Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hinduism Today Magazine - News » Warning: Beef and Pork in UK Chicken Products

  • tags: Alert

    • Hindus in Britain who eat chicken may have also, quite unknowingly, been eating beef and pork for at least the last two years.
    • Tests performed by the Food Standards Authority (FSA) have confirmed that food manufacturers in three EU states have been using bulking agents made from pork and beef to inflate chicken breasts for sale to the UK market.
    • The FSA has now advised Hindus to avoid chicken products labelled as containing “hydrolised (chicken) proteins,”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Hinduism Today Magazine - News » Scientists Speculate About the Still-Mysterious Indus Script

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Hinduism Today Magazine - News » Looking for the Original Hindu Version of Snakes and Ladders, Moksha-Patamu

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Hinduism Today Magazine - News » Reader Warns of Bovine Products In Surgery

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

(Non-Hindu) God’s own country in India « Hindu focus


    tags: Hinduism, DirectAction

    • Kerala, the most ‘progressive’ state in the Indian union, is more than half converted and religious conversion was unbecoming an issue in Kerala these days. But the recent demise of Kamala Suraiyya (Madhavikutty or Kamala Das) has highlighted the issue once again. The story goes that she was lured into Islam by the tricks and nuptial promises of a much married, learned and cunning lawmaker belonging to an overtly communal party.
    • The fact that even such a tall literary figure could fall an easy victim shows the reach of proselytization forces in a region of India with the highest literacy rate.
    • Kerala’s decadence started much later when the naturally symbiotic caste system became rigid and triggered internal revolts. Foreign religions were waiting at the sea and seacoasts for such an internal upheaval for easy penetration into the much coveted God’s Own Country. In 500 years they could convert more than 50% of the population is no mean achievement for the proponents of the two major religions in the world today.
    • What happened in the last five centuries and what is happening in Kerala today is nothing but silent terrorism in the form of organized and externally fuelled religious conversion.
    • It was Christianity which started first with the intention of conditioning the ground ready for European colonization.
    • Though we had sizeable number of Muslim population in the coastal areas, especially in the north Malabar region, their intrusion into the interiors of Kerala as an organized religion is only about one century old.
    • The Mapillah Rebellion in 1921 was perhaps the first organized assault aimed at religious conversion under the guise of so many other objectives.
    • But the situation has changed drastically in the 20th century when millions of Oil money started flowing into Kerala. Increasing their number by all means and capturing power by organized might is high on the agenda of the Muslim mind of Kerala.
    • Three or four prominent Hindu sections are totally indifferent about the overall status of the Hindu religion and society in Kerala today. The leaders of these sections are forgetting one of the most important rules of science and history – any culture can survive only if there is the minimum quantity.
    • Most of these sub-sections of the Hindu society namely Nairs, Ezhavas, Brahmins and OBCS are fighting more among themselves than for their combined rights. They have left their weakest brothers (Adivasis) at the complete mercy of the two predators vying for numbers and real estate.
    • Hinduism is no more the dominant religion in Kerala. As half of those born as Hindus are genuine communists, Hinduism is only at par with Islam and Christianity in Kerala.
    • Kerala has the highest (family) suicidal rate in the world and at least 75% of them are Hindus.
    • Almost all Hindu families in the current generation have only two children. But one can invariably find three children in all Christian families and four children in most Muslim families. This trend is almost confirmed if they are more educated and richer. This clearly shows a determined and deliberate effort to increase the numbers.
    • Only organized reforms and determined positive action can save Hinduism from the combined onslaught of its three known enemies.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.


Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

महाजाल पर सुरेश चिपलूनकर (Suresh Chiplunkar): काश मैं एससी/एसटी होता…- युवाओं के टूटते सपने (एक माइक्रो पोस्ट) Reservation and General Category Youths

  • tags: Politics, Reservation

    • पहले वाले युवक के मुँह से निकला… “काश कि मैं भी एससी/एसटी होता…”।
    • आरक्षण इसलिये लागू किया गया था कि समाज में बराबरी का भाव पैदा हो और पिछड़े वर्गों को भी समाज, नौकरी और सत्ता में भागीदारी का मौका मिले। कई लोग तो यह सपना भी देखते पाये गये हैं कि आरक्षण से “जाति” के बन्धन कमजोर पड़ेंगे, लेकिन ऐसा तो हुआ नहीं, उल्टे आरक्षण के कारण “जाति” का भाव और भी मजबूत हुआ है। इसका अनुमान आये दिन होने वाले विभिन्न जातियों के सम्मेलनों और रैलियों से लगाया जा सकता है।
    • जी हाँ, सरकार हमेशा “अल्पसंख्यकों” का विशेष खयाल नहीं रखती। क्योंकि देश में सबसे बड़ा अल्पसंख्यक समूह, सामान्य वर्ग के गरीब-मध्यम आय वाले युवक-युवतियाँ ही हैं।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

एक हिंदू की मांग। क्या हिंदू हितों की बात करना गुनहा है?

एक हिंदू की मांग। क्या हिंदू हितों की बात करना गुनहा है?

क्या अब तमाम हिंदू संघटनों का एजेंडा यह नही होना चाहिय की हिन्दुओ का पैसा उसीके पास होआज मैं भारत सरकार से मांग करता हूँ की हिंदुस्तान के अरबो रुपया के मन्दिर में चढावे के हक़ भी उसी हिंदू को मिलना चाहिय जो मन्दिर में चढावा चढाता है

तो मैं गरीब हिंदू तो अपने ही मन्दिर में अपना ही चढावा वापस मांग रहा हु। मुझे मेरी वेदिकता को अक्षुण बनाए रखने में कोई सरकारी सहायता नही चाहिय मुझे मेरे चढावे का पैसा वापस देदोहाँ टैक्स के रूप में मुझ से जो लेकर मस्जिदों और चर्च को दे रहे हो उसके लिया मना नही कर रहा हूँभाई ८०० साल से जजिया दे रहा हूँआज अपने ही देश में अपने ही जब से दिए गए टैक्स से हज और मदरसे ठीक होते देख रहा हूँ तो कोई भी अचरज की बात नही होनी चाहिय

अरे हज में खुदा न खस्ता इस प्रकार की घटना हो जाती तो यह मीडिया रात दिन एक कर देती। परन्तु मानसरोवर के मृतेको का कुछ भी नही। अरे यह जम्मू कश्मीर की ही सरकार अमरनाथ यात्रा के दौरान हिन्दुओ द्वारा फ्री यात्रियो के लिए टेंट और खाना पीना करने पर इन्ही दानी श्रदालो से २५००० हजार रुपया मांगती हैं तब प्रबंध की इजाजत देती हैतो भाई हमे तो जजिया देने की आदत है

तो राज्य सरकार द्वारा जबरन मंदिरों का प्रबंधन अपने हाथ में लेने और इसके चढावे के पैसे को अपने स्वार्थ पूर्ति के लिया बने इसी काले कानून को सबसे पहेले हटाना चाहिए फिर उसके बाद ही कोई और बात होगीहमने देखलिया किस तरीके से हमारी गंगा नदी की सफाई हो रही हैकिस तरीके से भारत और दिल्ली सरकार यमुना को मरते हुए देख रही हैहमने देख लिया की यदि सरकार चाहए तो सरस्वती नदी को भी फिर से पाया जा सकता है

की सभी मांगे एक तरफ़ पहेले इस काले कानून को वापस लेकर हिन्दुओ को उन्ही के खून पसीने की कमाई पर अधिकार दिया जाए

"...... जिसके हाथ है वो हाथ से , जिसके मुह है वो मुह से, जिसके पास कलम है वो कलम से, गिर पड़ा तो जबान से, वो नहीं तो सांसो से, वो भी नहीं तो मरकर. पर हर हालत में अपनी असिमिता पाउँगा और फिर इस जनम में नहीं तो अगले में सिलसिला चलता रहेगा तब तक के मंजिल न मिलजाए......." - from त्यागी

steps to second partition: India's Osama : Saeed

  • tags: Terrorism, USA, Pakistan

    • Why did nobody ask Under Secretary William Burns if his country would be persuaded to have a ‘dialogue’ with Pakistan if Osama bin Laden were similarly arrested and released?
    • The vile Saeed is our Osama and if Pakistan wants to talk peace with India the very least it must do is arrest him again and close down the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba. Then, we can begin to talk.
    • Barack Obama really was ‘the one’
    • Is he so naïve that he believes Islamist terrorism can be fought selectively? How is it possible to fight the Taliban in Swat and Waziristan while continuing to support the Lashkar brand of jihad in Lahore and Karachi?
    • If our covert agencies were that good, we would have taken the Taliban, the Lashkar and the evil Maulana Azhar Masood out long ago.
    • If financial aid was the solution to Pakistan’s problems then it should have been saved long ago by the more than $11 billion that George W. Bush gave Musharraf to fight terrorism.
    • Our problem is not just American foreign policy in the region but our own foreign policy, which is namby-pamby to the point of being non-existent.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

A victory for Hindus and Indian civilization « Hindu focus

  • tags: Hinduism

    • It is possible that many Hindus are not even aware of this prolong and ongoing selfless fight of the California parents against the distorted historical and religious depiction that their children learn in schools.
    • One hopes that they do not let their efforts end until they actually implement changes in the controversial segments and continue spreading their success story to encourage Hindus across the world.
    • The California Department of Education and the State Board of Education have agreed to pay US $ 175,000 to the California Parents for the Equalisation of Educational Materials (CAPEEM) the organisation formed by Hindu American parents to fight the case against the California State.
    • “Believing that its points had been clearly understood by the defendants, CAPEEM opted not to prolong the litigation.
    • The State entered into negotiations with CAPEEM and agreed to pay CAPEEM US $ 175,000 in exchange for a voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit,” CAPEEM said in a statement.
    • CAPEEM said Hindu parents in California participated in the adoption process and conveyed that the proposed textbooks contain factually incorrect information about ancient India and Hinduism while repeating derogatory, colonial-era clichés and perpetuating Eurocentric and Biblical views.
    • Consequently it filed a law suit in 2006.
    • In its lawsuit CAPEEM charged that Hinduism is not treated on par with other religions in these textbooks. Positive aspects of ancient India and Hinduism are ignored, while Euro-centric, colonial and Biblical views are given prominence in the textbooks, it said. Whereas Christianity, Islam and Judaism are presented from the believers’ perspective, Hinduism is presented from the non-believers’ perspective, CAPEEM alleged.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Paithan: Congress removes Gagabhatta's name on Board - General |

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

'Apply MOCA to Muslims deceiving & kidnapping Hindu girls' - General |

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Muslims attack Hindus' wedding procession in Maharashtra - Attacks |

  • tags: DirectAction

    • There is a mosque near the hall rented out by the Town Council (TC). The marriage procession, playing music, on its way to the hall, came near the mosque, music was stopped. After the procession passed by the mosque, the music was started again. Muslims asked those participating in the procession to stop music.
    • Hindus, however, argued with them that the mosque was quite far and the wedding was in the TC's hall and continued to play the music. This enraged Muslims and they entered the office of Town Council and ran riot breaking the earthen flower pots in the office.
    • Later, the matter between the workers of Town Council and Muslims was resolved and no complaint was registered against anyone. It was said by the locals that Hindus did not lodge a complaint as they were scared of Muslims and TC did not lodge complaint for votes.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

'Outsiders need not interfere in religious affairs of India!' - General |

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Name of Dr. Hedgewar deleted from the History Text-book - General |

  • tags: RSS
    • Demonsrations by Bajrang Dal!
    • There was a reference to Dr. Hedgewar and Shri.. Madanmohan Malaviya in the chapter ‘Unknown agitations in the Freedom Movement’ of last year’s Text-book, ‘Modern Bharatiya History’; but it is deleted this year.
    • RSS is of the opinion that though the names of Dr. Hedgewar and Madanmoan Malviya are deleted from the History book, it is not a part of the various problems before the country. Hence Sangh would not agitate to oppose it.
    • When a leader of RSS was murdered in Keral the Sangh did not agitate against Communist Party.
    • thinking that it was not burning issue.
    • Sangh should declare once as to which issues were fiery and which were not fiery for it!

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Samarth: Is kasab Guilty? - Samarth |

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Support To Gow Gram Yatra for ban on cow slaughter - Online Petitions |

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.