तुष्टीकरण की राजनीति का एक अच्छा उदाहरण आज यूरोप से मेरी नजर में आया. हिटलर ने लगभग एक से दो करोड के बीच यहूदियों की हत्या करवाई थी. दुनियाँ भर के इतिहास की पुस्तकों में यह बात रेखांकित है. लेकिन वर्तमान यूरोप में मुस्लिमों की संख्या बढी तो उन लोगों ने मांग की कि यहूदियों का नाम लेना उनके लिये घृणित है और इस इतिहास को मिटा दिया जाये. वोटों की राजनीति से डर कर कई यूरोपिय प्रकाशकों ने एवं विद्यालयों ने इस विषय की चर्चा पूरी तरह से अपनी पुस्तकों से मिटा दिया है. एक ओर दो करोड लोग क्रूरता से मटियामेट कर दिये गये, पर दूसरी ओर वोटों की राजनीति के कारण विषय को ही छुपाया जा रहा है.
इस बीच इन नई पुस्तकों के एक विक्रेता अमेजोन को यहूदियों ने कोर्ट में घसीट दिया है कि पुस्तक में असल जानकारी को छुपा कर यहूदियों के साथ अन्याय किया गया है.
!! समर्थ हिन्दु, समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान !!;........................!! समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान, समर्थ विश्व !!............................ All the posts on this blog are re-postings and post headings point towards the actual posts.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
इधर कूँआ तो उधर खाई!! | सारथी
visfot.com । विस्फोट.कॉम - कारगिल विजय के दौरान समझौते और लीपीपोती के निशान
visfot.com । विस्फोट.कॉम - कारगिल विजय के दौरान समझौते और लीपीपोती के निशान
करगिल और द्रास से लौटकर अनुराग पुनेठा
- कारगिल में फहराता तिरंगा
- लेकिन करगिल का युद्ध अभी खत्म नहीं हुआ है
- 1999 के पहले यह प्वाईंट भारतीय सीमा का हिस्सा था. लेकिन 99 के युद्ध के समय ही यहां पाकिस्तानी फौज पाबंद हो गयी.
- सवाल यह है कि अगर 99 के युद्ध के दौरान यहां पाकिस्तानी फौज काबिज हुई है तो आज तक हम उन्हें वहां से भगा क्यों नहीं पाये हैं? या फिर कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं है कि भारत ने यह प्वाईंट पाकिस्तान से हारा हुआ मान लिया है?
- पाकिस्तान आज भी एलओसी के पास स्थित दो चोटियों पर बैठा है। प्वाइंट 5353 और आफताब टॉप ये दो चोटियां ऐसी है, जिन पर पाकिस्तानी फौजी आज भी मौजूद है। कारगिल और द्रास जाकर जब ये बात पता चलती है, तो टीस उठती है। आज इस जश्न के बीच उन अमर आत्माओं को एक दर्द का एहसास होगा, एक टीस होगी, काश आत्माएं बोल पाती और हम उनका दर्द समझ पाते.
- अपनी करगिल यात्रा के दौरान जाबांज शहीदों को याद करने के साथ ही प्वाईंट 5353 की कड़वी सच्चाई से भी सामना हुआ. ऐसा नहीं है कि भारतीय जवानों ने जो हासिल किया उसकी तारीफ नहीं होनी चाहिए. लेकिन ये याद रखना होगा कि अधूरी जीत, हार से ज्यादा शर्मनाक होती है। हक की लडाई में समझोते नही होते, लेकिन कारगिल की फतह में समझोते की बू भर नही आती है, कारगिल की पहाड़ियो पर समझोते के निशान मिलते है। हम कुछ पाकर इतने खुश हुये कि जो खो दिया उसकी तरफ पीठ मोड़ ली, दुश्मन लौटते लौटते भी कुछ बचाकर ले गया तो ये उसकी जीत है। पहाडियो पर आज भी हमारा एक इलाका एसा है जो हमारा नही है।
The Indian National Congress’ Last Hurrah - Vijayvaani.com
- The Indian National Congress’ Last Hurrah
- Radha Rajan
The Cabinet Mission – May, 1946
- Viceroy invites Congress to form Interim Government and the Congress accepts – August 12, 1946
• Muslim League declares Direct Action Day – August 16, 1946
• Communal riots in Bengal and Bihar
• Communal riots in Bombay – 1st September, 1946 - The mind-games that Gandhi thought he was playing brilliantly with Jinnah and the British eventually boomeranged on the nation. Jinnah felt betrayed by Gandhi and the Viceroy when the League was not invited to form the interim government on its own as per Clause 8 of the statement of June 16 and the Muslim League rejected the Cabinet Mission proposals in toto making the threat of a violent eruption by the League very real. But contrary to what the British government wanted, the Muslim League did not unleash violence on the 29th of June even though they did reject the State Paper and refuse to co-operate with the Cabinet Mission.
- Almost as if they wanted to ignite the tinder-box of seething anger in the Muslim League, the Viceroy invites the Congress to form the interim government on the 12th of August. The stage had been set for the imperial government’s back-up plan to be unraveled with perfect timing. The Viceroy did not invite the Muslim League to form the interim government after the Congress rejected the interim government proposals but went ahead to invite the Congress to form the interim government after the League rejected the Mission proposals.
- An enraged Jinnah declared ‘direct action’ on the 16th of August, with the sole objective of making the sovereign state of Pakistan a reality. Partition, which had been averted by the groupings clause in the State paper and the proposal to make a three-tier constitution, was now imminent – thanks to Gandhi’s megalomaniac insistence on disregarding the general view of the Congress Working Committee to accept the State Paper as a starting point for the transfer of power, and on being the only person to negotiate on behalf of the Congress and by extension, it is worth repeating, the whole nation barring the Muslims. Whose agenda was Gandhi really serving?
- In August 1946 after Jinnah blamed Gandhi squarely for aborting the Cabinet Mission proposals for transfer of power, and to emphasize the point that Muslims were not only a separate nation but also hostile to all non-Islamic faiths, he called upon the Muslims to launch direct action, not against the British government, but going by the horrific numbers of Hindus killed in Calcutta on August 16th alone, against the Hindus. Additionally it also served to debunk Gandhi’s stubborn insistence that Muslims can and will live peacefully with Hindus if only the Hindus would serve them wholeheartedly and without political motives.[8]
Freedom Movement turns retrograde - Vijayvaani.com
Freedom Movement turns retrograde
Radha Rajan
- Contrary to Aurobindo’s assertion that passive resistance was a necessary tactical move to invoke and strengthen in citizens the much-needed qualities of endurance, capacity for suffering pain and punishment, unflinching courage and the moral strength to ultimately launch if need be, a full-scale war against foreign rulers, Gandhi’s passive resistance became a goal in itself for ordinary ‘Gandhian’ Indians to practise and achieve successfully. But the unanswered question remains - what did Gandhi really desire for the Indians who followed him on the streets? Self-Rule as inner liberation, Home-Rule as the Home Rule League wanted or small victories with passive resistance in local issues? What goal did he explicitly set for the INC?
Gandhi's passive resistance only delayed political independence and facilitated the exit of the British on their terms and at a time of their choosing. Thus:
Because Gandhi's resistance to British rule was 'passive', it was essentially non-violent.
Passive resistance by Gandhi's own admission could not be employed for a general objective, but only locally for a limited purpose.
Passive resistance was therefore not intended to end British rule in India or for India's political independence.
Passive resistance was meant only to resist specific, unfair and repressive laws in India.
Gandhi's political career in India was only a continuation of his career in South Africa, both in terms of the methods he employed and his objectives.
Worshippers cry foul as Madhya Pradesh 'de-fangs' Nagpanchmi
Worshippers cry foul as Madhya Pradesh 'de-fangs' Nagpanchmi
Nagpanchmi, the festival of snakes, which was celebrated Sunday, left many Hindu worshippers disappointed when they went to temples but found no snakes. The forest department had taken snake charmers to task for displaying the reptiles.
Nagpanchami is a festival of snakes celebrated on the fifth day of the bright fortnight in the Hindu holy month of Shravan. People visit temples of Hindu god Shiva, worship snakes and offer them milk besides alms to the snake charmer who brings them.
But now, there are no snake charmers seen in the towns and cities as the forest department has warned them of strict action if they bring the reptiles on Nagpanchmi.
No human rights for Hindus abroad? - Organiser - Content
- TogadiaSpeak
No human rights for Hindus abroad?
By Dr Pravin Togadia - Hindu Organisations try their best to reduce suffering of most Hindus impacted by such ethnic violence, racist brutality and socio-political discrimination. But the damage is vast, time is short & resourceful hands are limited. It is time for Hindus to RE-GROUP, RE-NETWORK and RE-SURGE to stand up democratically against any justice.
Liberhan: Rock and a hard place - Vijayvaani.com
Liberhan: Rock and a hard place
Sandhya Jain
- By a curious coincidence, the Justice S.C. Mohapatra Commission probing the Kandhamal riots of 2008 submitted its interim report almost simultaneously with the final report of the Justice Liberhan Commission on the post-1992 violence following demolition of the Babri structure in Ayodhya.
- Hindus are caught between a rock and a hard place, squeezed between Muslim obduracy and Christian belligerence, both funded and backed by external powers, while the Indian state refuses to support the legitimate needs of its Hindu populace, and even denies Hindu religio-cultural identity in its pursuit of secularism. We thus have the bizarre asymmetry of minority rights vis-à-vis an undefined majority that is denied form and name, but blamed for resisting its own negation.
The unrest at Amarnath and Kandhamal shows that regardless of electoral outcomes, Hindus can face both the rock and the hard place simultaneously, and will not allow monotheists to walk all over them.
The author is Editor, www.vijayvaani.com
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Police attend HJS meeting in Amaravati - Oppose to HJS | hindujagruti.org
Police attend HJS meeting in Amaravati - Oppose to HJS | hindujagruti.org
- Amaravati (Maharashtra)
- A meeting of Bhagvatkars (Preachers of Bhagvat), Pravachankars (those who give spiritual discourses) and H.B.Ps was organised here by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS). Three police men in civil dress came there before the meeting commenced. (Police remain present for Dharmajagruiti (awakening people to follow Dharma) meetings of the Samiti. Do they ever attend the secret meetings held by SIMI (Students’ Islamic Movement of India) which is engaged in anti-national activities ? This kind of attitude of the police, impairs their success! - Editor SP)
- Pro-Hindus : From where have you come?
Police : From the police department.
Pro-Hindus : This meeting is for the invitees only.
Police : We attend any programme that is held.
Pro-Hindus : The people attending this meeting are not comfortable due to your presence, as this is a private meeting.
Police : We are Hindus too. We have orders from our seniors, hence we have come here. We shall not interfere in your programme.
Pro-Hindus : We know that; but if you have finished with whatever you wanted to find out, then please leave, so that we can continue our meeting freely, without undue stress.
Hearing this, the police were ready to leave; but before that they took down the names of the organisers and also enquired about a past activist of the HJS who is inactive these days. (Police keeping track of the present as well as the past activists of the HJS. Do they keep such detailed information about the people engaged in Islamic terrorism ? – Editor SP)
Naukri.com again denigrates Lord Vishnu through Advertisement - Hindu Deities | hindujagruti.org
Naukri.com again denigrates Lord Vishnu through Advertisement - Hindu Deities | hindujagruti.org
Details of Denigration by Naukri.com
Again the stupid advertisement of Naukri.com is on on popular TV channels. It was stopped last time and invisible for about year. It describes meaning of HARI as "Hitler" and all other letters as abuse. God name HARI is honourable to all of us and this naukri.com is abusing same .
An advertisement by www.naukri.com, job seeker's portal has used the name 'Hari Sadu' and deformed 'Hari' with bad words. The advertisement shows a person spelling out the name 'H-A-R-I' on the phone as: 'H' for Hitler, 'A' for Arrogant, 'R' for Rascal, 'I' for Idiot. -
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Shadow Warrior:
Shadow Warrior: "hindu rate of growth" is racist
- to
paul beckett
bureau chief
wsj, delhi - dear sir:
i read your well-written article http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124840931940378415.html on the sad lack of charitable giving in india. - "hindu rate of growth"? this was a racist and insulting term coined by a communist, raj krishna, for whom this is his 15-min -- and sole -- claim to fame.
as a paper that does not believe in equal-opportunity denigration of religions, you should stop using this horrible term forthwith. after all, i have read your paper for decades, and i have never seen you refer to pakistan's or somalia's growth rate as the "islamic rate of growth", or rwanda's or haiti's as "the christian rate of growth". - and we have good reason to believe (see angus maddison) that the historical and actual "hindu rate of growth" was the highest in the world -- after all, india was the richest country in the world till around 1700.
- once again, let me request you to abjure the offensive phrase "hindu rate of growth" in your writing. it is demeaning, it is not historically accurate, and it is racist.
thank you
rajeev srinivasan
management consultant and op-ed writer (rediff.com, new indian express, the pioneer, mint)
The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Cowards in a nation of braves
The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Cowards in a nation of braves
- Kargil war veteran Baldev Singh was shot dead and robbed by three men in Bhajanpura, North-east District of Delhi. He was carrying Rs 8.45 lakh. The incident occurred around 10 am barely 50 metres from a police picket — reportedly manned by two personnel...”
- The murder of an Army veteran, a man who fought in the last war we faced, in, as media is fond of describing, broad daylight, a short distance from a police picket where two worthies in khaki were reportedly on duty. The police claim to have ‘cracked’ the case; four men have been arrested; the story has been duly published; and, that is the last we shall ever hear of this murder.
- We have an annual ceremony to honour the unknown soldier at Amar Jawan Jyoti, the memorial at India Gate, and that’s about all. We do not celebrate our spectacular military victory in 1971 lest Pakistanis are offended and reminded of Mrs Indira Gandhi’s audacious decision to rend asunder Mohammed Ali Jinnah’s “moth-eaten Pakistan” and deliver Bangladeshis from the rapacious tyranny of West Pakistan. There’s a sneaking suspicion that December 16 is studiously ignored by our politicians (including, and it must be noted, those of the BJP) because the observance of Victory Day could ‘hurt’ Islamist sentiments at home.
- So, it is not entirely surprising that the Government should also ignore Vijay Diwas — July 26 — the day a defeated, devastated and demoralised Pakistani Army turned tail and fled from the heights of Kargil, more precisely, the few remaining bunkers in its control, leaving its dead to rot in the rocky wilderness of Drass, Kaksar and Mashkoh Valley.
- tragically, they ran out of ammunition. Before they could send out an SOS (there have been suggestions that their communications equipment failed to work)
- For the 20-odd days that Captain Kalia and his men were alive, they were brutally tortured in captivity — their mutilated bodies bore the evidence of chilling inhumanity: Ear drums pierced with hot iron rods, eyeballs carved out with knives, genitals chopped off, every bone broken and splintered. And, after all this, they were shot in the head. No apology was offered, none was sought!
US: Teen helps treat over 2 lakh patients in India: Rediff.com news
US: Teen helps treat over 2 lakh patients in India: Rediff.com news
In the last five years, Pratyusha Yalamanchi, 18, has helped provide treatment to more than 290,000 dental patients in Andhra Pradesh.
A high school graduate from the International Academy in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, she founded Dental HygIndia, partnering with Dr Kadiyala Rajendra, a dentist in Andhra Pradesh, at the age of 13, after she saw the sorry state of dental hygiene among villagers in India during a trip.
Pratyusha, her award programme profile noted, 'has a passion for making a difference locally and globally.' She is also 'an exceptional student and leader; receiving a perfect score on her Scholastic Aptitude Test, maintaining a 4.0 grade point average, and serving as her senior class' co-president.'
Pratyusha did not win the award. "Another very deserving teen was selected," she said.
- She also teaches SAT prep courses and the money she earns goes to Dental HygIndia (www.dentalhygindia.org).
- She was accepted to many universities, and has decided on Harvard.
Original Post No. 2 : Invitation to provide links
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Common Hindu
आक्रोश,चक्काजाम,बाजार बंद
कस्बे में शुक्रवार रात्रि गौवंश की मौत से शनिवार को तनाव फैल गया। विभिन्न संगठनों के कार्यकर्ता पीलीबंगा-सूरतगढ़ मार्ग पर एकत्रित हो गए। बाद में लोगों ने चक्काजाम कर दिया। मौके पर पुलिस के साथ आक्रोशित लोगों की तकरार हो गई।
व्यापार मंडल, शिक्षण समिति, विश्व हिंदू परिषद, बजरंग दल तथा कस्बे के विभिन्न सामाजिक व धार्मिक संगठनों के कार्यकर्ता मौके पर पहुंचे और पुलिस प्रशासन के खिलाफ नारेबाजी की। थाना प्रभारी गोविंदराम मेघवाल व एएसआई बनवारीलाल सिहाग मौके पर पहुंचे।
लोगों ने गौवंश की मौत के लिए दोषी लोगों को गिरफ्तार करने की मांग की तो थाना प्रभारी ने गौवंश की हत्या न मानकर दुर्घटना होना बताया। इससे लोगों का आक्रोश फूट गया।