Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The plight of Reangs of Mizoram who consider themselves Hindus

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    • The Central and Tripura governments have asked Mizoram to resolve the long-standing deadlock on the repatriation of 35,000 Reang refugees to the state, said Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar.

      The Reang tribal refugees, locally called Bru, have also sought Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s intervention to solve the 12-year-old ethnic crisis in Mizoram, bordering Myanmar and Bangladesh.
    • The tribal refugees’ repatriation from Tripura to Mizoram has further turned complicated with violent mobs in the western Mizoram burning down around 490 houses of Reang tribals following the gunning down of a Mizo youth.

      Following the arson and subsequent ethnic trouble, around 5,000 displaced Reang tribals have taken shelter in adjacent southern Assam and in northern Tripura. Most of the displaced men, women and children are still living either in the jungle or under the open sky.

      Over 35,000 Reang tribal refugees have been living in six north Tripura camps since 1997 after they fled Mizoram following ethnic clashes with the majority Mizos after the killing of a Mizo forest official.
    • Riangs, like Kashmiri Hindus, have been hounded out of Mizoram, a Christian majority state, for refusing to convert to christianism superstitious belief and escape mainly Christian missionary-backed atrocities. In 1997, ethnic cleansing of Reangs, 45,000 were forced (Organizer) into Tripura by Christian terrorists. In this year 2009, the Christian fanatics have again forced 5,000 Reangs to flee to neighbouring Tripura.

      Media is terming this an ethnic problem but a similar ethnic problem in Kandhamal was never written as one even though it was an ethnic problem too. This is a lie, it is Christian terrorism against minority Hindus in their state which is being white washed as an ethnic problem to hide the vile agenda of Christian terrorists.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Carnatic music gets a Christian touch - The Times of India

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    • It's a music tradition that's believed to have divine origins. The lyrics of traditional Carnatic music compositions are usually devotional or philosophical in nature, drawing on Hindu religious tenets and now Christian choir groups too are setting their hymns to classical ragas and talas.

      The words may not be so different from the hymns sung at prayer services, but rather than standing behind the priest and singing to the organ, these choir singers sit cross-legged on the floor as a traditional Carnatic ensemble, complete with violin, harmonium and mridangam. They even wear pattu pavadais, silk saris and jasmine flowers. And the trinity they sing praise to are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

      Limsas, a choir based in Purasawalkam that sings at religious congregations across the city, starts its kutcheri' with a small prayer and the traditional sa pa sa'. Beulah Santhi, the choir teacher, teaches people aged between four and 40 Tamil kritis, all in the name of Jesus, written by various composers. They have a book of 400 Christian kritis in Tamil set to different ragas, which clearly mentions the raga and tala in which the songs should be sung.
    • Purists too are not averse to the idea. Carnatic vocalist Bombay Jayashri says, "Music is a religion and singing Christian songs in Carnatic style is an interesting way to combine two religions. Christians all over the world adapt local customs and sing prayer songs in local languages."

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

andhracafe.com - Rehman songs to play in Tirumala now

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    • The world’s richest Hindu temple, The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) is planning to move towards the music Maestro A R Rehman to compose keertanas in place of its conventional songs.

      The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams has asked the Maestro to lend his Midas touch to 14th century words penned by Telugu and Sanskrit scholar Thallapaka Annamacharya, generally acknowledged as Annamayya, praising Lord Venkateswara.

Dark spell of demolition - dnaindia.com

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    • Ravi Shankar
    • By a bizarre coincidence, I happened to be the only hack who found himself inside the Babri Masjid during the demolition.
    • That violent, dun-coloured day was perhaps the turning point in Advani's career. For one used to mastery over crowds, the sudden unpredictability, independence and savagery of the Ayodhya mob must have been unsettling. A long standing pracharak, brought up within the disciplined khaki shorts-and-wooden staff ethic of the RSS, Advani has been unused to the chain of command being snapped as easily as the mosque's fence. Maybe, it was this shock which tainted his psyche with indecision, later producing a weak home minister and a stumbling leader. This weakness went on to make him a captive of the mob, a leader who had to exchange his rath for a vengeful bandwagon of hate.

      The only BJP leader who refused to climb on that bandwagon, which started then from Ayodhya to roll through Gujarat, is Vajpayee. Today, the invalid leader's memory must be a caliginous one, wandering along the unmarked frontiers of history and dreams.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

इतिहास का सच और भविष्य की चुनौती है अखंड भारत

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    akhand bharat
    • गोविन्दाचार्य
    • भारत एक भूराजनैतिक वस्तु ही नहीं है। यह भूसंस्कृति भी है। भूसमाजविज्ञान भी है, भूमनोविज्ञान है, भूदर्शन है। इस भू का काफी महत्व है। भारत ही नहीं, बल्कि दुनियाभर में शोध, अधययन करने वाले, पढ़ने-लिखने वालों के लिए यह एक रोचक पहलू है।
    • यह अनायास नहीं है कि दुनिया के भूभागों में से भारत वह भूभाग है जहां एक दैवी त्रिकोण का अस्तित्व है। वह त्रिकोण है धरतीमाता, गौमाता और घर की माता। इसमें हरेक कोण शेष दो को मजबूत करता है।
    • मेरा मानना है कि आज अगर मन के स्तर पर विभेद और मजहब का रिश्ता ज्यादा मजबूत दिखाई देता है तो उसके पीछे आज का वह परिदृश्य भी कारण है जिसमें पाकिस्तान की मजहबी जुनून को बढ़ाने वाली हुकूमत और कई इस्लामिक देशों द्वारा पैसा, समाज और रूतबे का अंधाधुंध उपयोग है। इन सबके कारण स्थानीय रिश्तों और संबंधों की बजाय एक विशेष मजहबी भाव मानस पर हावी हो जाता है।

       इसका अर्थ यह हुआ कि आज के परिदृश्य से यदि इन दो कारक तत्वों को मिटा दें तो फिर ये सारे ही समीकरण एकदम बदल जाएंगे और यह प्रश्न ही असंगत हो जाएगा। इसलिए हम यह क्यों मान रहे हैं कि स्थितियां सदैव ऐसी ही होंगी? आज विश्व के वर्तमान परिदृश्य के संदर्भ में हटिंगटन ने सभ्यताओं की लड़ाई की जो बात कही है, वह भले ही पूरी सही नहीं है लेकिन उसमें कुछ तो सत्यता है।

    • वास्तव में समाज का भूसांस्कृतिक पक्ष अंतरतम में रहता है और अपना असर करता रहता है। समाज का भूराजनैतिक पक्ष सतह पर रहता है। काल प्रवाह में भूसांस्कृतिक तथा भूमनोवैज्ञानिक और इसलिए भूसमाजविज्ञानी पक्ष प्रभावी होते जाएंगे। इसके लिए आवश्यक है कि उनको अपने बारे में 700-800 या हजार साल पहले के सभी तथ्य बताए जाएं। उन्हें बताया जाए कि वे पहले क्या थी, अब क्या है? पाणिनी से पाकिस्तान के सामान्य जन का क्या रिश्ता है, इस ओर जब वे सोचने लगेंगे तो उनके मनोविज्ञान में काफी बदलाव होगा।
    • विगत एक हजार वर्षों में भारत को एक विशेष प्रकार की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ा। एक सहिष्णुता, समरसता और समजसता के गुण वाले समाज को असहिष्णु, एकाकी, सर्वंकश और सर्वग्रासी राजनैतिक पंथसत्ता से लड़ना पड़ा। वह पांथिक राजसत्ता नहीं, राजनैतिक पंथसत्ता थी। वास्तव में इस्लाम एक स्टेटक्राफ्ट है जिसका एक हिस्सा जीव और जगदीश के संबंधों के बारे में भी कुछ सोचता और बोलता है।
    • यूरोपीय संघ से दक्षिण एशियाई महासंघ की तुलना करना ठीक नहीं है। वहां जिन देशों का संघ बना है उनमें सभ्यता व सांस्कृतिक स्तर पर अत्यधिक समानताएं हैं। मजहब भी उनका एक है। इसकी तुलना में अभी दक्षिण एशिया की स्थिति काफी भिन्न है। इस पर भी यूरोपीय संघ में ही कई अंतर्विरोध भी हैं। तुर्की यदि यूरोपीय संघ में शामिल होना चाहता है तो वे चिंता में पड़ जाते हैं।

      वास्तव में इस्लामिक आबादी के बढ़ाव से वे भी काफी परेशान हैं। स्पेन के लोगों में इस्लाम का विरोध और उसके प्रति कटुता भारत में 50 साल पहले विस्थापित हुए लोगों से भी कहीं अधिक भीषण और तीव्र है। फ्रांस अल्जीरिया से हो रहे घुसपैठ से परेशान है। वस्तुत: यूरोपीय संघ में मजहब और भूसांस्कृतिक स्तर पर एक समानधर्मिता है, इसलिए वे एक हद तक थोड़ा बहुत चल पाए। इस आधार पर सोचें तो भारत महासंघ की कल्पना तथ्यात्मक कैसे हो सकती है?

      इसके लिए बहुत से सुधार होने की आवश्यकता है। 1707 से 1894 के बीच समाजसता का जो क्रम चल रहा था, जिसमें विदेशी ताकतों के यहां से मिल रहा प्रश्रय और उनके प्रति सद्भाव बिल्कुल नहीं था, वह फिर से चलना जरूरी है। एक ही परंपरा और आदर्श से ओत-प्रोत जनमानस बनना, ऐसे किसी भी महासंघ बनने की पूर्व शर्त है।

Protest: Denigration of Lord Ram and Hanumaan

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    Denigrated Image of Lord Hanuman
    Sattvik picture of Lord Hanuman drawn by seekers of Sanatan Sanstha

    • O Hindus, protest the denigration of Lord Ram and Hanuman by an independent commercial artist Vivek Ram, showing Them in weird postures and positions shown above.
    • E-mail of Artist :markeviv@gmail.com

Why we need a Hindu Rashtra? - hindujagruti.org

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    • In response to these multilevel attacks, Hindus became paralyzed, hypnotized, and ostracized by corrupt politicians, colonial masters and Islamic fanatics.
      There was no strong Hindu organizations other than few Bhakti movements. They were preaching Bhakti and saturated Hindus with chanting and Ahimsa as well as surrender and political non-involvement. They were not teaching or reminding Hindus to become politically active. As a result many Hindus thought coercive religious conversion and colonialism is predetermined and therefore beyond their control. It was a great disaster for Hindus.
    • During independence struggle under Gandhi, fear has overcome Hindutva, conformity to Hindu culture has replaced with conformity to Islamic and western values. The voice of Hindu leaders has been replaced by a cacophony of English speaking leaders like Nehru and Islamist Jinnah.
    • Muslims residing in India still identify with the desert originated Arab dogma. Hindus are forced to tolerate the incursion of darkness. Muslims are organized and connected to rich Islamic states. Hindus still have a choice. They need to unite and declare India as a HIND RASHTRA.
    • Rigid, dogmatic idealism of Marxism, Islam, Nazism and Fascism cannot help realize the ideals of humanity. The world needs a universal, systemic, pluralistic idealism. And a HINDU RASHTRA can promote liberal democratic system around the world with ideals of pluralism, universalism, coexistence, pace and harmony.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Jinnah still lives in India « Indian Realist

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    • People say that the votary of the pernicious two-nation theory, Jinnah, died immediately after the formation of theocratic Pakistan. They are wrong. He is very much alive and he is in India. No, not one, there are many Jinnahs in India who are openly propagating views similar to the ones Jinnah started preaching, particularly since 1928, with a view to ensuring the country’s partition on communal lines. “Noted jurist” and well-known India-basher AG Noorani and former Chief Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah are just two of them.
    •  The author is Chair Professor, Gulab Singh Chair, Jammu University, Jammu

Inculturation: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing « Indian Realist

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    • The church does not allow Indian converts to wear a bindi or sindur or anything else that may remind them of their Hindu past. But it has no problem in making Virgin Mary sport a bindi if it can fool the potential Hindu converts. Lies, deception, gutter scholarship, secret Christians, terrorist movements — anything is game for this White Man’s cult of “true god / false god” to spread itself.

      This book by Sita Ram Goel will you give the correct perspective on this phenomenon of the church. You can read it online:


What caste actually was like « Indian Realist

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    • Logic behind perversion of caste
      Ram Sawrup
      (From the Indian Express, 13th September, 1996)
    • Today casteism is rampant. It is a new phenomenon. Old India had castes but not casteism. In its present form, casteism is a construct of colonial period, a product of imperial policies and colonial scholarship. It was strengthened by the breast-beating of our own “reformers”. Today, it has acquired its own momentum and vested interests.
    • With the advent of Islam the Hindu society came under great pressure; it faced the problem of survival. When the political power failed, castes took over; they became defence shields and provided resistance passive and active. But in the process, the system also acquired undesirable traits like untouchability.
    • Then came the British who treated all Hindus equally – all as an inferior race – and fuelled their internal differences. They attacked Hinduism but cultivated the caste principle, two sides of the same coin. Hinduism had to be attacked. It gave India the principles of unity and continuity; it was also India’s definition at its deepest. It held together castes as well as the country. Take
      away Hinduism and the country was easily subdued.

      Caste in old India was a cooperative and cultural principle.; but it is now being turned into a principle of social conflict.

"दया" के महासागर और "मानवता" के मसीहा - एम. करुणानिधि (भाग-2)

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    • सरकारों के इस मैत्रीपूर्ण रवैये की वजह से अलगाववादियों और देशद्रोहियों के हौसले इतने बुलन्द हैं कि इस वर्ष तमिलनाडु में कम से कम 14 जगह पर गणेश चतुर्थी के विसर्जन समारोह में कोई न कोई फ़साद या मारपीट हुई
    • सबसे खतरनाक बात यह कि सरकार के समर्थन से MNP (मनिथा नीधि पसाराई) नामक अलगाववादी संगठन अपने काडर को मिलिट्री ट्रेनिंग दे रहा है। तमिल दैनिक "दिनामणि" ने अप्रैल 2008 में इस सम्बन्ध में खबर दी थी कि जिसमें इस संगठन ने 15 अगस्त के मौके पर "फ़्रीडम परेड" का आयोजन किया, जिसमें इसके 1000 से अधिक सदस्यों ने बाकायदा शस्त्रों के साथ प्रदर्शन किया, लेकिन इसे भारत की आज़ादी के साथ जोड़कर एक छद्म आवरण में छिपा दिया गया।