Saturday, May 16, 2009

Shame on you Hindu's , you deserve to be ruled by Italian Mafia

Shame on you Hindu's , you deserve to be ruled by Italian Mafia

election results

election results

may 16th, 2009
the most likely reason: electronic voting machine fraud.

as i mentioned here before, it is not that difficult to create a trojan horse program that would be triggered off by one of your agents feeding in a sequence of keystrokes. it would then -- regardless of the button pressed -- give, say, 52% of the votes to the kkkangress. when voting is finished, the trojan horse program could even erase itself from the machine. no audit trail, nothing.

this is one of the reasons why EVMs are not used in the US. even with hanging chads and whatnot, paper ballots mean you can have a recount. but EVMs means your vote is gone with the wind.
we will see increased marginalization of hindus and apartheid with a virulence.

India decides on Congress led UPA

India decides on Congress led UPA – Guest Post

*** India decides on Congress led UPA – is it a default, surprise or strategy? ***

Guest Post by Ashwin Kumaraswamy

The following reasons in my opinion led to Congress victory:

BJP’s short sighted attempt to make this election a presidential form of election and by making personal remarks on Dr Singh calling him a “nikhama” and weak Prime Minister.

RTI, NREGA have been a massive hit in those states where it has been utilized properly

The 3rd front myth has been busted

Rahul Gandhi being the youth icon

Emergence of Rahul Gandhi

DMK and SP holding roughly to their position this accounts for roughly 50seats

हारना वाकई दुखद है, लेकिन सच्चाई स्वीकार करो और पुनः काम में जुट जाओ… BJP Defeat, UPA wins, Election Assessment

हारना वाकई दुखद है, लेकिन सच्चाई स्वीकार करो और पुनः काम में जुट जाओ… BJP Defeat, UPA wins, Election Assessment

किसी ने भी नहीं सोचा था कि इतनी महंगाई (आम आदमी के रोज़मर्रा के जीवन को छूने वाला एक मुद्दा) तथा भयानक आतंकवाद (“एलीट क्लास” का मुद्दा) जैसे मुद्दों के बावजूद जनता कांग्रेस-यूपीए को जितायेगी, लेकिन यह हुआ।

यदि सरसरी तौर पर विश्लेषण किया जाये तो भाजपा की हार के कुछ कारण दिखाई देते हैं, वे इस प्रकार हैं –

1) लालकृष्ण आडवाणी की स्वीकार्यता जनता में नहीं होना,
आडवाणी को प्रधानमंत्री पद का उम्मीदवार बनाना शायद एक गलत कदम था, उनकी बजाय नरेन्द्र मोदी या सुषमा स्वराज को यदि ठीक से “मार्केटिंग” करके मैदान में उतारा जाता तो युवा वोटर का रुझान भाजपा को अधिक मिलता।

2) कम वोटिंग प्रतिशत, तथा

3) मीडिया का एकतरफ़ा सतत चलने वाला भाजपा-विरोधी अभियान।

लेकिन इसका मतलब यह हरगिज़ नहीं कि भाजपा-संघ-हिन्दुत्ववादी कार्यकर्ताओं को हतबल होकर बैठ जाना चाहिये।

क्या हिन्दुओं और हिन्दुत्व के चारो ओर मंडरा रहे संकेत मद्धिम हो गये, हरगिज़ नहीं। आज जनता इस बात को समझने में नाकाम रही है, तो हमारा यह कर्तव्य है कि उसे समझाने का प्रयास लगातार करते रहें…

यह उतार-चढ़ाव तो आते ही रहेंगे… लक्ष्य पर निगाह रखो और पुनः उठ खड़े हो, चलो…

'Lifetime Achievement' award to Shri. Vikramrao Sawarkar

'Lifetime Achievement' award to Shri. Vikramrao Sawarkar

Self-surrender only after establishment of Hindu Nation – Savarkar

Mumbai: Swatantryaveer Savarkar lived only with the goal of establishment of an undivided Hindu Nation. I also made efforts in that direction.

I am called as an old lion; but a lion will never eat grass even if it becomes old. I shall strive to create an undivided Hindu Nation and then may be, I’ll think about self-surrender.

The above fierece thoughts full of love for his nation and Dharma were expressed by Shri. Vikramrao Savarkar, former President of Hindu Mahasabha.

Shri. Vikramrao Savarkar being felicitated
Shri. Vikramrao Savarkar being felicitated

What they teach in madrasas?

What they teach in madrasas?
May 11, 2009

By CK Mohan

None of the 55 Muslim countries of the world have made madrasa education equivalent to modern education in their countries. Hence, candidates with madrasa qualification would not get jobs in Muslim countries.

But in Hindu-majority secular India, the madrasa-qualified candidates are made eligible for selection to every government jobs, at par with CBSE qualified candidates.

Muslims tricks to shut down

Muslims tricks to shut down
May 11, 2009

Muslims have sent protest letters to Limestone Network, who is Internet Service provider of a

Faith Freedom International is an organ providing a venue for ex-Muslims to express their views.

Leaving Islam is a crime punishable by death. We constantly receive death threats and most of us write anonymously to protect our lives and the lives of our loved ones. The instruction of Muhammad in regards to apostasy was clear. “whoever leaves Islam kill him.”

We left Islam and we oppose it. We oppose Islam because Islam advocates killing the non-Muslims and abuses the human rights of minorities and women. Islam expanded mostly by Jihad (holy war) and forced its way by killing the non-believers.

Our site is not spamming. We have a weekly newsletter that we send to all those who subscribe. At the bottom of the newsletter there is a link to unsubscribe.

Muslims know that truth is the biggest enemy of Islam. They have tried in every conceivable way to stop They used every trick in the book to shut us down.

Samarth : Hindus, protect our Temples fom anti-Hindus!

Samarth : Hindus, protect our Temples fom anti-Hindus!
May 11, 2009

Congress oppose play on the life of 'Nathuram Godse'

Congress oppose play on the life of 'Nathuram Godse'
May 11, 2009

Redi (Maharashtra): ‘Congress Government had imposed ban on the Marathi play ‘Mee Nathuram Godase Bolatoy’ for its forthright dialogues. The ban has, however, been lifted in the year 2002 but Congressmen are still opposing this play.

Acceptance of only Rs.11.25 as honorarium as blessings of Goddess!

Shri. Uday Dhurat expressed gratitude at the holy feet of Sree Mauli Devi and accepted only Rs. 11.25/- as her blessings for the play. He said, “Starting from the scratch, with the blessings of Sree Mauli Devi, I have reached upto here. How can I demand a big amount at Her feet? I will take Rs.11.25 by way of Her blessings.”

Websites using distorted Indian Map!

Websites using distorted Indian Map!
May 11, 2009

Following websites are using distorted Indian Map. Protest against them

यह तो भारतीय लोकतंत्र का चमत्कार है

यह तो भारतीय लोकतंत्र का चमत्कार है

देश के लिए खुशी की बात है कि महंगाई व आतंकवाद अब कोई मुद्दा नहीं रहे. शोराब्बुद्दीन के साथ साथ स्वीज बैंक भी खुश हो सकती है.

एक अच्छी खबर जरूर है और वह है लाल झण्डों का कमजोर होना. क्षेत्रीय पार्टियों से मोहभंग भी भारत के हित में होगा. इस बार मौकापरस्त कचरापट्टी का साफ होना बहुत बड़ी राहत है.

मैं आडवाणी को प्र.म. के रूप में देखना चाहता था. इसलिए थोड़ी निराशा जरूर है. राष्ट्रवादियों को पाँच साल और प्रतिक्षा करनी होगी. धर्मनिरपेक्षतावादियों (?!!) को बधाई.

Krugman Playing Eco-Card

Krugman Playing Eco-Card

lKrugman the Atlanticist seems to be dangerously playing the eco-card, in order to come up with new ways to constrain rising powers like China. He wants to impose eco-taxes on countries that don't meet his environmental standards. This would inevitably be extended to India and anyone else, too. The Atlanticists seem to want the poor Asians to starve, so that they can keep their jacuzzis and air-conditioning running full blast. Krugman seems to be angling for a North-South conflict.