Saturday, December 5, 2009

Not serving the truth about meat - The Times of India

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    • Jaspreet Nijher
    • How often before digging into the food at an eatery does one enquire about the way in which chicken or mutton served there was slaughtered? ‘Rarely’ is what many people would say. Hotels and restaurants are also aware that customers don’t always try to know if the non-vegetarian food there is of the halal or jhatka variety.

      While this may be a non-issue for the liberal minded, for people who are stricter about their religious beliefs, the distinction is a matter of faith and its violation amounts to sacrilege. When Harmanjot Kaur (name changed) asked the staff at a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) outlet about the variety of non-vegetarian food there, she was shocked to hear that it was halal. She said, “I don’t want a ban on halal. But why don?t they tell customers about what they are serving?”

      An official spokesperson at KFC admitted, “Yes, we serve halal because that is our global mandate.”

      But KFC is not the only joint serving halal. Hotels like Taj also do the same. “The slaughtering technique of our mutton and chicken is mechanized and we source it from Godrej. This poultry and mutton is halal since the machines are only equipped to slaughter in that manner,” said the hotel’s general manager, Anil Malhotra.

      A Godrej spokesperson concurred with his statement.
    • The staff at McDonald’s and Republic of Chicken took the middle path by saying their supply of non-vegetarian foodstuffs came from a mechanized plant and that was what they told their clients if they asked.
    • However, Harmanjot maintained, “It is usually taken for granted the non-vegetarian food served here would be jhatka since majority of people here are either Sikh or Hindu, whose religion prohibits them from eating halal, which is called kuttha in Gurbani.”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Dal Khalsa (UK) calls for Sikhs to unite & Stop Ashutosh & His Hindutva Cult |

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    • Britain/Ludhiana
    • al Khalsa (UK) calls for Sikhs to unite to stop the Ashutosh led DJJS from holding its proposed meet in Ludhiana on Dec 5-6, which the Dal Khalsa believes was being held with the blessings and support of the RSS and Bharatiya Janta Party. It is an attempt by the Hindu fascist terrorists led by the group RSS of promoting cults and sects that have posed a threat of Guruship to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

      Ashutosh and other deras in Punjab are the part of plan of the Hindu fascists of converting Panjab to Hinduism and bringing it within the Hindutva fold of Hindi,Hindu,Hindustan. These deras are just a front for fascists for training new terrorists in all parts of Panjab.Ashutosh has been clear about his political stand,at his last function Hindutva was the main theme.

      At his last meet DJJS said their is no such thing as Sikhism, that ‘Hindu dhrama’ has many branches and so called Sikhs just a part of the great ‘Hindu samaj’.It was also mentioned that there are some people claiming that Sikhs are not Hindu and are a separate and independent Nation, “they said “these are agents of Pakistan and the West”.

      “Dal Khalsa would like to clarify that Sikhs are not Hindu and are a separate and independent Nation.

    • It further says the we need to put up a united stand against Ashutosh as the Sikh nation .Two youths have been already been attacked by Hindu extremists one is in critical condition and other is stable,as the news article above states. Dal Khalsa takes this opportunity to warn the Sikh Nation of dangerous times ahead in the Sikh Homeland in Panjab.
    • May the Guru Bless the Sikh Nation with strength and Chardi Kalla.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Nasir brought to city, has Madani links

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    • Nasir, the alleged mastermind of the Bangalore bomb blasts who was handed over to the Bangalore police on Friday, has revealed to investigators that he had links with Abdul Nasir Madani, leader of the Peoples’s Democratic Party (PDP), the police said in Bangalore.
    • Madani was the first accused in the 12 serial bomb blasts that killed 33 people and injured 153 others in Coimbatore on February 14, 1998. But he was released after the police failed to prove his involvement.
    • The police said that Nasir reportedly revealed to investigators that he was responsible for converting youth in the banned SIMI through Tareequath classes (a meeting of like minded) to the Jihadi ideology. The police said that Nasir and his associates regularly visited Hyderabad to attend similar assemblies.


      The classes took place every Sunday and Wednesday and almost all the accused in the Bangalore serial blast attended these classes in Kerala and Hyderabad, the police said. The classes were mainly against the RSS and alleged atrocities on Muslims in India, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine.


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Is there a Right space in Indian politics?

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    • There is an emerging space for the Indian Right centred on the promotion of decentralisation, accountability , transparency, fiscal responsibility, sustainable development, responsible environmentalism, gender equity, consumer rights and an overall culture of efficiency. The Congress has reinvented its paternalism in the guise of welfare-a wasteful endeavour that may drag India into a needless fiscal crisis; it has expanded the bureaucracy without making it more accountable and efficient; and it has lauded modernity without embracing meritocracy. The Congress has prospered electorally by preying on the sectarian vote banks which have viewed the Right as the proverbial Nasty Party.

      The Indian Right has allowed the battle to be fought on terms set by the Congress. It must now redefine its political priorities to avail of an ever-expanding political space. The Swatantra Party failed because it was ahead of the times; the BJP may falter if it doesn't move into the 21st century.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

लिब्राहन कमिशन रिपोर्ट में कई खामियां: भागवत

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    • चंडीगढ़
    • राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सर संघचालक मोहन भागवत ने शनिवार को चंडीगढ़ प्रेस क्लब, सेक्टर 27 में आयोजित प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में यह बात कही। उन्होंने विवादित ढांचा गिराए जाने के मामले में माफी मांगने से इंकार करते हुए कहा कि उस वक्त ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं हुआ जिसके लिए माफी मांगी जाए।
    • उनका कहना है कि राम जन्म भूमि आंदोलन का मुद्दा ह्दय परिवर्तन, कोर्ट के निर्देश, सरकार के सहयोग के साथ समाज में जागृति लाए जाने से ही हल हो सकता है। इस आंदोलन में मुस्लिम समुदाय के लोग भी जुड़े रहे है जिनमें मुख्तार अब्बास नकवी, मुम्बई के मुज्जफर हुसैन आदि शामिल हैं।
    • आरएसएस के कार्यकर्ता मतदान के समय अपने विवेक से किसी भी राजनीतिक पार्टी या उम्मीदवार के पक्ष में मतदान करने के लिए स्वतंत्र है। इसमें केवल देश हित और राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा को ध्यान मंे रखकर वोट डालने की सलाह दी जाती है।
    • उन्होंने कहा कि आरएसएस अखण्ड भारत की कल्पना करता है जिसमे पाकिस्तान, अफगानिस्तान, नेपाल देश का हिस्सा हो। उनके मुताबिक पहले भी हम पूजा पद्धतियां विभिन्न होने के बावजूद एक होकर रहे है और भविष्य में भी रह सकते हैं।
    • उनके मुताबिक आरएसएस के हिंदूत्व का अर्थ है कि देश के लोगों में विभिन्नताएं होने के बावजूद उन्हें एकजुट कर निजी स्वार्थ और भेद भुलाकर देश की एकता व अखण्डता के लिए काम करना। अगर कुछ लोग इसे भारतीय, इंडियन कहे तो संघ को इस पर किसी तरह का ऐतराज नहीं है।
    • उनका कहना है कि संघ के दरवाजे हर समुदाय, जाति व पंथ के लिए खुले हैं। आरएसएस की परंपरा के मुताबिक ध्वज प्रणाम, संस्कृत में प्रार्थना और भारत माता की जय बोलने वाला व्यक्ति आरएसएस का कार्यकर्ता बन सकता है, चाहे वह हिंदू हो, सिख हो या फिर मुस्लिम और इसाई। उन्होंने दावा किया कि आरएसएस की शाखाओं में मुस्लिम व इसाई लोग भी आते हैं।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

लुधियाना में पुलिस फ़ायरिंग, चार की मौत - Oneindia Hindi

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    • पंजाब के लुधियाना शहर में शुक्रवार को हुई हिंसा के बाद शनिवार को हिंसा का नया दौर शुरू हो गया है.

      दिव्य ज्योति जागरण संस्थान के आशुतोष महाराज के समागम का विरोध कर रहे कट्टरपंथी सिखों पर हुई पुलिस फ़ायरिंग में चार लोग मारे गए हैं और 13 अन्य घायल हुए हैं.

      आशुतोष महाराज का दिव्य ज्योति जागरण संस्थान पंजाब [^] में काफ़ी लोकप्रिय [^] है और हिंदुओं के साथ-साथ सिखों में भी इसकी अच्छी-ख़ासी पैठ है.

      लेकिन कट्टरपंथी सिख लुधियाना में शनिवार से शुरू होने वाले समागम का विरोध कर रहे थे.

      शुक्रवार को ही आशुतोष महाराज की शोभा यात्रा होने वाली थी, लेकिन ग़ैर पंजाबी मज़दूरों के ख़िलाफ़ हुई हिंसा के कारण इसे टाल दिया गया था.

    • जानकार शुक्रवार की घटना को भी ताज़ा हिंसा से जोड़कर देख रहे हैं क्योंकि आशुतोष महाराज बिहार [^] के हैं और वे राजनीतिक रूप से भी दबंग माने जाते हैं.हालाँकि पंजाब में उनके अनुयायी हिंदू [^] भी हैं और सिख भी.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

तुष्टीकरण की नीति अपना रही है बिहार सरकार : प्रवीण तोगड़िया - Oneindia Hindi

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    • पटना में शनिवार को साधु-संतों की एक सभा को संबोधित करते हुए तोगड़िया ने बिहार सरकार पर अरोप लगाया कि वह अल्पसंख्यक छात्रों को पैसे बांट रही है, मगर उसे हिन्दुओं का कोई ख्याल नहीं है।

      तोगड़िया ने कहा कि किसी गरीब हिन्दू बच्चे नीतीश कुमार को कुछ नहीं मिलेगा लेकिन यहीं पर यदि आप तस्लीमुद्दीन हैं तो सरकार आपको पढ़ाई के लिए 10 हजार रुपये देगी।

      तोगड़िया ने प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह के उस बयान के लिए उनकी भी आलोचना की, जिसमें उन्होंने कहा था कि देश के संसाधनों पर पहला [^] हक मुसलमानों का है। विहिप [^] नेता ने कहा कि आज इस देश में हिन्दू होना ही गुनाह हो गया है। हिन्दुओं को नौकरी नहीं मिल रही है, परतु अल्पसंख्यकों को नौकरी बांटी जा रही है।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

VHP launches 3G mobile version of VHTV


    • As part of its efforts to reach out to the Hindu community, VHP today launched here the 3G mobile version of VHTV, its web TV, which was launched in September.

      The new facility along with a high-tech web studio that will enable live telecast of various programmes, was jointly launched by Kanchi Sankaracharya Jayendra Saraswathi, VHP International president Ashok Singhal and Janata Party president Subamanian Swamy.

Your lattes could help build a church in India - photo with incorrect Indian map

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    • Instead of getting your everyday caramel and white-chocolate latte on coffee break, what if you could build a church? E3 Partners has a "Three Latte Church Plan," encouraging individuals to give up three coffee break indulgences to fund the construction of a house church in India.

      India is the world's second-largest nation with a population of almost 1.5 billion people. Only 2 percent of its residents know Jesus Christ as Savior; more than 800 million Indians are Hindu.

      Between 2007 and 2009, E3 established over 500 new churches in India. Under E3's vision statement, the Three Latte Church Plan helps believers worldwide reach the lost through the establishment of house churches. Partnering with E3's plan provides the funding for house church construction. In total, thousands in India have come to know the Lord through the ministry of E3 Partners.

      Around two dozen people can be reached for Christ with the creation of one church. For $13, you and your small group can fully fund a new house church that reaches over 20 people for Christ.

      You can partner with E3's Three Latte Church Plan by clicking here.
    • E3_lattechurch.jpg
    • (Photo courtesy E3 Partners)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Kashmir Watch :: In-depth coverage on Kashmir conflict

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    • By Mohammad Yousuf Naqash
    • This may not be conducive to the outer world but this is a reality that the sentiment running through the veins in Kashmir includes the quantity ingredient of Islam as a driving force and motivating factor. One can say with certainty that two are inseparable as far as Kashmir is concerned. There is always the mix-up of two in statements, lectures and slogans. Azadi here refers to Nizam-e-Mustafa (Divine Rule). It has a background based on reason. This sentiment as mentioned above is the intentional adoption of Muslim majority of Jammu Kashmir. Non Muslims of the territory are not the part to it. They always remained disassociated from it. They rather consider themselves the part of Hindu India who by its intentions and deeds is against Muslims and Islam. Whether anybody accepts this bitter reality or not, hardly matters now. The polarization of the state territory on religious grounds has very before taken place in 1947 at the time of partition of India and emergence of new country Pakistan.

    • Author is Chairman, Islamic Political Party (Jammu & Kashmir), Constituent Member All Parties Hurriyat Committee. Email:

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.