Can Hindus Self-Govern Competitively? Lessons from the Nithyananda Scandal « Indian Realist
- By Rajiv Malhotra
- The Christian Church has the longest continuous history of governance, with a tremendous track record of protecting its interests under all circumstances. Its history of corporate governance is not only remarkable amongst religions but also when compared to commercial multinational corporations. Most people are unaware that it was the Church that first invented many of the corporate management procedures, norms and laws in use today by multinational corporations.
- The Church has learned a great deal through trial and error and has thus become robust. The proof lies in its ability to survive even after hundreds of scandals in its history. Its latest scandals involve many thousands of minor children who were sexually abused by hundreds of priests in dozens of scattered locations across the world. This went on for a period of many decades and was systematically covered up by its leadership at the highest levels. Yet the resilience of the Church in protecting itself is amazing.
- The closest Hindu body to the World Council of Churches is the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha, and it was disinterested in playing such a role. The role is critical it felt, but HDAS was not in a position to perform it.
- In the absence of competent leadership that can build teamwork, Hinduism faces a bleak future in a world filled with civilization clashes.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.