Thursday, April 29, 2010

Haindava Keralam - 'Terror strikes on major cities imminent'-Terrorists sheltered in Sharjah Hideout

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    • Around 25 trained cadres of the Indian Mujahideen (IM) are sheltered in a safe hideout in Sharjah waiting for an opportunity to sneak into India to carry out explosions in various cities.

      The plan was revealed by a terrorist who was arrested from Uttar Pradesh recently. The hideout is arranged by Indian Mujahideen leader Riyaz Bhatkal.
    • Riyaz Bhatkal, who is now shuttling between West Asian countries and Pakistan, insists that explosions should be carried out in the same cities which were rocked by blasts earlier.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Haindava Keralam - HAV protest against Income Tax Raid in Temple under a Muslim officer

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    • Thiruvananthapuram:
    • Hindu Aikyavedi district committee demanded immediate suspension of the Muslim Income Tax officer conducted a raid on the Venpalavattom Sreebhagavathy temple.
    • No IT officials will dare to raid the Minority religious places which stash black money and foreign funds for Anti National and Conversion activities, But these officers who are acting on behest of their Masters in power will raid Temples managed by devotees.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

त्यागी: तुमने भी अपने कानो में पिज्जा के टुकड़े और मुह में पास्ता ठूस रखा है!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • संसार के सबसे विभीत्स राजनेतिक चेहरे को कोई देखना चाहता है वो हिन्दुस्तान के गरीब लोगो की छाती पर मुंग दलते इन विद्रुपियो का चेहरा देख लो. कल जैसी नौटंकी वाम दलों और इन लल्लुओ, मुलायम , मायावती ने की है उससे येही बात साबित होती है की हिन्दुस्तान की संसद में भडवे और दलालों की सत्ता है. और हम हिन्दुस्तानियो को कुलबुलाने की भी आजादी नहीं है. में खुद दिल से कहेता हूँ की महंगाई इस कद्र हावी है की जीवित रहेने के मुकाबले मरना आसान होगया.
    • कोई बात नहीं हिंदुस्तान की सरजमी पर अवश्य कोई बहुत बड़ा पाप हमारे पुरखो से हुआ होगा जिसकी सजा उनकी यह संतान भुगत रही है और न जाने सिंह इस किंग के राज में कब तक भुगतती रहेगी. परन्तु याद रखना यह चीख और चीत्कार गरीब की इस वातावरण में जब तक गूंजती रहेगी तब तक तुम्हारे कानो के परदे न फट जाये और इनके भूख से विकृत हुए चेहरे देख कर तुम्हारी जबान न बहार आ जाये.

      लल्लू जी , मुलायम जी, मायावती जी आप तो इटली से नहीं आएय न तुम्हारे बाप दाद राईस थे फिर क्यों तुम लोगो को भी गरीब की चीख नहीं सुनाई दे रही या तुमने भी अपने कानो में पिज्जा के टुकड़े ठूस रखे है और मुह में पास्ता.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Rightwing Rumblings: Andaman Island's fast turning into mini-Bangladesh

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    • The Indian Navy, Coast Guard and the Union Home Ministry are worried about a spurt in the influx of foreigners, particularly Bangladeshis, into the Andaman and Nicobar group of islands in the past five years. Officials of these agencies say the easy issue of identification papers such as ration cards, voter ID cards and residence certificates by littoral states on India’s east coast is aiding this influx.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

महाजाल पर सुरेश चिपलूनकर (Suresh Chiplunkar): भारतीय मीडिया के चरित्र को उजागर करती बैरकपुर स्पोर्टस कॉम्पलेक्स की शर्मनाक घटना…… Pseudo-Secular Indian Media, Barrackpur Molestation

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    • वामपंथियों के “बौद्धिक पाखण्ड” का एक और उदाहरण देखते जाईये – केरल के अलप्पुझा जिले की माकपा केन्द्रीय समिति ने स्थानीय नेता के राघवन के खिलाफ़ अनुशासनहीनता की कार्रवाई की है, क्योंकि उन्होंने अपने पुत्र की “विद्यारम्भम” नामक धार्मिक क्रिया करवाई (बच्चे की औपचारिक शिक्षा प्रारम्भ किये जाने पर यह धार्मिक क्रिया की जाती है)। अलप्पुझा के माकपा प्रमुख थॉमस इसाक के अनुसार, राघवन ने हिन्दू धार्मिक क्रियाकलाप करके एक बड़ा अपराध किया है। इसी महान बौद्धिक पार्टी ने कन्नूर जिले में एक माकपा कार्यकर्ता को पार्टी से निकाल दिया था क्योंकि उसने गृहप्रवेश के दौरान गणेश पूजा कर ली थी। ये बात और है कि पार्टी के ही एक नेता टीके हम्ज़ा द्वारा हज यात्रा किये जाने पर, तथा पिनरई विजयन द्वारा खुलेआम मुरिन्गूर चर्च के “चंगाई” कार्यक्रमों की तारीफ़ के मामले में माकपा ने चुप्पी साध रखी है।

      अर्थात साम्प्रदायिकता का मतलब सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ हिन्दुत्व होता है, और “धर्म अफ़ीम है” का जो नारा बुलन्द किया जाता है वह सिर्फ़ हिन्दू धर्म के लिये होता है…। एक बात जरूर है कि पैसे और ज़मीन पर कब्जे के लिये उन्हें हिन्दू मठ-मन्दिर ही याद आते हैं, शायद इसीलिये आजीवन ये लोग केरल और बंगाल से बाहर नहीं निकल पाये और अब जल्दी ही ममता बैनर्जी द्वारा बंगाल की खाड़ी में फ़ेंक दिये जायेंगे।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Seventy years "without food or water"

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    • A team of scientists and doctors are studying the bizarre case of a man in India who says he has survived without food or water for the last 70 years.

      Prahlad Jani, 82, also known as Mataji, is being examined in a hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He claims that special powers from Hindu goddess Amba have allowed him to shun food and water since the age of eight.

      A spokesperson for the Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences says that Mataji may help with working out strategies to combat water and food shortages during natural disasters.

      He added that soldiers may also benefit from the study if they face situations, "when they are left in the deserts or in forest or in high altitude areas."

      Mataji has not taken on any liquid or food since entering the hospital. But Sudhir Shah, a Neurophysician from Sterling University says this is unremarkable: "A person can live without food and water for three, four, seven to twelve days."

      There are unusual aspects to Mataji's case. Since being placed under observation he has not passed urine, which Mr. Shah describes as a "unique phenomena." Investigations into Mataji will last for a total of 20 days.
    Seventy years

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Chitrai full moon walkabout |

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    Chitrai full moon walkabout
    • devgogoi
    • More than half a million strong, Hindu devotees gather from all over the state of Tamil Nadu to celebrate the full moon in the Tamil month of Chitrai, walking barefoot at night around the holy mountain Arunachala. Tiruvannamalai, India. 28-04-2010.
    Chitrai full moon walkabout

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Celebrating the cult of personality - Economy and Politics -

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  • Priyanka P. Narain

    • But absolutely no one, it was evident, wanted to be left out in this self-promotional blitzkrieg. Between Rs4 crore and Rs8 crore was spent by godmen, babas, sadhus and kathakars (religious storytellers) on hoardings in Haridwar in the last four months, according to Rishi Sachdeva, owner of the Galaxy Advertising Agency, which won the Kumbh’s advertising contract this year.
Advertising spree: Hoardings with various messages clustered together at Chandi Ghat in Haridwar. Rishi Ballabh/HT
    • Advertising spree: Hoardings with various messages clustered together at Chandi Ghat in Haridwar. Rishi Ballabh/HT
    • Estimates vary, but most observers agree that, in 1998, during the last Kumbh Mela, there were no more than 350 billboards hawking religion to visitors. Even those were mostly advertisements for organizations, not personal promotions of babas, explained Sachdeva. “This trend of godmen setting up personal hoardings began with this Kumbh,” he said. “We have to watch what they do next.”

      As more and more godmen diversify into religion-related businesses—selling food, Ayurvedic medicines, pooja products or doctrinal lectures—their organizations have come to resemble small, self-governed corporations.

    • In the past, religious leaders, scholars, sadhus, saints, yogis and babas from all over the country did their best to attend the Kumbh, using the gathering as an opportunity to address the issues of the Hindu community.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Gujarat | DeshGujarat.Com » Archives » A Muslim donates Rs1 crore golden crown for Gujarat Hindu Mandir

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    • Bhuj,DeshGujarat,
    • A Muslim donor has donated Rs 1 crore for making of golden crown for Shri Sahajanand Swami’s murti in Gujarat’s Kutch.

      Dubai based Kutchi-Gujarati businessman Noor Mohammadbhai Nazmuddinbhai Bohra offers five time namaz and but believes that a religion never bounds a person in limits. Shri Noor Mohammadbhai has donated Rs 1 crore from his diamond, gems and precious stone business income for golden crown of Shri Sahajanand Swami’s murti.

      Shri Noor Mohammadbhai will come to Gujarat in person and will offer a golden crown to Murti of Sahajand Swami in May 2010.

    • An Earthquake on 26 January 2001 shattered most parts of the city of Bhuj (Kutch District), including the original Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Bhuj built by Swaminarayan in 1824. To replace this, the new temple is being built of only marble and gold. The throne for the idol of Swaminarayan, the temple domes and doors will be of gold whiles the pillars and ceilings will be made of marble.
    • The new temple is being built at a cost of 1 billion Indian rupees (100 crore) on 5 acres of land. Made in marbe, intricate carvings adorn the pillars and ceiling of the most expensive temple to be built in the Indian state of Gujarat recently.
    • A 3D film, the first of its kind on the life and teachings of Swaminarayan titled ‘Sahajanand’ will be screened as part of the opening celebrations of the temple. Shot by S3D cameras, it is claimed to be the first of its kind in India.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.