Thursday, December 17, 2009

For Google Maps, Arunachal is disputed territory: India News

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    • It is shown as an Indian state in Google Maps's Indian site,, but strangely, when you visit Google Maps's Chinese site,, the state of Arunachal Pradesh doesn't exist at all, subsumed as it is into the People's Republic of China.
    • In other words, what you see on Google Maps's India site is what India wants; what you see on Google Maps's China site is what China wants. So what does Google believe in?

      For that, you should visit their international site,, which shows what is the truth according to it (image alongside). It clearly shows Arunachal Pradesh as a disputed territory.

    • Individuals in possession of an inaccurate map of India have in the past been charged under Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code that deals with sedition. Surprisingly, in this case, the Government of India has maintained a studied silence.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Liberhan and 26/11- Bangalore Mirror

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    • In the last decade, N Vittal, the former CVC, emerged as the voice of our collective conscience. This is his weekly take on public life in India
    • It is not very fashionable or modern to say that you believe in your religion, especially if you are a Hindu in our country. We  feel that we should flaunt our secularism by avoiding taking a firm stand on religion. An elegant ambiguity if not outright scepticism or agnosticism seems to be a sine qua non. Followers of other religions are not so shamefaced or constrained when it comes to religion. Hindus have an issue because ours is the only religion which is so inclusive in that even atheists are given the right to express their views.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

In troubled Kandhamal, Indian Christians rebuild churches

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    • Simonbadi, India
    • In the presence of more than 3000 faithful, Roman Catholic Archbishop Raphael Cheenath of Bhubaneswar has blessed a new church building in the troubled district of Kandhamal in eastern India, the scene of anti-Christian violence in recent years.

      "We are very proud that we have a beautiful and spacious church," Bhidhar Digal, an elderly parishioner, told Ecumenical News International, when asked whether such elegant churches were required in impoverished Kandhamal.
    • Digal said parishioners needed such a spacious church to replace the dilapidated and cramped building where many could not find space on Sundays.
    • Reddy said that a former parish priest had collected the four million rupees (US$85 000) needed to build the church from the Persian Gulf, where he is now serving, while local Catholics had contributed their labour free of charge.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Special prosecutor appointed in first anti-conversion case - The Times of India

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    • SURAT
    • In the first ever case registered under Freedom of Religion Act, 2003 in Gujarat, Nayan Sukhadwala, district government pleader (DGP) of Surat, has been appointed its special prosecutor almost 10 months after the complaint was lodged.
    • In an application to the city police commissioner on February 21, 2009 it was alleged that Junaid Mahommad Shaikh, a resident of Kathor main road, had converted a Hindu girl Shradhha Joshi to Islam.

      Subsequently, a complaint was lodged at Khatodara police station. Junaid had married Shradhha on January 24, 2009 and was helped in this by Junaid Iqbal Patel and a priest Maulvi Yakum Suleman Mulla. Shradhha was named Zoya after her marriage, the complaint stated.
    • Shaikh had come to the police with Shradhha soon after the complaint was made against him. Shradhha told the police that she did not wish to stay either with her family or with Shaikh. She was sent to shelter home for women and the legal process against the accused was initiated.

      Police investigation revealed that Shradhha used to work at a share broking firm on Udhna-Magdalla Road where Shaikh too was employed.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Does Telangana deserve to be a Separate State? |

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    • Is KCR truly the new Mahatma?
    • It all started when none of us were born. Telangana was a separate entity and it was ruled by Muslim dynasties, whereas Andhra and Seema were governed by Hindu rulers. The Muslim Asafjahi dynasty established a separate state known as Hyderabad. When the British began their rule in India, Andhra and Seema became a part of the Madras Presidency.
    • The Hyderabad state was very rich in terms of the wealth the Nizams had and also the wealth which the state generated through taxes. Alcohol, for example, was not banned here (like in Andhra or Seema) but it was taxed, thus generating copious amounts of revenue. The Andhra and Seema regions too were very well developed, but the people led a simple plain life, quite happy with music, art, culture etc.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

मुझे फौज में जाना है : रुखसाना कौसर

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    • वह दुबली-पतली जरूर हैं, लेकिन मजबूत हौसलों वाली हैं। जी हां, रुखसाना कौसर से मिलकर कतई विश्वास नहीं होता कि आतंकवाद से त्रस्त जम्मू-क
      श्मीर के छोटे से कस्बे की इस शर्मीली युवती ने खूंखार आतंकवादी को दबोचकर उसी की एके-47 से मौत के घाट उतार दिया होगा। हाल ही में रुखसाना से हमारी खास बातचीत हुई :
    • लेकिन लोग हमसे मिलने से डरते हैं। और तो और, कोई हमारे साथ फोटो भी नहीं खिंचवाता कि अगर उग्रवादियों ने फोटो देख लिया तो मार डालेंगे। आपको बताऊं, घर से जब दिल्ली के लिए चली थी तो जम्मू तक आने को कोई टैक्सी वाला तैयार नहीं था।
    • सरकार ने आपको बहादुरी का पुरस्कार तो दिया?
      हमें पुरस्कार नहीं, नौकरी चाहिए। मैं फौज में जाना चाहती हूं, देश की सेवा करना चाहती हूं। सरकार ने नौकरी की पेशकश जरूर की थी, लेकिन वह महज 89 दिनों की नौकरी थी, इसलिए हमने ठुकरा दी। अगर देनी है तो परमानेंट नौकरी दो और फौज की नौकरी दो।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

धर्म का आधार

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    • यह घटना उस समय की है, जब डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन मद्रास के एक ईसाई मिशनरी स्कूल के छात्र थे।
    • एक बार उनकी कक्षा में एक अध्यापक पढ़ा रहे थे, जो बेहद संकीर्ण मनोवृत्ति के थे। पढ़ाने के क्रम में वह धर्म के बारे में बच्चों को बताने लगे और बताते-बताते ही वह हिंदू धर्म पर कटाक्ष करते हुए उसे दकियानूसी, रूढ़िवादी, अंधविश्वासी और न जाने क्या-क्या कहने लगे।
    • बालक राधाकृष्णन अध्यापक की ये बातें सुन रहे थे। अध्यापक के बोलने के बाद राधाकृष्णन अपने स्थान पर खड़े होकर अध्यापक से बोले, 'सर ! क्या आपका ईसाई मत दूसरे धर्मों की निंदा करने में विश्वास रखता है?'

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

संघ कार्यकर्ता की हत्या से प्रतापगढ़ जिले में तनाव

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    • चितौडगढ़
    • राजस्थान में प्रतापगढ़ जिले के अरनोद क्षेत्र में बुधवार रात राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ (आरएसएस) के एक कार्यकर्ता की गोली मार कर हुई हत्या के बाद हत्यारों की गिरफ्तारी की मांग को लेकर आज जिला मुख्यालय और उपखंड मुख्यालय में तनाव के हालात उत्पन्न हो गए।

      ज्ञातव्य है कि अरनोद थाना क्षेत्र के गांव डोराना मे खेत पर रहने वाले संघ कार्यकर्ता बद्रीदास (40) को कल मोटरसाइकिल सवार दो बदमाशों ने गोली मार दी जिससे उसकी मौत हो गई।
    • जिला पुलिस अधीक्षक रविकांत मितल ने बताया कि गोली चलाने वाले दो बदमाश डोराना निवासी तौहिद खां एवं मोईन खां को नामजद कर इनकी तलाश में पुलिस दल भेजे गए हैं।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Anti-Hindu dogmas from Indian Media — Chapter 3: Nation or Waste-paper basket? | Great Hindu

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Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Ladakh demands UT status: J&K division only solution

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    • Ladakh demands UT status: J&K division only solution
    • Hari Om
    • On December 8, the Trans-Himalayan Ladakh region’s premier political organization, Ladakh Union Territory Front (LUTF), once again reiterated its demand for Union Territory status for the cold-desert which remains cut off from rest of the world for several months a year. LUTF organized a massive public rally at the historic Polo Ground to press its demand.
    • Needed: four separate political entities
    • Those who know something about Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh, post-1947, will vouch for this hard reality at once; acknowledge they do not see eye to eye with the vindictive, discriminatory, unaccommodating and arrogant Kashmiri Sunni leadership; and recommend division of the State into four separate political entities – one each for the people of Jammu province, people of Ladakh, displaced Kashmiri Hindus, and Kashmiri Muslims, especially Kashmiri-speaking Sunnis.
    • Jammu contributes more than 70 per cent revenue to the state exchequer every year. Kashmir would become pauper overtime if Jammu gets segregated from Kashmir. In fact, the reason behind the Kashmiri oppositio to the demand in Jammu for separation from Kashmir is that Jammu is the Valley's economic backbone and Kashmir survives and thrives on the swet and lobour of Jammu people.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.