लगे हैं। गीता को इस तरह अनूदित किया जा रहा है कि लोग उसे किसी गीत की तरह पढ सकें।

    • लखनऊ।
    • उन्होंने एक बातचीत के क्रम में कहा कि गीता का उर्दू में अनुवाद करना कठिन काम नहीं है, लेकिन पूरे ग्रंथ को गीतात्मक रूप देना आसान काम नहीं है। मेरे लिए यह वाकई बडी चुनौती है, लेकिन मुझे उम्मीद है कि इस मिशन में मैं सफल रहूंगा।
    • वह कहते हैं कि कोई व्यक्ति मुझसे यह पूछ सकता है कि अगर पांच साल में 40श्र£ोकोंका ही अनुवाद हुआ है तो पूरा ग्रंथ कुछ महीनों में कैसे पूरा हो सकता है? मेरा जवाब यह है कि सरकारी शिक्षक होने के कारण मुझे पूरा वक्त नहीं मिल पाता। अगर मैं कुछ महीने इसी कार्य पर ध्यान केंद्रित करूं तो यह काम पूरा हो सकता है।

      वह अंगे्रजी के शिक्षक हैं। उनके दिमाग में यह योजना तब कौंधी थी जब उन्होंने 1979में उर्दू में पीएचडी कोर्स में दाखिला लिया था।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

धर्म परिवर्तन पर मचा हंगामा

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    • फरीदाबाद
    • शहर में सक्रिय एक धार्मिक संस्था के संचालकों पर एक बच्ची का धर्म परिवर्तन कर नाम बदलने का आरोप लगाया गया है।
    • परिजनों का आरोप है कि उनकी बच्ची का नाम स्कूल में दाखिला कराते समय बदल दिया गया। सेक्टर-19 के चौकी प्रभारी रघुबीर का इस मामले में कहना है कि वे स्कूल का रिकार्ड जांच करने के बाद ही कुछ कह सकते हैं।

      अगर स्कूल केरिकार्ड में बच्ची का नाम बदला हुआ पाया गया वे कार्रवाई करेंगे। शहर में ब्राजील निवासी कुछ लोग चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट चलाते हैं। इसमें दर्जनभर से अधिक बच्चे रहते हैं। इस संस्था का कार्यालय सेक्टर-21डी में है

    • उन्होंने बताया उनकी पुत्री अनीला का नाम बदल कर मैरी कर दिया गया और स्कूल में नाम भी मैरी लिखा है।
    • पुलिस दोनों बच्चों को चौकी पर ले आई और सुरेश के हवाले कर दिया। विश्व हिंदू परिषद के विभाग संगठन मंत्री बीआर सिंगला का कहना है कि यह धर्म परिवर्तन का मामला है और पुलिस द्वारा इसकी सही तरीके से जांच की जानी चाहिए। बच्चों के नाम बदले गए हैं।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

38 साल बाद भी विस्थापित

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    • बीकानेर
    • नवीन शर्मा
    • भारतीय सेना ने पाकिस्तानी फौज को खदेड़कर पाकिस्तान के मीरपुरसाहब क्षेत्र पर कब्जा कर लिया।
    • मुस्लिम समुदाय सिंध की तरफ पलायन कर गया और बड़ी संख्या में हिन्दू भारतीय सीमा के बाड़मेर क्षेत्र में पहुंच गए। उन्होंने अपना डेरा बाखासर गांव के रिफ्यूजी कैम्प में डाल दिया।
    • वर्ष 1980 में सरकार ने विस्थापितों को भूमि देकर यहां बसाया था। त्रिलोकाराम के पिता को 25 बीघा भूमि उस वक्त मिली थी, जो अब तक एक इंच भी नहीं बढ़ी। साठ सदस्यों वाले इस परिवार में भूमि का बंटवारा किया जाए तो किसी को गेहूं का एक दाना बिजाई जितना हिस्सा भी न मिले। यह दयनीय हालत त्रिलोकाराम जैसे पूगल और बज्जू क्षेत्र में बसे करीब दस हजार पाक विस्थापितों में से अधिकांश की है। सरकार ने इन्हें भारत में रहने का अधिकार तो दिया लेकिन आज भी यह परिवार मूलभूत सुविधाओं और अन्य अधिकारों से वंचित हैं।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

आस्ट्रेलिया की संसद में गूंजा धर्म-सद्भाव

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    • आस्ट्रेलिया की संसद में बीते दिवस धर्म और सद्भाव की बातें गूंजीं। संतों ने समाज को सुधारने और मानव के उत्थान के लिए धर्म की दिशा दिखाई। संसद में पूज्य स्वामी चिदानंद मुनी सरस्वती महाराज सहित कई संतों ने अपने विचार रखे।
    • मेलबर्न।
    • मेलबर्न
    • हिंदुत्व का हवाला देते हुए मुनिजी ने कहा कि हमें पढाया जाता है कि सभी प्रकार के उच्च व आदर्श विचार सभी धर्मो से आये हैं। हमें बताया जाता है कि सत्य एक है लेकिन उसके रूप व आकार भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के हैं। सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: का हवाला देते हुए मुनीजी ने कहा कि हमारे यहां पूजा करने वाला व्यक्ति सिर्फ हिंदू के लिए ही पूजा नहीं करता। हिंदुत्व बताता है कि ईश्वर सर्वव्यापी। वह सभी प्राणियों व सभी चीजों में निहित है।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

The Pioneer > > Secularism’s rage boys

    • Secularism’s rage boys

      Balbir K Punj
    • Why are such hysterical responses reserved only for issues such as the demolition of the Babri structure, which appeal only to fundamentalist sections of the Muslim community? The rest of the problems plaguing the country are either met with deafening silence or at best muted responses on the part of the ‘secularists’.
    • One of the most shameful chapters in our country’s recent history is the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits and the destruction of numerous Hindu temples in the Kashmir Valley at the hands of Islamic fundamentalists. More than two decades have passed since the beginning of militancy in the Valley but half-a-million Pandits continue to be refugees in their own country. Nothing tangible has been done to rehabilitate them in their homeland. Could there be anything more scandalous?

      Over two crore Bangladeshi Muslims have infiltrated into India over the past three decades. Barring a few deportations, all of them have made themselves comfortable and most of them have even managed to register themselves as Indian voters. As a result, the demographic character of several parts of the country has undergone a sea change. Does this “demographic invasion” (to quote from an Assam High Court judgement) prick the conscience of our ‘secularists’? Is it not disgraceful that foreigners have a say in electing our members of Parliament and legislatures?
    • --

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

VHP concerned over Bangladeshis settling in Jammu

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    • Jammu
    • Vishwa Hindu Parishad here today appealed to the Centre and the state government to take measures against illegal settlement of Bangladeshi migrants in and around Jammu.

      "We have reports that nearly 40,000 Bangladeshis and members of a particular community from outside have illegally settled in several areas of the region in past two decades," VHP state president Rama Kant Dubey told reporters here.
    • The pradesh VHP chief claimed that most of the forest land and Bilwar, Devik, Basantar and Kathua have been encroached by these people.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


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    • Why smaller states alone? Why not smaller countries? If Ajit Singh wants a separate state because people have to travel 700 kms to the state capital, then why not separate countries for people living thousands of kilometers from Delhi? Who will decide how far is too far? What about the distance of Novosibirsk from Moscow? Or Lhasa from Beijing? Similarly, if it difficult to govern big states, should it it not, by the same logic, be easier to govern smaller countries? How many countries should India be further cut into? And, pray, how much better are the much smaller and much more homogeneous countries of the sub-continent being governed? Is Pakistan an example to follow of a religion-based creation? Is Bangladesh proof that a country with one predominant religion, culture and language is better governed? What about Nepal? Why is no one talking about the scorching success story of China and its huge provinces?
    • Look at the irony. European nations, which were at each others' throats for centuries, are dismantling borders and converting a continent into their common, secular home. Yes, it took countless small wars and two world wars for them to wake up from their follies that needlessly killed perhaps hundreds of millions of them.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

How to solve the problem of media terrorism | Great Hindu

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    • The Indian media is bent on maligning Hindus.  It is projecting terror on peaceful Hindus while condoning Islamic terrorism and hailing Islam as a religon of peace and brotherhood.  While the media ignores our friendly neighbourhood Islamic terrorists, it goes out of its way to indict Sadhvi Pragya .
    • Let me just give two examples of recent times.  When The Hindu published the cartoon of Prophet Mohammed, Muslims blew a short fuse and made the newspaper apologize.  However, the same apology is not forthcoming when M F Hussain paints Bharat Mata nude.  It is as if Islamic sentiments are Kosher and Hindu sentiments can be played away as “Freedom of Expression” and “artistic licence”.

      Take the famous case of Godhra and Gujarat riots.  The media highlights Gujarat riots (Hindu retaliation), while it ignores Godhra and even tries to justify it by cooking a story that Ram Sewaks had tried to the abduct the daughter of an Islamic vendor.

    • The Media Psycology: Now let me tell you the secret of media psycology.  They are somewhat like the Padre.  Kick the Padre and he will lick your feet.  Feed him and he will poison you.
    • So the logic is clear.  Be Islamic when it comes to confronting the media.  They will come out with a front-page apology.  If you try to clarify things with them, they will shame you more.
    • Even a Foreign Correspondent of a respectable foreign media told me the same.  ”It is very easy to deal with Indian media.  Just break a few bones in their body and they will come begging before you”.

      What I am saying is not provactory but practical.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.