Saturday, November 7, 2009

इविवि के छात्रसंघ भवन पर गूंजा राष्ट्रीय गीत

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    • इलाहाबाद
    • साम्प्रदायिक समरसता की यही मिसाल शुक्रवार को इविवि के यूनियन हॉल में भी देखने को मिली। यहां पर हिंदू और मुस्लिम छात्रों ने राष्ट्रगीत को मिल कर गाया।
    • अध्यक्ष विवेकानंद पाठक ने कहा इसमें कोई भी शब्द किसी धर्म विशेष की आस्था को ठेस नहीं पहुंचाता है। छात्रनेता इमरान अंसारी ने कहा वंदे राष्ट्रीय गीत है इसे गाकर सभी देशवासियों का गर्व होना चाहिये। वंदे मात्रम पर राजनीति कतई जायज नहीं है।

Swamy suggests setting up of 'East Asian Union'

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    • Janata Party today stressed the need for setting up of an 'East Asian Union' with India being a part of it for enhancing trade and opportunities.
    • Stating that the country needs "A Look East Policy" as suggested by former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao in 1992, he said "in terms of economic development, we need this policy to foster a common market with ASEAN plus China, Japan and South Korea, co-opt Australia and New Zealand".

The Hindu : News : Swamy wants Dalai Lama’s visit rescheduled

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    • Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy has urged the Union government to reschedule the Dalai Lama’s proposed visit to Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, as what was a religious trip had assumed political overtones.

      In a statement, Dr. Swamy said the Tibetan Bureau’s request for visas for a sizeable contingent of foreign journalists was inconsistent with the religious purpose of the visit.

      The proposed visit was also complicated with the so-called Exile Government of Tibet in Dharamshala reportedly declaring that Tawang was not part of India but of “free” Tibet, he said.

      Noting that the statement was ominous for India-China relations, Dr. Swamy urged the Centre to reschedule the Dalai Lama’s visit to a later date when a quiet pilgrimage could be hosted for the spiritual leader.

* VivekaJyoti *: Swami Ramdev chose to remain silent about the barbarous Islamic resolution against the singing of Vande Mataram.

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    • I view the political silence of Union Ministers P.Chidambaram and Sachin Pilot on the issue of Vande Mataram song as a shameless act of pseudo-secular Sonia Congress surrender to the anti-national forces who are hell bent on a further partition of India. Likewise I view the presence of Swami Ramdev as an act of religious surrender. He cannot hope to succeed with the Muslims in the cultural arena where even Mahatma Gandhi failed so disastrously.
    • I am not sure whether Swami Ramdev has sent any reply to Deivamuthu. In any case, Deivamuthu’s letter has left Swami Ramdev quite untouched. Swami Ramdev has attended the meeting at Deoband on 3 November 2009. Like a typical Congress politician he tried to dispel patently anti-Hindu Muslim misconceptions about yoga hen he said: “These yogas are like exercise to keep the body fit and do not violate any tenets of Islam since one is not required to recite any slokas”.

Vande Mataram: Soul of our Nation and Nationalism

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    • B R Haran
    • As the country has seen enough of the continuing acts of Jihad and plays of Taqiya, the onus lies on the government in general and Home Ministry in particular, to rid this nation of terror attacks in future. But the fatwa on Vande Mataram deserves a candid discourse, as it could be an encouragement to Jihad and Taqiya in the process of converting India to Darul Islam.

      Although the Home Minister said he was not aware of the passing of the resolution upholding the fatwa against Vande Mataram, it is pertinent to note that he had not commented on it even after learning of it.

Original Post No. 5 : O Hindus come out of your hibrenation

Before the grand lanch function of "Bharat Swabhiman Mission"
Baba Ramdev seems to be genueinly interested
in the betterment of desh, dharam, rajniti
and i used to watch him on Aastha channel regularly

But right from the lanch function of "Bharat Swabhiman Mission"
where Babaji had invited a Shia Muslim maulaavi
and introduced him as his darling brother
speeches of Babaji has lost its sharpness
for the protection of desh, dharam, rajniti

Maybe its the price one has to pay
to garner support of all residing in india
and whether they are muslim
it does not matter

As a common hindu
what more could i have done but
only stopped actively watching Babaji
from that lanch function
though i still regard Babaji
as a great yoga master
and for his oratory skills

But, now in the present controvercy
of Devband fatva against Vande Mataram
attended by Babaji and home minister
hindus should protest and show their displeasure
to both Babaji and home minister
for agreeing to be a part of function
working against the spirit of Bharat
and consolidating/ fanning the Jihadi movement

As politicians support Jihadis
for capturing muslim vote bank
is Babaji trying to capture
muslim and sickular followers
by agreeing to attend Jihadi function
and not speacking out against
the fatva then and there
not even 2 days after that

all this when Babaji is
the most outspoken hindu guru
who is more than ready to
give sound bytes on each and every
topic including yoga
and never take any nonsense
laying down from any celebrited reporters/ editors

is it that like all other leaders
whether they are politicians or not
they are always supporting Jihadis
at the cost of hindus
and like them Babaji too
wants to capture muslim and sickular followers
and / or
even Babaji fears from Jihadis

O Hindus come out of your hibrenation
how long you want to wait
for things to get worse
before trying for their recovery

its easy to get charged up against Jihadis
but path to recovery goes first
by winning over the sickular hindus

O Hindus, this is the time
to lanch campainge against
all sickular hindus
in the form of Babaji
and dont wait for RSS/ BJP/ VHP
dont look forward for their orders
listen to your heart/ mind

Babaji has a reputation
of coming out sucessfully
from every controvery in the past
which where lanched by sickulars
but this time
if common hindus campainge
against his sickular tendencies
at least he has to say sorry
for his moments of weakness

i appeal all PRO-HINDU bloggers
to write-up on this topic from their heart
so that greater clearity and publicity to
hindu's view emerage in media

also remember that
blogging alone cannot provide
answers to worldly problems.

महाजाल पर सुरेश चिपलूनकर (Suresh Chiplunkar): इस्लाम के "सच्चे" फ़ॉलोअर्स से आपका परिचय बहुत जरूरी है… Fanatic Followers of Islam

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    • सूडान में एक महिला पत्रकार को 40 कोड़े मारने की सजा दी गई है, क्योंकि उसने पतलून पहन रखी थी और इस्लाम में महिलाओं के पतलून पहनने पर पाबन्दी है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र की सूचना अधिकारी लुबना अहमद हुसैन को यह सजा दी गई (शायद वे यह भूल गई होंगी कि सूडान कोई संयुक्त राष्ट्र का दफ़्तर नहीं है, यह फ़ॉलोअर्स की धरती है)। लुबना के साथ पकड़ी गई (?) अन्य महिलाओं को 10-10 कोड़े मारे गये, लेकिन लुबना ने अपने लिये वकील की मांग कर डाली इसलिये उन्हें 40 कोड़े मारे गये… है ना वितृष्णाजनक…
      (इस खबर को यहाँ पढ़ें…
    • सूडान में एक महिला पत्रकार को 40 कोड़े मारने की सजा दी गई है, क्योंकि उसने पतलून पहन रखी थी और इस्लाम में महिलाओं के पतलून पहनने पर पाबन्दी है। संयुक्त राष्ट्र की सूचना अधिकारी लुबना अहमद हुसैन को यह सजा दी गई (शायद वे यह भूल गई होंगी कि सूडान कोई संयुक्त राष्ट्र का दफ़्तर नहीं है, यह फ़ॉलोअर्स की धरती है)। लुबना के साथ पकड़ी गई (?) अन्य महिलाओं को 10-10 कोड़े मारे गये, लेकिन लुबना ने अपने लिये वकील की मांग कर डाली इसलिये उन्हें 40 कोड़े मारे गये… है ना वितृष्णाजनक…
    • इनके "असली मंसूबे" क्या हैं यह इस खबर में पढ़ सकते हैं, जिसमें इन्होंने ब्रिटेन में भी शरीयत कानून की मांग, महारानी एलिज़ाबेथ को बुर्का पहनाने और बकिंघम पैलेस का नाम बदलकर "बकिंघम मस्जिद" करने का मंसूबा बनाया है…
      (खबर इधर पढ़ें…