Tuesday, April 5, 2011

VivekaJyoti: America, Sonia, Congress and hanging of Afzal Guru

VivekaJyoti: America, Sonia, Congress and hanging of Afzal Guru

अमेरिकi, सोनिया, कांग्रेस और अफजल गुरु
अफजल को सोनिया ने बचाकर रखा है : विकिलीक्स

विकिलिक्स के हवाले से आई ख़बरों के अनुसार अफजल गुरु के मुद्दे पर पूर्व राष्ट्रपति कलाम और सोनिया गाँधी आमने-सामने थे |दैनिक भास्कर में छपी खबर में यह कहा गया है कि 20 अक्टूबर, 2006 को अमेरिकी दूतावास के राजनयिक जेफरी पैट ने गुप्त दस्तावेज (82638) में यह भी कहा गया था, ‘अगर राष्ट्रपति कलाम को लगता है कि सोनिया उन्हें दोबारा राष्ट्रपति नहीं बनने देंगी तो वे इस मुद्दे (अफजल गुरु) के मुद्दे को सही समय पर उछाल भी सकते हैं।’दस्तावेज में अफजल गुरु को लेकर 2007 के उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव से पहले कांग्रेस के चुनावी असमंजस की बात भी बताई गई है |

बहरहाल , भ्रष्टाचार से घिरी ‘सोनिया कांग्रेस ‘ का असली चरित्र जिसे सब जानते हैं उस पर जमी धुल विकिलीक्स ने साफ़ कर दी है | मुस्लिम वोट बैंक को ध्यान में रखते हुए कलाम की मर्जी के खिलाफ भी मामले को लटकाए रखने में सोनिया गाँधी की अहम भूमिका है | साल २०११ सोनिया कांग्रेस के हित में नहीं नज़र आ रहा है | बाबा रामदेव , अन्ना हजारे ,किरण बेदी और अरविन्द केजरीवाल जैसे सामाजिक व्यक्तित्वों के खुल कर सामने आने से सोनिया कांग्रेस में मुश्किल और भी बढ़ गयी है | अब जरुरत है विपक्षी दलों को अधिक से अधिक आक्रामक रुख अख्तियार करने की ताकि इस पाप की सरकार से मुक्ति मिल सके |

VivekaJyoti: India too is ripe for a revolution

VivekaJyoti: India too is ripe for a revolution: "Can it happen in India? Of course, it can, and I have a feeling, it will, sooner than you think. In Cairo, they were asking for bread, jobs and the army back in the barracks. In Delhi and Mumbai and Kolkata, they are asking for the heads of crooked politicians, which means every other politician, and their loot.

I am not an Egyptian, and I have been to Cairo only once, but I have a feeling that we are going, or will soon be going the Egyptian way. It’s only a hunch, and I may be wrong, but I have lived through quite a few revolutions, and can smell them, as a cat smells cheese, from a distance. We are on the cusp of a revolution ourselves and one of these days, we shall see horses galloping down the Rajpath, and tanks and armoured cars circling Flora Fountain in Mumbai, as they did in 1946, forcing the British to quit India.

Look at it this way. Revolutions do not come through announcements in the classified columns. They just happen. A month ago, nobody could have predicted that Cairo would be in flames in a couple of weeks’ time and Alexandria would start burning. Not a single pundit in Washington or London, leave alone here in New Delhi, would have told you with a straight face that Hosni Mubarak would flee in a few days to a resort on the banks of the Nile, while Barack Obama, his great friend, watched helplessly from the banks of the Potomac in Washington. But that is what happened. All it required to get the revolution going were a few laptops, and may be twenty or twentyfive thousand men and women in Tahrir Square, and the deed was done. It was the quickest revolution of modern times, exactly 18 days long, and a despot was pulled down, before you could say "Inshallah".

Revolutions do not give advance notice when they creep upon you. I remember walking down through what was then called Azad Maidan - and, before that, Esplanade - in Mumbai on a fine afternoon in 1946, when everything was quiet and peaceful. There was not a single soldier in sight, and we were having fun watching cricket on the maidan. The next day, as I was going to collect my passport, I heard gunshots and marines, our own, marines, marching, I don’t know from where to where, but marching in perfect step, as if going to war. It was the beginning of the so-called naval uprising in Mumbai, which took not only the British, but also most Indians by surprise.

Who would have thought that Indian sailors, who had fought under the British Flag for six years, would suddenly decide to give up the ghost and lay down their arms? I watched them myself, utterly stupefied, as they marched past me, and it was only the following morning that I came to know that they had revolted - the first such revolt after 1857 - and would not return to barracks again. The British then realised that their time was up and, if they did not leave India on their own, their goose would be cooked, and they would have another 1857 on their hands.

Revolutions have a habit of creeping upon you when you least expect them. Just as you need only two matches to strike a five, two men, or women, can start a revolution. In Tunisia, the revolt was triggered by a vegetable seller - a bhajiwala - whose cart was seized by a police woman because she wanted to stop all traffic for a bada saab who was expected to pass that way. The man was so enraged he set himself on fire and that is how it all began.

This country is ripe for a revolution. What shape it will take, I do not know, just as Hosni Mubarak did not know, until he saw the writing on the wall, that his time was up. Of course, we are supposed to be a democracy, and revolts do not take place in a democracy. Go and tell that to the next farmer preparing for suicide because he has lost everything, and to the family whose small piece of land has been stolen by a local babu. And you still think there is not going to be a revolution?

अल्पसंख्यकों की “अपनी” सरकार का दूसरा रोल मॉडल बनेगा केरल… Kerala Elections, Assembly Elections in India, Minority Appeasement

अल्पसंख्यकों की “अपनी” सरकार का दूसरा रोल मॉडल बनेगा केरल… Kerala Elections, Assembly Elections in India, Minority Appeasement:

सेकुलरों को यह जानकर खुशी(?) होगी कि केरल के आगामी विधानसभा चुनावों (Kerala Assembly Elections) में “खानग्रेस” पार्टी ने कुल 140 में से 74 टिकिट अल्पसंख्यकों को दिये हैं। यह तो अब एक स्वाभाविक सी बात हो गई है कि जिन विधानसभा क्षेत्रों में मुस्लिम अथवा ईसाई जनसंख्या का बहुमत है, वहाँ एक भी हिन्दू को टिकिट नहीं दिया गया है (“सेकुलरिज़्म की रक्षा” की खातिर दिया ही नहीं जा सकता), लेकिन ऐसे कई अल्पसंख्यक उम्मीदवार (Minority Community Candidates in Kerala) हैं जिन्हें हिन्दू बहुल क्षेत्रों से “खान्ग्रेस” ने टिकिट दिया है। यह रवैया साफ़ दर्शाता है कि“खानग्रेस” पार्टी को पूरा भरोसा है कि ईसाई और मुस्लिम वोट तो कभी भी “सेकुलरिज़्म” नाम के लॉलीपाप के झाँसे में आने वाले नहीं हैं, इसलिये जहाँ ईसाईयों और मुस्लिमों का बहुमत है वहाँ सिर्फ़ उसी समुदाय के उम्मीदवार खड़े किये हैं, जबकि हिन्दू तो चूंकि परम्परागत रूप से मुँह में “सेकुलरिज़्म” (Secularism of Hindus) का चम्मच लेकर ही पैदा होता है इसलिये वहाँ “कोई भी ऐरा-गैरा” उम्मीदवार चलेगा, वह तो उसे वोट देंगे ही। ज़ाहिर है कि यह सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ हिन्दुओं की जिम्मेदारी है कि “केरल में धर्मनिरपेक्षता” बरकरार रहे…।

जिस प्रकार कश्मीर में सिर्फ़ मुसलमान व्यक्ति ही मुख्यमंत्री बन सकता है, उसी प्रकार अगले 10-15 साल में केरल में यह स्थिति बन जायेगी कि कोई ईसाई या कोई मुस्लिम ही केरल का मुख्यमंत्री बन सकता है, यानी केरल “अल्पसंख्यकों की एक्सक्लूसिव सरकार” दूसरा रोल मॉडल सिद्ध होगा। अब यह तो “खानग्रेस” पार्टी के हिन्दू सदस्यों, विधायकों, पूर्व विधायकों, सांसदों को आत्ममंथन कर सोचने की आवश्यकता है कि 1970 में खान्ग्रेस से कितने अल्पसंख्यकों को टिकट मिलता था और 2010 में उसका प्रतिशत कितना बढ़ गया है, तथा सन 2040 आते-आते खान्ग्रेस पार्टी में हिन्दुओं की स्थिति क्या होगी, शायद उस वक्त 100 से अधिक उम्मीदवार मुस्लिम या ईसाई होंगे?

एक बात और… 170 सीटों में से 74 उम्मीदवार अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय से हैं, जबकि बाकी बचे हुए 66 उम्मीदवार सिर्फ़ कहने के लिये ही हिन्दू हैं, क्योंकि सही स्थिति किसी को भी नहीं पता कि इन 66 में से कितने “असली” हिन्दू हैं और इनमें से कितने “अन्दरखाने” धर्म परिवर्तन (Conversion in India) कर चुके हैं। जिस प्रकार भारत के भोले (बल्कि मूर्ख) हिन्दू सोनिया गाँधी(Sonia Gandhi a Christian) और राजशेखर रेड्डी (YSR is Christian) जैसों को हिन्दू समझते आये हों, वहाँ इन 66 उम्मीदवारों के असली धर्म का पता लगाने की “ज़हमत” कौन उठायेगा? और मान लें कि यदि 66 उम्मीदवार हिन्दू भी हुए, तब भी असल में वे हैं तो इटली की मैडम के गुलाम ही…

केरल, गोवा, पश्चिम बंगाल और असम में अल्पसंख्यकों के तुष्टिकरण के चलते जो स्थितियाँ आज बनी हैं, वह कोई रातोंरात तो नहीं हुआ है…। मुझे भड़काने वाला एवं नकारात्मक लिखने का आरोप लगाने वाले सेकुलरों को मैं चुनौती देता हूँ कि यदि वे“वाकई असली सेकुलर” हैं तो कश्मीर में हिन्दू मुख्यमंत्री बनवाकर दिखाएं, या नगालैण्ड में ही किसी हिन्दू को मुख्यमंत्री बनवाकर देख लें… मैं उसी दिन ब्लॉगिंग छोड़ दूंगा…। यदि यह काम नहीं कर सकते, तो स्वयं सोचें कि आखिर ऐसा क्यों है कि मुस्लिम बहुल या ईसाई बहुल राज्य/देश में हिन्दू नेतृत्व नहीं पनप सकता…


Fake assurances of the govt will not be accepted: Hazare

Fake assurances of the govt will not be accepted: Hazare: "The veteran social activist Anna Hazare who began his fast unto death in the capital demanding greater public participation in the formulation of the anti-corruption bill, said that fake assurances of the government would not be accepted."

INCREDIBLE INDIA http://www.dnaindia.com/india/analysis_reality-does-not-match-incredible-india-ads_1520050

INCREDIBLE INDIA http://www.dnaindia.com/india/analysis_reality-does-not-match-incredible-india-ads_1520050: "


Nowadays, in every hotel, every railways station, every government office, you can find posters selling « Incredible India ».

I have been a defender of India for many many years, but the Incredible India campaign does not always match the reality on the ground.

Take visas, for instance. Because India’s intelligence agencies did not do their work properly and Headley was able to move around freely around the country, preparing the 26/11 terror attacks, visa rules have been tightened to such an extent that it has become ridiculous. Recently I asked for a visa for my assistant, a French lady, who likes India, and wants to work in India. She would help in the making of La Revue de l’Inde, the only magazine solely devoted to India in the French speaking world, and which props-up India as the natural, liberal and democratic alternative to China… The Indian embassy in Paris offered her a 3 months visa! Visa rules in India are nehruvian and outdated. The Chinese have understood that one needs to open one’s doors if one wants investments. Incredible India!

Take railways. 20 years ago one had to wait for a long time to get a confirmed berth on the Ranikhet Express which connects to two of the most popular hill stations in northern India: Nainital & Ranikhet. Any change? When we booked our tickets, we were waitlisted 12 & 13. A month later, we were still 12 & 13! Lalu Prasad & Mamta Banerjee might start new trains to please their constituencies, but they do not increase the existing capacities and as a result Indian railways have hardly progressed in 20 years, whereas again, the Chinese have clean, comfortable and fast trains. I say fast, because when we finally got confirmed berths on the Ranikhet express, the train was seven hours late and took 14 hours to cover the 378 kms that separate Delhi from Kathgodam, which makes for an average speed of 19 kms an hour. Incredible India !

Good journalism should always balance criticism with positive outputs so that one’s readers should not feel that the world is bleak and hopeless. Let me say then, that India has shown again that when in extreme distress, it can raise its head and correct its headings. The judiciary and the press are fighting the incredible corruption cancer that has taken over Indian politics and some accountability is being primed at the moment.

In Jaipur again, I stumbled in a stadium with over 100.0000 people, many of them youngsters, singing, dancing, breathing, and meditating with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar during the occasion of Shivaratri. That was amazing: Incredible India.


Editor in Chief of the Paris-based La Revue de l’Inde and author of “A New History of India” (Har Anand, New Delhi)

होलिका दहन पर ग्रह अनुकूलन के उपाय

होलिका दहन पर ग्रह अनुकूलन के उपाय: "

होलिका दहन पर ग्रह अनुकूलन के उपाय

होलिका दहन के शुभ मुहूर्त क ा निर्धारण भारतीय ज्योतिष शास्त्र द्वारा किया जाता है। होलिका दहन के समय हम किस दिशा में खड़े होकर कौन सी समिधा डालें इस बात की जानकारी रखें और इसी आधार पर होली पूजन करें तो नवग्रह अनुकूलन में बहुत ही सफलता प्राप्त होगी। द्वादश राशियों को किस दिशा, किस समिधा और किस पुष्प से एवं किस मिठाई को बांटना चाहिए इसकी जानकारी मैं यहाँ दे रहा हूँ। यह विशुध्द रूप से अथर्ववेद पर आधारित विशेषण है। इस विधि से पूजा करने पर जीवन में सुख-शांति अवश्य आएगी। वेदों तथा शास्त्रों में होलिका दहन से जुड़े विभिन्न तथ्यों पर विस्तृत चर्चा की गई है। जिनमें अथर्ववेद में नक्षत्रों के वर्णन के साथ ही प्रार्थना भी की गई है कि पूर्वा एवं उत्तराफाल्गुनी दोनों नक्षत्र मेंरे लिए सुखकारी हों। ध्यान देना होगा कि ज्योतिष शास्त्र अनंत तक से जुड़े विभिन्न पहलुओं की जानकारी देता है। इसी शास्त्र के मौलिक नियमों को ध्यान में रखते हुए हम धन-धान्य की वृद्धि तथा परिवार के कल्याण के लिए अपनी राशि के अनुसार होलिका दहन के समय उपस्थित रहकर खड़े होने का स्थान चुन सकते हैं। फिर होलिका की तीन परिक्रमा कर व मिष्ठान वितरित कर इस उत्सव को ज्यादा सुखकारी बना सकते हैं। ध्यान रखना होगा कि सपरिवार शामिल होते समय परिवार के मुखिया की राशि को मान्यता दी जाती है। मेष:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के स्थल पर खैर या नीम की समिधा और लाल पुष्प व अक्षत लेकर होलिका की परिक्रमा करें और पूर्व (East) अथवा दक्षिण-पूर्व (South East)दिशा में खड़े होकर हाथ की सामग्री को होलिका में डाल दें तथा होलिका दहन के बाद गाजर का हल्वा वितरित करें।
वृषभ:- इस राशि के जातक गूलर की समिधा और मोगरे के फूल व अक्षत को हाथ में लेकर होलिका की परिक्रमा करने के बाद दक्षिण-पूर्व (South East) दिशा में खड़े होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें तथा होलिका दहन के बाद दूध-मावे से बने मिष्ठान्न बांटें।
मिथुन:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के समय अपामार्ग की समिधा और विभिन्न रंगों के पुष्प, अक्षत हाथ में लेकर होलिका की परिक्रमा करें एवं पश्चिम (West)अथवा दक्षिण-पश्चिम (South West)दिशा में खड़े होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें। होलिका दहन के बाद मूंग दाल का हल्वा बांटे।
कर्क:- इस राशि के जातक पलाश की समिधा और श्वेत पुष्प व अक्षत के साथ होलिका की परिक्रमा करें एवं उत्तर (North) अथवा उत्तर-पश्चिम (North West)दिशा में खडे होकर सारी सामग्री होलिका में डाल दें। होलिका दहन के बाद चावल से निर्मित मिष्ठान्न बांटे।
सिंह:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के समय आक व खेजरी शमी की समिधा और गुलाब के पुष्प व अक्षत हाथ में लेकर होलिका की परिक्रमा करें तथा पूर्व-दक्षिण (South East) में खड़े होकर सारी सामग्री होलिका में डालें। होलिका दहन के बाद केसर युक्त मिष्ठान्न वितरित करें।
कन्या:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के समय अपामार्ग की समिधा तथा पीले फूल व पत्तों समेत अक्षत लेकर परिक्रमा करें तथा दक्षिण दिशा (South)में खड़े होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें। होलिका दहन के बाद मूंग से बने पिस्ता युक्त मिष्ठान्न लोगों में बांटें।
तुला:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के समय गूलर की समिधा और श्वेत व सुगंधित पुष्प व अक्षत लेकर होलिका की परिक्रमा करें तथा पश्चिम दिशा (West)में खडे होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें। होलिका दहन के बाद नारियल से बने मिष्ठान्न वितरित करें।
वृश्चिक:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के समय खैर या नीम की समिधा के साथ लाल एवं सफेद अक्षत लेकर होलिका की परिक्रमा करें तथा उत्तर दिशा (North) में खड़े होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें। होलिका दहन के बाद छुहारे युक्त मिष्ठान्न का वितरण करें।
धनु:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के समय पीपल की समिधा और पीले कनेर के पुष्पयुक्त अक्षत लेकर परिक्रमा करें तथा पूर्व (East)अथवा ईशान दिशा (North East)में खड़े होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें। होलिका दहन के बाद चने के बेसन से बने मिष्ठान्न लोगों को वितरित करें।
मकर:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के समय शमी या कपास दण्ड की समिधा और काले या नीले पुष्पयुक्त अक्षत से होलिका की परिक्रमा करें तथा दक्षिण (South) अथवा पश्चिम (West)में खड़े होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें। होलिका दहन के बाद उड़द से बने मिष्ठान्न बांटे।
कुंभ:- होलिका दहन के समय इस राशि के जातक शमी अथवा जामुन की समिधा और हल्के नीले एवं लौंग पुष्पयुक्त अक्षत हाथ में लेकर होलिका की परिक्रमा करें तथा पश्चिम दिशा (West) में खड़े होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें। होलिका दहन के बाद सिंघाड़े से बने मिष्ठान्न का वितरण करें।
मीन:- इस राशि के जातक होलिका दहन के समय पीपल की समिधा और पीले एवं सफेद पुष्पयुक्त अक्षत लेकर होलिका में परिक्रमा करें और ईशान (North East)अथवा उत्तर दिशा (North)में खड़े होकर होलिका में सारी सामग्री डाल दें। होलिका दहन के समय केले का वितरण करें।

Muslims murdered Hindu Rabhas, incited the Garo-Rabha clashes in Meghalaya and Assam

Muslims murdered Hindu Rabhas, incited the Garo-Rabha clashes in Meghalaya and Assam: "from Ravi date Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 10:06 AMsubject Muslims murdered Hindu Rabhas, incited the Garo-Rabha clashes in Meghalaya and Assam

Migrants incited clashes: ARSU
Staff reporter, Assam Tribune
GUWAHATI, Jan 14, 2011

Illegal migrants have incited the Garo-Rabha clashes in Meghalaya and Assam areas with an eye to oust"

“What have you, a Christian priest to do with the Hindu traditional art forms of dance and music”?

“What have you, a Christian priest to do with the Hindu traditional art forms of dance and music”?: "Inculturation is being used to dupe naive Hindus into slipping into Christianity without knowing it.
The appropriation of Hindu Bharatnatyam dance to propagate Christianity is given as one example

from GP Srinivasan date Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 9:11 PMsubject [breakingindia] Another example for chpt 8 - Kalai Kaviri

[Chpt 8 (Breaking India) discusses numerous ways by which inculturation is"

(Mumbai) Indian orphanage manager William D'Souza served as pimp, supplied Hindu children to satisfy lust of British Catholic pedophiles

(Mumbai) Indian orphanage manager William D'Souza served as pimp, supplied Hindu children to satisfy lust of British Catholic pedophiles: "from Ravi date Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:08 AMsubject (Mumbai) Indian orphanage manager William D'Souza served as pimp, supplied Hindu children to satisfy lust of British Catholic pedophile

Here is the "Anchorage Shelter Trust" website: http://www.cmoglobal.com/anchorage/contactus.htm

Supreme Court convicts 2 British nationals for paedophilia

NDTV Correspondent, Updated: March 18, 2011"

Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia: "Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia, is devoted to educating the public about all aspects of Hinduism ranging from history and philosophy to current events that impact Hindus.
We are the only online Hindu encyclopedia that provides the public with a traditional perspective on our religion and way of life.
There are 2,439 articles on Hindupedia.

Church backed terrorist group bans celebrations of largest Hindu organization of Assam (Srimanta Sankardeva Sangha)

Church backed terrorist group bans celebrations of largest Hindu organization of Assam (Srimanta Sankardeva Sangha): "from Ravi date Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:31 AMsubject Church backed terrorist group bans celebrations of largest Hindu organization of Assam (Srimanta Sankardeva Sangha) KPLT bans night events at religious convention [Guwahati]Times of India, The, Feb 11, 2011Jorhat: The outlawed militant outfit, Karbi People's Liberation Tigers (KPLT), has imposed a ban on night functions during the"

Other Victim of Islam: India | Islam | Religion

Other Victim of Islam: India | Islam | Religion: "Moslem invaders began entering India in the early 8th century, on the orders of Hajjaj, the governor of what is now Iraq. (Sound familiar?) Starting in 712 the raiders, commanded by Muhammad Qasim, demolished temples, shattered sculptures, plundered palaces, killed vast numbers of men - it took three whole days to slaughter the inhabitants of the city of Debal - and carried off their women and children to slavery, some of it sexual. After the initial wave of violence, however, Qasim tried to establish law and order in the newly-conquered lands, and to that end he even allowed a degree of religious tolerance. but upon hearing of such humane practices, his superior Hajjaj, objected:

In a subsequent communication, Hajjaj reiterated that all able-bodied men were to be killed, and that their underage sons and daughters were to be imprisoned and retained as hostages. Qasim obeyed, and on his arrival at the town of Brahminabad massacred between 6,000 and 16,000 men.

The significance of these events lies not just in the horrible numbers involved, but in the fact that the perpetrators of these massacres were not military thugs disobeying the ethical teachings of their religion, as the European crusaders in the Holy Land were, but were actually doing precisely what their religion taught. (And one may note that Christianity has grown up and no longer preaches crusades. Islam has not. As has been well-documented, jihad has been preached from the official centers of Islam, not just the lunatic fringe.)

Qasim's early exploits were continued in the early eleventh century, when Mahmud of Ghazni, "passed through India like a whirlwind, destroying, pillaging, and massacring," zealously following the Koranic injunction to kill idolaters, whom he had vowed to chastise every year of his life.

In the course of seventeen invasions, in the words of Alberuni, the scholar brought by Mahmud to India, "Mahmud utterly ruined the prosperity of the country, and performed there wonderful exploits, by which the Hindus became like atoms of dust scattered in all directions, and like a tale of old in the mouth of the people. Their scattered remains cherish, of course, the most inveterate aversion toward all Moslems."

Does one wonder why? To this day, the citizens of Bombay and New Delhi, Calcutta and Bangalore, live in fear of a politically-unstable and nuclear-armed Pakistan that unlike India (but like every other Moslem country) has not managed to maintain democracy since independence.

Mathura, holy city of the god Krishna, was the next victim:

Moslem invaders "broke and burned everything beautiful they came across in Hindustan," displaying, as an Indian commentator put it, the resentment of the less developed warriors who felt intimidated in the encounter with "a more refined culture." The Moslem Sultans built mosques at the sites of torn down temples, and many Hindus were sold into slavery. As far as they were concerned, Hindus were kafirs, heathens, par excellence."

The Decline of Secularism As Minorityism

The Decline of Secularism As Minorityism: "
IN December 1988 the Jamia Millia Islamia University was elevated to the status of a ‘Central' University by an Act of Parliament. As a Central University it has been offering constitutionally guaranteed 22.5 per cent reservations to SC & ST Hindus in educational seats and employment; and, steps to introduce 27 per cent reservation for OBC Hindus were in the process. But on February 22, 2011 Hindus were robbed of these reservations without having been given any hearing as on this date, when Jamia was declared a Muslim minority institution. On February 22, 2011 the three-member National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI) comprising Justice MSA Siddiqui, Chairman, Dr Mohinder Singh (Sikh) and Dr Cyriac Thomas (Christian) ruled: "we have no hesitation in holding that the Jamia was founded (in 1920) by the Muslims for the benefit of Muslims and it never lost its identity as a Muslim minority institution and we find and hold that the Jamia Millia Islamia is a minority educational institution covered under Art 30(1)



Investigating agencies forced me to give false statement ! : Swami Aseemanand

Investigating agencies forced me to give false statement ! : Swami Aseemanand: "The security agencies have accused Swami Asimanand of his involvement in 4 bomb blast cases that occurred at 4 places in the country including Ajmer in Rajasthan. It has been stated in the petition filed by Swami Asimanand that the investigating agencies had forced him to give a statement."

Can Gopal Das’ tears be wiped out ever?

Can Gopal Das’ tears be wiped out ever?: "

Seizure of Hindu-owned lands by Islamic zealots is becoming common in the length and breadth of West Bengal more and more. While the Hindu victims are crying in misery, administration’s strange silence is strengthening these notorious activities.

To know more log in: http://southbengalherald.blogspot.com/2011/03/can-gopal-das-tears-be-wiped-out-ever.html


Religious Apartheid In Modern India: Transforming a civilization – Moorthy Muthuswamy

Religious Apartheid In Modern India: Transforming a civilization – Moorthy Muthuswamy: "

Moorthy MuthuswamyAt long last India has arrived – it has finally emerged after a thousand year alien rule first under the invaders from West Asia, and later under the British colonisers.

Soon after India’s independence in 1947, thanks to the far-sighted ventures of establishing new educational institutions in engineering, technology and management, and infrastructure development, wealth creation and the accompanying socio-economic development became feasible.

The constitution of India prepared in the 1940s reflects the land where literacy rate stood at 12 percent[i] – and the one ruled by an alien power, the British colonisers. A constitution created under these circumstances – although much influenced by the British counterpart – was going to have certain quirks or flaws. One such flaw, as explained here, has since led to egregious religious apartheid practices, and more.

For any emergent or modern nation, it would indeed be downright shameful, and even outright inconceivable to blatantly discriminate against its citizens, especially its majority community. This reminds one of the white apartheid-rule in South Africa.

One may be surprised to learn that in India, of all nations, similar practices are taking place.

St. Stephen's College, New DelhiRecently, St. Stephen’s College, an elite Christian missionary-controlled higher education institution located in New Delhi shocked many by declaring that it was setting up a quota system that allots 50 percent of its student enrolment for the Christians.[ii] For a nation used to coveting college education in elite institutions, the news was devastating:

Even as getting into this [St. Stephen's] college is so difficult and now if they cut down the seats for general category, where will we go? This is really unfair.[iii]

So said a young Delhi colleague hopeful named Arya Pakriti, presumed to be a member of the majority Hindu community.

A stunning fact: About 95 percent of the college’s expenses are paid by the taxpayers, with the majority community contributing most of it.[iv] Interestingly, according to the 2001 census figures, Christian population in New Delhi constitutes just one percent.[v] Indeed, Indian taxpayers appear to be subsidising the selective empowerment of Christians in St. Stephen’s College at the expense of deserving non-Christians.

A Supreme Court ruling based on Article 30 of the Indian Constitution was used by the St. Stephen’s management to justify these religious discriminations.[vi]

In 1993, the Government of India notified that the Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Zoroastrians (Parsis) are considered “minority.”[vii] Article 30 of the Indian constitution allows religious minority communities regardless of their socio-economic status to allot up to 50 percent of student enrolment and employment for members of their own communities in educational institutions administered by them even if the institutions are getting aid from the government.[viii] The definition of minority applies at the national level – meaning that in the Indian states of Mizoram and Punjab where Christians and Sikhs are majorities respectively, and the Hindus are a minority, Article 30 still applies to the Christians and Sikhs in these states as minorities, and the Hindus there as majority.

If the percentage of missionary-controlled educational institutions is proportional to the Christian minority population percentage, these discriminations, while hardly justifiable for a nation that calls itself “secular,” are unlikely to have an adverse impact. However, here’s the gist of the problem: the 2.3 percent (2001 census figures)[xi] Christian minorities control over 22 percent[xii] (almost ten times their population percentage) of all educational institutions in India (i.e., over 40,000 of them[xiii])

In combination with Article 30, the above statistics state the obvious: The Christians are a privileged minority in India, with the government’s resources – inadvertently, it seems – allocated for their preferred empowerment. Not surprisingly, literacy rate of the Christians in India stands at 80 percent,[xiv] compared to 65 percent[xv] overall. With the missionaries providing nearly 30 percent of the healthcare services in India,[xvi] employment possibilities for those who convert to Christianity are significantly more than those of non-Christians. In addition, the minority status of missionary-controlled institutions helps them get tax, land allotment and many other benefits.[xvii]

Indeed, one would be hard-pressed to justify any claims of the Christians being an under-privileged minority, as a coalition of Christian community organisations itself noted in a recent press release: “Currently the job share percentage of Christians in services like teachers, nursing, clerical and junior level CEO [Chief Executive Officer] is more than their numerical percentage.” The same press release went on to note in the next sentence that, “This is due to their [Christians'] sincerity, honesty and better education,”[xviii] while regrettably ignoring the fact that Article 30 has already granted the Christian community significant reservations and other opportunities.

The magnitude and scale of these discriminations are staggering. If each missionary-controlled institution has on the average a total of 300 students and staff, and if it discriminates on the average against 10 non-Christian student enrolments and youth employments every year, it translates to about a quarter million discriminatory acts every year. For instance, St. Stephen’s, which has an incoming class of about 400 students every year,[xix] allots nearly 200 of these seats exclusively for Christians i.e., nearly 200 acts of discrimination every year.

The discriminatory policies induced by Article 30 of the Indian constitution, arguably, violate Articles 23 and 26 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN Charter) to which India is a signatory.[xxii] Specifically, “the right to work, to free choice of employment,” mentioned in Article 23 and, “higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit,” mentioned in Article 26 appear to be violated. Therefore, Article 30-induced discriminations constitute human rights violations as well.

The long-term implications of Article 30-induced religious discriminations and missionaries’ disproportional control of educational institutions can be studied by applying “Dynamic Models of Segregation” developed by the Nobel Prize-winning economist Thomas Schelling.[xxix] He originally showed that a small preference for one’s neighbours to be of the same color could lead to total segregation. The positive feedback cycle of segregation-prejudice-in-group preference can be found in most human populations, with great variation in what are regarded as meaningful differences: Gender, age, race, ethnicity, language, sexual preference and religion. Significantly, he showed that once a cycle of separation-prejudice-discrimination-separation has begun, it has a self-sustaining momentum. The segregation process has the tendency to pick up momentum overtime from trickle to exodus, just like very rapidly increasing viewership of a successful movie, as the word of mouth gets around.

Dr. Schelling’s theory, as it is applied to the religious conversion of the majority community in India involves replacing separation by conversion (to Christianity), and prejudice by lower social status (due to the denial of education and employment opportunities in missionary-controlled elite institutions) and welcoming efforts of the proselytising missionaries.

The Supreme Court’s decision and the willingness of the missionaries to discriminate by taking away up to 50 percent of the enrolments in over 20 percent of educational institutions controlled by them meant that it is disadvantageous to be a Hindu and far more beneficial to be a Christian in the secular and democratic nation of India. This is particularly true for lower-income majority community families with young children and youths in need of education and employment.

It is useful to quantify the implications of this decision. Assuming on the average a total of 300 students and staff in an institution, for the 40,000 institutions controlled by the missionaries, a grand total of 12 million seats is reached. Hence, a disturbing possibility has arisen as a result of the honoured court’s decision: It has empowered the missionaries to lawfully deny non-Christians from a few millions to about 6 million student enrolments and staff employments every year in institutions likely funded by the government.

Not surprisingly, in many parts of India, there have been anecdotal instances of entire families converting to Christianity in order for their children to receive education and scholarships.[liv] This is creating destabilising social tensions, with the ill-informed majority community unable to enact measures to modify the existing minority-favouring system of quotas, and instead, directing anger unfairly at the minority Christians.

Among the capable segments of India’s population, the middle class, upper middle class, and even the rich members of the majority community have remained apolitical – by largely shying away from voting – due to their disappointment with the political process in the nation.[lix] They could afford to, as the booming economy of the past two decades has created educational and job opportunities for them. However, as the minority population percentage increases invariably in the coming years, as present trends indicate, Article 30-induced discriminations will increasingly shut the door on majority empowerment. Indeed, as seen in Kerala with substantial minority population, this process will only intensify in the coming years. This is not a speculation; it is a reasoned extrapolation of data and backed by an analysis based on the acclaimed work of a Nobel Prize-winning economist.

It has become quite clear that the apolitical, and yet the capable segments of the majority community now have to involve themselves in the political process, in order to ensure a future for themselves and their progenies. This should rejuvenate the Indian politic and help usher in a new era for Indian democracy. Article 30 will likely loom large as an issue in near-term electoral politics for a good reason: Not known for its religiosity, the majority community is driven by its desire for material comforts that require growing education and employment opportunities. Hence, sooner than later politicians are going to figure out that addressing Article 30′s undercutting of these opportunities offers among the best means of politically mobilising the entire community in order to build a strong power base.

» Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy is a U.S.-based nuclear physicist . His contact website is at http://www.moorthymuthuswamy.com/.

Singh’s cricket diplomacy

Singh’s cricket diplomacy: "

Mocking the memory of 26/11

Brahma Chellaney

The Economic Times, April 1, 2011


In a fundamentally competitive world marked by assertive advancement of national interest, India has stood out over the past six decades for not learning from mistakes and continuing to operate on ingenuous premises. Spanish-born US philosopher George Santayana’s saying is particularly applicable to India: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Ad hoc, personality-driven policymaking has long been India’s curse.

Pakistan, although widely perceived to be a failing state, is still able to outwit India diplomatically. It is India, not Pakistan, that has climbed down diplomatically and sought a cricket-inspired thaw in bilateral relations.

In fact, India has again demonstrated its inability to stick to its stated position. The new bonhomie with Pakistan in the form of cricket diplomacy actually mocks the memory of those killed in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist siege that was planned on Pakistani soil. Pakistan not only has done nothing to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks to justice, but has also managed to get India to unconditionally resume dialogue at the highest level.

People of Bangladesh: So Close But So Different | Faithfreedom.org

People of Bangladesh: So Close But So Different | Faithfreedom.org

People of Bangladesh: So Close But So Different

By FFI Contributing Editor Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari

On Saturday, April 2, 2011, the ICC World Cup Cricket tournament came to an end at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The tournament began on February 19 at the Sher-e-Bangla Stadium in Dhaka, Bangladesh and on that day, Bangladeshi team played with the Indian team. I was watching the game on television.

The Bangladeshi cricket team

Names of the players of the Bangladeshi Cricket team were (1) Shakib Al Hasan, (2) Tamim Iqbal, (3) Mushfiqur Rahim, (4) Mohammad Ashraful, (5) Imrul Kayes, (6) Shahriar Nafees, (7) Juaneed Siddiqui, (8) Roquibul Hasan, (9) Mahmudullah Riyad, (10) Naeem Islam, (11)Abdur Razzak, (12) Suhrawardi Shuvo, (13) Shafiul Islam, (14) Nazmul Hossain and (15) Rubel Hossain. All these players were young boys and Mohammad Ashraful was the team captain and Mushfiqur Rahim was the wicket keeper. Once upon a time, I also lived in Bangladesh (the then East Pakistan) and after the partition in 1947, my guardians considered it proper to migrate to West Bengal, India, and we shifted to India leaving our ancestral home in the district of Faridpur.

While watching the match, I was thinking all these things. I was thinking, “How close we are, but how different these people have become! Though they deny that we are same people or sons of the same soil, we speak the same language, we used to drink the waters of the same rivers, we used to breath the same air, but they do not consider me to be their own people. Though Bengali is their mother tongue, they are carrying Arabic names and I am confident that most of them do not know the meaning of their names. Most importantly, they never ask – Despite our mother tongue is Bengali or Bangla, then why our names are Arabic?”

They never feel that their Arabic names are telling them that, “You are no longer a free man and you have turned yourselves into the slaves of Arab Religious Imperialism. As soon as you have become the slaves of Arabia, you have lost your freedom – you have sacrificed your freedom of speech and freedom of expression. You like or not, you have to follow the irrational dictates of the Arabic religious book Koran and other Arabic texts.” There is no one to tell them that “through accepting Islam, you have washed away your real identity, your distinctiveness.”

I was really felt pity for these young boys who have mercilessly been uprooted from their ancestral civilization and culture, and replanted them in a foreign land, in the deserts of Arabia, which is hampering their natural growth. In fact, they have been forced to grow up as dwarfs, as Japanese bonsais. They do not read Ramayana or Mahabharata, the ancient epics that had shaped the lives of their ancestors for past thousands and thousands of years. On the contrary, they have accepted the Koran and the hadiths, that inspire criminal activities in man, as their religious texts.

Though these boys and I am the people of the same land, they hate me as a malaun. They have been taught that it is their duty to kill me, plunder my wealth and riches, setting my house on fire, occupy my tilling land and so on. They have been taught that there is no sin in raping a malaun woman and, on the contrary, it is a pious act in the eye of their Arabian God. They believe that their Arabian God has put merit in killing the unbeliever malauns and on the Day of Last Judgment, he will reward a slayer of malaun with the title of Ghazi and allot him a place in the best part of the paradise called Jannatul Ferdause. Every day, they take the oath for killing the malaun kafirs, five times through namaz. They receive practical for how to kill a malaun like me on the day of Eid-ul-Adha.

Almost every day, Bangladeshi media reports untold incidents of cruel religious persecution and oppression of the Hindus of Bangladesh by Bangladeshi Muslims, including raping of Hindu women. Even minor Hindu girls fall victims of abduction, gang rape, forced conversion to Islam and marriage to Muslim boys. There are many instances where the rapists poured acid on the private part of the victims. In many cases, the rapists are reported to have introduced wooden stick, hot iron or hot egg into the genital of the victims. All these barbarity they commit according to the instruction of the most savage and evil Arabian God as ordained in their holy book Koran. But they never feel that such teachings of the Koran are robbing them of their humanity. They do not care to comprehend how Koran, through such teachings, is polluting their mind, their soul and ultimately turning them into subhumans.

In the wake of creation of Pakistan in 1947, the Muslims of East Pakistan compelled the Hindus to leave the country by intimidation, bloodshed and torture, following exactly what their prophet had to expel the Jewish community of the city of Medina. It is needless to say that the Hindus were talented and creative people and their expulsion lowered the gross intellectual level of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and produced dearth of creativity. Bangladeshi author Salam Azad has highlighted this point in his book Why the Hindu Community Leaving the Country? (in Bengali). As a result, the private hospitals and nursing homes in Kolkata receive constant stream of Bangladeshi patients. They come to Kolkata to be treated by Hindu doctors as they cannot depend on the Muslim doctors in Bangladesh.

In a similar manner, the Muslim clients of Bangladesh prefer a Hindu advocate (a few who stayed back) for moving their cases, particularly for difficult and delicate cases because they cannot depend on Muslim lawyers. Had they not drive the Hindus out of the country, today’s Bangladesh would have been a more creative, more prosperous and more meritorious Bangladesh.

After partition in 1947, the Muslims of East Pakistan thought that, if they drive the Hindus out of the country, they will be well off by grabbing their land and properties. But the question remains – Why Bangladesh has become more poverty-stricken today? I visited Bangladesh in 1979, for attending a symposium on physics, jointly organized by the Department of Physics, University of Dhaka and the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC). After attending the symposium, I went to my native village Palong (now the name has been changed with the Islamic name of Shariatpur). There I met a Muslim villager, who knew me and my forefathers. He lamented, “You have left the country and along with you, Luxmi has also left the country and gone with you.” (Luxmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth and prosperity).

In the said occasion of my visit, I get very close to a scientist Dr Nizamuddin (name changed) of the BAEC. He told me, “I feel pain when we are introduced as Bangladeshis, but not as Bengalis.” I replied, “Dear Dr Nizamuddin, you admit that you are a Bengali. Furthermore, your mother tongue is Bengali. Then why are you carrying an Arabic name? Why do you prefer to remain a slave of the Arab Religious Imperialism? If you mend your ways, then everyone will call you a Bengali.”