Tuesday, February 22, 2011

कार्टून : कसाब की भी गिनती.

कार्टून : कसाब की भी गिनती.: "Pakistan Cartoon, kasaab, Terrorism Cartoon, Terrorist, 26/11 cartoon

In second phase of census, Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab would also be counted under a new category called 'Institutional household'. Kasab is lodged in the Arthur Road jail and awarded death penalty in the 26/11 case.

बामुलाहिजा >> Cartoon by Kirtish Bhatt



Jihadi Romeo and Love Jihad

Jihadi Romeo and Love Jihad: "Dharamveer

The Sydney
gang rapes, committed by groups of muslim men upon Australian women, are still fresh in memory. The men taunted the women while raping them, saying that the women "deserved it" because they were not covered and staying at home as Islam commands women to do. Now this phenomenon, already so pronounced with small muslim populations (The 2001 census showed the UK had 1.5 million muslims), evolves into something even more sinister as the muslim population rises. Women are kidnapped (they simply vanish in the vast network of "Islamic centers"), used to commit terrorist acts, and so on. Let us look at some such incidents in India in the past few months. First, a bit of historical and theological background.The very first accounts of the muslim invasions of India, by Mohammed Bin Qasim in 712AD, talk in some detail about the women captured and sexually enslaved. Indeed, it is described as one of the major accomplishments of the subjugation of the Hindus



The collective consciousness of Hindus has since those days known that Hindu women are targets of muslim men. At a psychological level, one may explain it thus: Islam covers its women in burkhas, and keeps them at home. Therefore, the freer Kafir woman becomes an object of lust in the mind of the muslim man. This is a fair explanation. However, there is another explanation that is more rooted in Islamic theology. You see, when Muhammad formulated his doctrine of permanent Jihad upon Kafirs, the carrot he dangled to his soldiers was "war booty." This meant the wealth and women of defeated Kafirs. Muhammed himself took a fifth of this war booty (known in arabic as "Khams") and distributed the rest among muslims. Read here for a Hadith describing the fate of captured Kafir women in the presence of Muhammad.

Back to today - the culture of sexual conquest of Kafir women is quite deeply ingrained in many Islamic societies that live alongside Kafir populations. In the Indian state of Kerala recently there have been a spate of suicides of Hindu girls who were trapped by Jihadi muslim romeos and then raped. Kerala has a Muslim population upwards of 25%, and large parts of the state are muslim majority. The Hindus form the majority, at about 45%, and there are about 25% Christians. Here are two recent reports from Kerala which reveal the modus operandi of what some have begun calling "The Jihadi Romeo":

Hindu young woman burnt by Muslims in Meerut

Hindu young woman burnt by Muslims in Meerut: "Merath (Uttar Pradesh): Police have informed that a 22 years old Hindu young woman named Geeta was set on fire by Mohammad Asif and his two accomplices in Narheda Village, Merath."

Kashmir imbroglio Integration diluted by Article 370

Kashmir imbroglio Integration diluted by Article 370: "

By Atul Sehgal


Article 370 became lame and partially invalid after 1957 when the basic framework on which its continuation depended was dismantled. Post 1957, the Republic of India through its President needed to invoke Article 368 and settle the fate of Article 370 after consultation with the Government of J&K State. This action is still pending on the part of Government of India and brooks no further delay.

It is a pity that China lays claim on Aksai Chin which forms 19 per cent of the J&K State and Pakistan has occupied 34 per cent of the J&K State thus leaving only 47 per cent of the territory in India’s control. China built-up roads, water barrages, railway tracks, bunkers and other infrastructure over the years in the above territory while India watched silently and helplessly. Pakistan runs an official state government in the portion under its control and India does not bat an eyelid.

JAMMU and Kashmir has been culturally, geographically and historically an integral part of India. It has been home to sages and seers who chose to settle in the picturesque and serene surroundings of the Valley to meditate upon the Supreme Divinity and realise Him. These ancient ‘rishis’ are the people who populated the geographical territory called Kashmir. Our ancient social order divided human community into four categories or ‘varnas’ on the basis of avocation. The Brahmins form the category who indoctrinated people with the right knowledge drawn from the primordial scriptures-the Vedas. The present breed of Kashmiri Pandits comes from the community of above ‘rishis’. They are the progeny of sages and savants who through hard penance had realised the supreme Divinity and gave the unique aura to the region.

With the inception of Islam, the followers of Prophet Mohammad undertook missions for proselytization of people spread and settled in all directions. They were following the injunctions of their ‘holy book’ but in the process, a huge population of the State was detached or alienated from their cultural moorings. Many thousands of persons settled in the Valley were converted to Islam by the means of cajoling, coaxing, alluring or forcing. The result of this action is there for us to see even today. The culturally alienated people of the Valley are confused about their true roots and suffer from a crisis of identity.

The Indian Constitution at the present time is secular in character but it has to be recognised that the Indian nation is a historical, cultural entity and historical acts which diluted or obfuscated this culture are anti national. Promulgation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is one such act.

In the light of the above statements, it can be logically concluded that the people who want merger of Kashmir with the ‘Islamic’ state of Pakistan or those who advocate autonomy for Kashmir are inimical to the India


Assets as enemies

Assets as enemies: "China gains the most by the mishandling of the Karmapa Lama affair, argues N.V.Subramanian.

16 February 2011: In these post-post-Cold-War times when religious sensitivities and perceived persecutions have explosively combined with nationalism and worsened, in some cases, strategic rivalries, it is amazing and self-destructive that India has made such a grotesque mess of the Karmapa Lama affair.

It has been alleged since at least 2000 when the Karmapa Lama fled to India that he is a Chinese agent. This writer is in no position to confirm or reject this. But the manner of his investigation for possessing large sums of foreign currency/ owning benami lands accompanied by leaks from Indian security agencies and loose talk by the Himachal Pradesh chief minister have the potential to damage the Indo-Tibetan equation to the sole benefit of China.

Indeed, the damage already may have been done.

That China is active amongst the Tibetan community in India is no secret. With the world's fastest-growing and second-largest economy, China will do everything to protect and preserve its strategic rise. Tibet, the Uyghur question and Taiwan constitute its biggest sores: what it calls its core concerns. On a recent visit to the US, the otherwise defensive Chinese president, Hu Jintao, refused to back down on China's core interests.

It is reasonable to assume that India intelligence is fairly on top in regard to Chinese penetration in India and especially among the Tibetan community. It is possible to get paranoid about it but it is not helpful when political parties joined by the business press take up cudgels on behalf of Chinese PLA front companies. Occasionally, someone as highly intelligent as Jairam Ramesh (who did right on Adarsh, for example) falls into this trap.

And do not assume that Tibetans will not spy for the Chinese. Chinese control over Tibet is complete. There is significant if not considerable state-sponsored inter-racial mixing. And as India's foremost spy chief, R.N.Kao, insisted with this writer before his death, money more than any other factor (ideology, religious or other persecutions, and so forth) spurs treason.

As much as the Tibetans love their homeland (Tibet) and loathe the Chinese, a minority of them could be --and conceivably may have been -- turned. This is not a point overly to distress about. It is human nature.

That said, India so far has been very circumspect in handling issues related to Chinese-Tibetan spying. Because of the sensitivities involved, and since China is India's number-one enemy (this is the objective truth), it is inadvisable to explain these circumspections in detail.

If anything, the alleged suspicions about the Karmapa are an even more sensitive subject. India cannot be removed from Tibet's affairs because of the deep and age-old linkages between Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama is in India in his capacity as the religious leader of the Tibetans, although his temporal status is not always easy to dissociate from his presence and activities here.

To break those spiritual Indo-Tibetan ties, China has savaged India prominently from the time the Dalai Lama fled to this country. Its claim on Arunachal Pradesh and particularly Tawang aims at driving a wedge between Buddhist Tibetans and largely non-Buddhist Indians forgetting that Indians for the most part see Buddhism as an extension of Hinduism.

In the Karmapa affair, the Chinese appear to have hit pay dirt. India has so grossly mishandled the investigation that, whether or not the Karmapa is a spy, the Tibetans are seething with rage against a country that they have so far loved for demeaning and persecuting him. This is to China's advantage. In this present political culture of pseudo-secularism, the government, both at the Centre and in the state, has lost the instinct and finesse of managing spiritual sensitivities.

If this persists, India is doomed.

This writer is not pre-judging the Karmapa affair and seeks no shameful reprieve like that given to the Pakistani singer, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan. The Karmapa investigations have commenced more than a decade after he fled to India. But by the same token, why wasn't he investigated before? And if he was, why weren't his activities - if they countered national interests - capped then and there?

Still, the damage is done. The past cannot be repaired. But for starters, there must be a gag order on the Karmapa investigations both at the Centre and in Himachal Pradesh. The BJP central leadership should silence its chief minister. Second, in consultation with the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan parliament-in-exile, there must be Indian oversight of the trusts, both spiritual and others, run by the Tibetans. If the circumstances and concerns necessitating this are properly explained, the Tibetans cannot refuse.

And finally, specific to the Karmapa affair, the Dalai Lama must be roped in to contain the damage. In religions of silence like Buddhism, the scope for mischief is at once great and minimal. After the first engagement with the Dalai Lama soon after he obtained sanctuary in India, perhaps a second formal one is imperative, especially in light of the Karmapa investigations.

The world has transformed in the more than five decades that the Dalai Lama has made India his home. He is a hugely revered figure in India. No one can better guide India on the Karmapa affair than the Dalai Lama although he would naturally be averse to taking sides.

This could also be a beginning for India to prepare for a future post-Dalai Lama world. The stakes here are enormous. India generally is strategically illiterate to understand this but it must commence now. The first test of this is that nothing of the Karmapa investigations henceforth must leak to the press -- and those investigations scrupulously must respect the spiritual sensitivities of the Tibetans.

The Tibetans are India's assets. The unfortunate history of Sri Lankan Tamil assets metamorphosing into enemies of this country cannot be repeated.

N.V.Subramanian is Editor, www.NewsInsight.net, and writes internationally on strategic affairs. He has authored two novels, University of Love (Writers Workshop, Calcutta) and Courtesan of Storms (Har-Anand, Delhi). Email: envysub@gmail.com.


Gene Sharp: The Man Who Wrote the Rule-book on Non-violent Struggle

Gene Sharp: The Man Who Wrote the Rule-book on Non-violent Struggle: "

I had not heard of Gene Sharp until Rajesh forwarded me a link to a NYTimes profile on him. He appears to be an interesting fellow. A BBC article says this about him, “His central message is that the power of dictatorships comes from the willing obedience of the people they govern – and that if the people can develop techniques of withholding their consent, a regime will crumble.”

Actually, not just dictatorships, but the power of all government arises from the obedience of the people they govern. Take the unfathomable corruption that Indian politicians like Antonia Maino aka Sonia Gandhi and the rest of the unmentionable gang of crooks indulge in. Without the acquiescence of the Indian population, that would not have been possible.

I have said this before but it is worth repeating. The corruption of Indian politicians such as the appointed Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is made possible by the collective — which if it had been honest would not have allowed the politicians to be corrupt.

I hope that Indians will muster up the courage to admit that they are complicit in the whole sorry mess and grow the moral backbone to fix the system. If they do, the politicians will get lynched. A bit of lynching and the rest will figure out that there’s little profit in being in the government.

Non-violence is great but it only works when the criminals are ready to leave. If they are reluctant, the way to motivate them is to make them feel the pain that the citizens mutely suffer.

{If you have not read “THE POLITICS OF OBEDIENCE: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude” from May 2010 on this blog, please do so now.}


प्रधानमंत्री जी, "भोजन करने", "खाने" और "भकोसने" में अन्तर करना सीखिये… Indians eating more, Manmohan Singh, Sharad Pawar

प्रधानमंत्री जी, "भोजन करने", "खाने" और "भकोसने" में अन्तर करना सीखिये… Indians eating more, Manmohan Singh, Sharad Pawar: "


हाल ही में इम्पीरियल कॉलेज लन्दन के प्रोफ़ेसर माजिद एज़्ज़ाती ने विज्ञान पत्रिका “लेन्सेट” में एक शोधपत्र प्रकाशित किया है। जिसमें उन्होंने सन 1980 से 2008 तक के समय में विश्व के सभी देशों के व्यक्तियों के वज़न और ऊँचाई के अनुपात को मिलाकर उन देशों के BMI इंडेक्स निकाले हैं। शोध के परिणामों के अनुसार 1980 में जो देश गरीब देशों की श्रेणी में आते थे उनमें से सिर्फ़ ब्राजील और दक्षिण अफ़्रीका ही ऐसे देश रहे जिनकी जनसंख्या के BMI इंडेक्स में उल्लेखनीय वृद्धि हुई (अर्थात जहाँ के निवासी दुबले से मोटे की ओर अग्रसर हुए)… जबकि 1980 से 2008 के दौरान 28 साल में भी भारत के लोगों का BMI नहीं बढ़ा (सुन रहे हैं प्रधानमंत्री जी…)। 1991 से देश में आर्थिक सुधार लागू हुए, ढोल पीटा गया कि गरीबी कम हो रही है… लेकिन कोई सा भी आँकड़ा उठाकर देख लीजिये महंगाई की वजह से खाना-पीना करके मोटा होना तो दूर, गरीबों की संख्या में बढ़ोतरी ही हुई है (ये और बात है कि विश्व बैंक की चर्बी आँखों पर होने की वजह से आपको वह दिखाई नहीं दे रही)। BMI में सर्वाधिक बढ़ोतरी अमेरिका, कनाडा, ऑस्ट्रेलिया एवं चीन में हुई (ज़ाहिर है कि यह देश और वहाँ के निवासी अधिक सम्पन्न हुए हैं…)। शोध के अनुसार सबसे दुबला और कमजोर देश है कांगो, जबकि सबसे मोटा देश है नौरू। इसी से मिलता-जुलता शोध अमेरिका में भी 1994 में हुआ था जिसका निष्कर्ष यह है कि 59% अमेरिकी पुरुष एवं 49% अमेरिकी महिलाएं “मोटापे” की शिकार हैं। (BMI Index Survey The Economist)

(“खाने” और “भकोसने” के बीच का अन्तर तो आपको पता ही होगा या वह भी मुझे ही बताना पड़ेगा? चलिये बता ही देता हूं… येद्दियुरप्पा ने अपने बेटों को 10-12 एकड़ जमीन बाँटी उसे कहते हैं "खाना", तथा देवेगौड़ा और एसएम कृष्णा ने अपने बेटों को 470 एकड़ जमीन बाँटी, इसे कहते हैं "भकोसना"…। बंगारू लक्ष्मण ने कैमरे पर जो रुपया लिया उसे कहते हैं "खाना", और हरियाणा में जो "सत्कर्म" भजनलाल-हुड्डा करते हैं, उसे कहते हैं "भकोसना")…

Godhra train burning is no accident, court finds 31 guilty

Godhra train burning is no accident, court finds 31 guilty: "

This dastardly act happened when the then PM Vajpayee was out of the country. I suspect the arson was engineered with Antonia’s blessings. This angle also must be probed.

India Court Finds 31 Guilty of Godhra Train Burning

NEW DELHI–A special court in India’s western state of Gujarat Tuesday found 31 people guilty of setting fire to a passenger train in the town of Godhra, an incident that killed nearly 60 people and sparked widespread communal unrest in the state almost a decade ago.

The court, which began hearing the case in 2009, pronounced the judgment on the role of 94 people accused of burning a carriage of the Sabarmati Express train near Godhra in February 2002. Many of those killed in the fire were Hindu activists returning from a pilgrimage to the town of Ayodhya.

Agence France-Presse/Getty ImagesA policeman looked towards the burnt train coach and belongings of Hindu activists at Godhra Railway Station on early Feb. 28, 2002.



The fire set off days of rioting in Gujarat, when more than 1,000 people – the majority of them Muslim – were killed. The chief minister of the state, Narendra Modi, was accused of failing to protect Muslims from Hindu mobs, a charge he has continuously denied.

The court in Ahmedabad Tuesday convicted 31 people of criminal conspiracy in the train burning case, but acquitted 63 others. All had been imprisoned for the past nine years.

The convicted will be sentenced on Feb. 25, special public prosecutor, J.M. Panchal, told television news channels Tuesday.

There has been much debate in India over the past nine years about whether the incident that sparked the violence — the deaths of the Hindus in the train — was the result of a criminal conspiracy to murder them or an unfortunate accident. Tuesday’s conviction adds weight to the claim of those — including Mr. Modi’s Gujarat government and the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, of which he is a senior leader — that the passengers were deliberately killed by a Muslim mob.

Immediately after the attack on the train, state police arrested more than 100 people as suspects. But the trial was stalled for years as official inquiry commissions tried to decide whether a crime had occurred at all, and if so, whether it was an impulse attack or carefully planned.

The results of previous inquiries have been contradictory. A national inquiry ordered by former Minister of Railways Lalu Prasad Yadav ruled in 2006 that the train fire was an accident. But a state commission appointed by the Gujarat government and headed by retired judge G.T. Nanavati said in 2008 that the deaths on the train were the result of a premeditated conspiracy.

In Tuesday’s verdict, the court upheld the state commission’s finding that it was a planned attack.

“The motive of conspiracy was to set the train on fire. There can be no debate on [the] judicial verdict. The verdict is based on oral evidence and eyewitness accounts,” Mr. Panchal said outside the court in Ahmedabad.

He added, however, that one of the main accused, Maulana Umarji, was among the 63 acquitted due to lack of evidence.

Spokesmen for the government of Gujarat and the Bharatiya Janata Party said the court judgment vindicated their efforts to prove the passengers were murdered.

“The fact is, this has been accepted as a well-hatched conspiracy,” said Gujarat government spokesman Jaynarayan Vyas.

Ravi Shakar Prasad, senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, called the verdict an, “assurance that law prevails over the intentions of those pseudo-secularists who disowned the tragic incident.”

Earlier this month, a Supreme Court panel criticized Mr. Modi for failing to stop the riots and for making wrong decisions. Mr. Modi, one of the political stars of the Bharatiya Janata Party, has defended himself against accusations that he didn’t do enough to protect the state’s Muslim population against the attacking mobs.
