» Blog Archive » मायावती की मूर्तियों का बजट गरीबों से ज्यादा
- डेटलाइन इंडिया
- एक तरफ मायावती उत्तर प्रदेश को पिछड़ा और गरीब प्रदेश घोषित कर के केंद्र से बार बार बड़ा आर्थिक पैकेज मांग रही हैं तो दूसरी ओर तीन जुलाई से वे पूरे प्रदेश में अपनी, कांशीराम और डॉक्टर भीमराव अंबेडकर की करोड़ों रुपए की प्रतिमाएं स्थापित करने का अभियान भी शुरू कर रही है।
- सूत्रों के अनुसार मूर्तियां तो बहुत समय से बनी हुई थी लेकिन आचार संहिता की वजह से इन्हें लगाने में देरी की गई। फिर जब चुनाव के नतीजे आ गए तो मायावती को लाज आई कि अच्छे नतीजे नहीं होने पर भी अपनी मूर्तियां लगाना लोगों को ठीक नहीं लगेगा।
- सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में एक याचिका पड़ी हुई है जिसमें दिए गए हिसाब के अनुसार पूरे प्रदेश में मूर्तियों का खर्चा दस अरब सत्तर करोड़ रुपए हैं। इतना खर्चा उत्तर प्रदेश में गरीबों को रोजगार देने पर नहीं दिया जाता।
!! समर्थ हिन्दु, समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान !!;........................!! समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान, समर्थ विश्व !!............................ All the posts on this blog are re-postings and post headings point towards the actual posts.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
» Blog Archive » मायावती की मूर्तियों का बजट गरीबों से ज्यादा
» Blog Archive » वरुण गांधी करेंगे हिंदुत्व का अध्ययन
» Blog Archive » वरुण गांधी करेंगे हिंदुत्व का अध्ययन
- डेटलाइन इंडिया
- वरुण गांधी कल लखनऊ में राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ के मुख्यालय में पहुंचे और वहां मौजूद प्रचारकों तथा मुख्य प्रचारक अशोक बेरी से सीधे सवाल किया कि क्या उनके भाषण से पार्टी या संघ परिवार को नुकसान हुआ है। एक घंटे की इस लंबी मुलाकात में वरुण गांधी ने कहा कि मुझे मेरी गलती बताई जाए। संघ के नेताओं ने वरुण गांधी से कहा कि वे सांस्कृतिक राष्ट्रवाद और सबको साथ ले कर चलने वाले हिंदुत्व की धारण्ाा का अध्ययन करें।
- श्री भागवत ने जम्मू विश्वविद्यालय में हुए एक सेमिनार में बोलते हुए कहा था कि हिंदू होने के लिए न किसी को अपना धर्म छोड़नाा है और न शिनाख्त बदलनी है। जो भारत में रहता है वह हिंदू हैं।
* VivekaJyoti *: Hindus do not understand that Congress is Anti-Hindu and is promoting Islam and Christianity.
- It is difficult to defeat congress if Hindus refuse to vote. The statistics say 84% of the Indian population is Hindu and only 20% of them voted in the last election. In India there is a 13% Muslim population and 90% of them voted in the election. Out of the 3% Christian population, 90% voted.
- BJP should not worry about Muslims and Christians but make Hindus into a stronger party. Muslims and Christians are not going to vote for them, so it is useless to believe that they will. They should focus on Hindus and strengthen their own party if they want to win.
- 80% of the news media is in the hands of foreigners and Christians. BJP needs to start a Hindu TV channel or news media to have their voice heard.
पुण्य प्रसून बाजपेयी: कैसे हुआ भाजपा का बंटाधार
- संघ का जोर संगठन के जरिये सामाजिक शुद्दीकरण के उस मिजाज को पकड़ना था, जिससे वोट डालने के साथ वैचारिक भागेदारी का सवाल भी वोटर में समाये। लेकिन भाजपा ने वोटर को सत्ता की मलायी से जोड़ने की राजनीतिक पहल न सिर्फ उम्मीदवारो के चयन को लेकर की बल्कि चुनावी घोषणापत्र से लेकर चुनाव प्रचार के दौरान वोटरों को लुभाने की ही जोर-आजमाइश की।
- भाजपा के भीतर गोविन्दाचार्य की सोशल इंजीनियरिंग की वजह से कल्य़ाण सिंह का कद बढ़ना देखा गया और उत्तर प्रदेश में एक वक्त भाजपा की राजनीतिक सफलता को भी कल्याण सिंह से जोड़ा गया लेकिन वही कल्याण सिंह बाबरी मस्जिद ढहाने के बाद 1993 में जब पहली बार नागपुर आये थे तो संघ मुख्यालय में वह सिर्फ पांच मिनट ही रह पाये थे। इतनी छोटी मुलाकात के पीछे आरएसएस का ब्राह्माणवाद या दलित-पिछडा राजनीति को जगह ना देना भी माना गया।
- सत्ता ने किस तरह भाजपा को सिमटाया है, इसका अंदाजा भाजपा के मुख्यमंत्रियो को देखकर भी लगाया जा सकता है । छत्तीसगढ में रमन सिंह और मध्य प्रदेश में शिवराज सिंह चौहान जब मुख्यमंत्री बने थे तो उन्हें कोई पहचानाता नहीं था। लेकिन अब इन दोनो के अलावे दोनो राज्य में कोई और भाजपा नेता का नाम जुबान पर आता नहीं है। कमोवेश यही स्थिति राजस्थान में वसुंधरा राजे सिंधिया की है और तमिलनाडु में येदुरप्पा की है । यानी दूसरी लाइन किसी नेता ने बनने ही नही दी। गुजरात में नरेन्द्र मोदी ने तो दूसरी-तीसरी किसी लकीर पर नेताओं को नहीं रखा है।
- 2004 में हार के बावजूद बाजपेयी ने आडवाणी के लिये रास्ता नहीं खोला था। 2009 में आडवाणी हार के बावजूद किसी दूसरे के लिये रास्ता नहीं खोल रहे हैं। माना जाता है सरसंघचालक मोहन राव भागवत के लिये पिछले एक साल से सुदर्शन जी भी रास्ता नहीं खोल रहे थे ।
Occidental Soapbox: Islamic Crusades Episode 6: India's Millennial Burden
Occidental Soapbox: Islamic Crusades Episode 6: India's Millennial Burden
- The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history.
- Before the Islamic juggernaut burst in from the west, the native religions of these lands were Hinduism, Buddhism
- The Jihad against India was extraordinarily brutal even by Islamic standards. This is because unlike the so-called people of the book, Christians and Jews, who enjoyed some basic rights as subjected Dhimmis… Hindus and Buddhists were considered idolaters; the lowest of the low, worthy only of death.
- The first permanent Muslim foothold on the subcontinent was achieved with Muhammad bin Qasim's conquest of Sindh in 711 A.D.
- By the end of the tenth century however, newly Islamized Turkic tribes began to expand the Ummah into what is now Northwest India proper. Mahmud of Ghazni (971-1030), who was also known as the "Sword of Islam," mounted seventeen plundering expeditions between 997 and 1027 into North India.
- A subsequent conqueror, Muhammad Khilji had the distinction of single-handedly wiping out Buddhist culture on the subcontinent by the end of the 12th century.
- Khiliji’s brutality also incited the first case of Jauhar in India.
Another Turkic Muslim warlord, Timur, known as Tamerlane in the West, crossed the Indus River in 1398 and eventually captured the capital of Delhi. - Timur explains the motivation for his conquest in his personal memoirs:
- but I was undetermined in my mind whether I should direct my expedition against the infidels of China or against the infidels and polytheists of India. In this matter I sought an omen from the Kuran, and the verse I opened upon was this, “O Prophet, make war upon infidels and unbelievers and treat them with severity” [Quran 66:9]. My great officers told me that the inhabitants of Hindustan were infidels and unbelievers. In obedience to the order of Almighty Allah I determined on an expedition against them.
- I proclaimed throughout the camp that every man who had infidel prisoners should put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death.
- One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolaters, were on that day slain...on the great day of battle these 100,000 prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and enemies of Islam at liberty...no other course remained but that of making them all food for the sword.
- By the early 1500’s the mantle of Islamic power in India had passed to the first Mughal Emperor, Babar.
- Based on Muslim chronicles and demographic calculations Indian historian K.S. Lal has estimated that the Hindu population of India decreased by 80 million during the millennium of Islamic rule.
- Yet despite a deliberate policy of genocide and conversion over the 1,000 years of partial or complete Muslim rule, the majority of the population miraculously retained their Hindu religion as modernity dawned on the subcontinent.
- * CORRECTION - Sikhism was not present at the time of the Islamic conquest. Sikhism evolved in the early 16th Century as a militaristic response to Muslim tyranny.
HINDU SAMHATI: Hindu Village, Club and School Attacked in South 24 Parganas District
HINDU SAMHATI: Hindu Village, Club and School Attacked in South 24 Parganas District
- In a higher secondary school
- ,when 3 Muslim teachers demanded a specific place inside the School to offer daily Namaz, Hindus apprehended that virtually it will become a Mosque. So, on 22nd June 2009, Hindu students of higher classes of the school protested and gave a memorandum to the Headmaster signed by 300 students of the same school.
- Muslims gathered in large number from nearby 6 villages and attacked the School, destroyed its property, beat up Hindu students. Next the Muslims targeted nearby 3 Hindu clubs, looted their property, damaged the clubs and then started attacking Hindu localities of the village. They beat up many Hindus, molested many Hindu women, damaged their houses, abused the Hindu women with obscene words and gestures. 7 Hindus injured, 3 among them very seriously.
ज्योतिष की सार्थकता: क्या यमलोक सिर्फ एक परिकल्पना है?
ज्योतिष की सार्थकता: क्या यमलोक सिर्फ एक परिकल्पना है?
- गरूड पुराण की कथा में एक जगह वर्णित है कि उस लोक(यमलोक) में बारहों सूर्य ऐसे तपतें हैं, जैसे प्रलय के अंत में अग्नि रूप में तपते हैं।अब क्या ये संभव नंही हो सकता कि सचमुच उस लोक(या ग्रह, जो भी आप कह लें) पर 12 सूर्य हों। अब इस विचार को तो स्वयं विज्ञान भी मान कर चल रहा है कि इस सृ्ष्टि में अनेक सौरमण्डल(सूर्य) मौजूद हैं।तो क्या ये नहीं हो सकता कि जिस प्रकार हमारे सौरमंडल में एक सूर्य चमक रहा है, उसी प्रकार वहां के सौरमंडल में 12 सूर्य चमकते हो।
- In perhaps a first for Indian journalists - and that is saying a lot considering the lot we have - Tarun J Tejpal, editor of Tehelka, has crossed every possible red line that separates journalism and political sycophancy.
Now you know why this angel of morality and ethics and values and integrity lay silent for the five years that the Congress was in power. Now you know why no sting operation that could taint the government in any manner was done by Tehelka. - Why was everyone quiet for five years while DMK ministers were allegedly looting their ministries openly? Why the noise after the elections? It does not take great imagination to understand that the media brought all the muck into public glare only to embarrass the DMK and pressure it to give up its demands for all these lucrative ministries again! Poor Congressmen couldn't be made to suffer for another five years in "dry" ministries, could they?
- Saving Sonia is more important than saving India.
- Who can forget the recent Pink Chaddi campaign launched by one of Tejpal's reporters to bring the Congress back on track in Karnataka? I will not be surprised if that sting on Varun Gandhi was also done by Tejpal, to literally force Muslims into the arms of the Congress in UP.
- Doing sting operations is a costly and time consuming affair, particularly if they are aimed at getting stunning political rewards for your political masters. Many, many stings have to be done before you get the kind of dramatic result that you are looking for in just one of them.
- No prizes for guessing where the huge funding and possibly more could have come from, for long years.
Maggi sauces continue to remain popular with that "It's different" line, thanks to some great ads starring Javed Jaffery, backed by great sauces that retain their edge in quality and taste over the many copycat products that have hit the market since. -
These days, the BJP is being called "a party with differences", "a party no different", "a different kind of BJP", "the party with no difference", "still a party with a difference" etc. - the PM-who-is-no-longer-even-in-the-waiting-list. He too is now blaming the use of wrong ingredients in an out of date product for the dismal performance. He has conveniently forgotten that he had focused mostly on how bad the other sauce was, and not how good and "different" his was. People already knew how bad the other one was; they wanted to hear how much better BJP's "different" offering was in real terms; what they got instead was the smug mug of the mazboot CEO everywhere, doing little more than running his competent and compelling competitor down.
- Ideas are coming in thick and fast. Some are suggesting that the party should revert to the original tomato sauce formula that the Congress is sticking to, while others are warning that it should not even think of dumping the "different" base that is its USP. As always, there are those who advise a broad cautious middle path by suggesting that while the base should not be thrown away, its proportion should be so reduced that only those with the most sensitive of tongues can detect its taste, and those who are allergic to it do not get any reaction and be put off for ever.
- Why instead can't he and others see that powerful scientists working on product development in their R&D Headquarters in Nagpur and centres elsewhere still dress like the British and some of their subjects used to over a century ago? With that dress code, how can the mindset change, and a contemporary product conceived, much less produced? Can't they see that the Congress - smart guys - did away with a separate R&D Wing altogether in 1948, the moment Gandhi died?
- With nothing "different" left, life will become boring once again. Till someone inevitably puts together a political "Nirma" to take on the might of "Surf"; the cycle will then begin again.
Headscarves and Headlines
Headscarves and Headlines
- Headscarves and Headlines
- The Times of India is essentially stoking violence. For days on end now, the paper has been bloviating about the French president's comments. Today's headline takes the cake. If head coverings are really so beneficial for women, why don't they petition the Rajmata or Yuvraj to make it mandatory? Alternately, suppose a VHP leader had talked about virtues of modest clothing, would we see similar articles?
In none of the articles does the TOI state facts necessary to put the matter in perspective. For instance, the fact that even Turkey bans headscarves in public places was not mentioned.
Did affirmative action result in 26/11 Police failures?
Did affirmative action result in 26/11 Police failures?
- Did affirmative action result in 26/11 Police failures?
- A two-member committee that investigated the police response to the 26/11 terror attacks has singled out then Mumbai police commissioner Hasan Gafoor for his complete failure to provide leadership in the hour of crisis.
- The committee, however, said Gafoor completely failed to implement the standard operation procedures laid down in the Bombay Police Manual in letter and spirit. Through much of the attack, Gafoor stationed himself at one spot near the Oberoi and asked crime branch chief Rakesh Maria to take charge of the control room. Gafoor did not show qualities of leadership, the panel said. Above all, Gafoor's attitude created an impression among subordinates that they were not part of the high-level police team tackling terror.
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