Friday, June 26, 2009

और यदि आत्मा मरती तो दलाई लामा कब का कोमुनिस्ट हो गया होता !!!!!!!

और यदि आत्मा मरती तो दलाई लामा कब का कोमुनिस्ट हो गया होता !!!!!!!

मुझे आज तक समझ नहीं आया की वो करोडो हिन्दू जो अपनी जमीन, अपनी पगड़ी, अपना मान, अपनी इज्जत, अपनी माँ, बेहेन, बेटी, अपना सब कुछ लुटा कर हिंदुस्तान में क्या धर्मनिरपेक्षता की खटाई चाटने आये थे।

परन्तु नेताजी को ठिकाने लगा कर, वीर सावरकर को दोषी बता कर, संघ को कटघरे में खडा कर कर, पाकिस्तान से लुटे पिटे हिन्दुओ को कुछ एक प्लाट दे कर और बाकि बचे हिन्दुस्थान के हिन्दुओ को सेकुलेरिसम का झुनझुना पकडा दिया ।

जिसमे आज ६० साल बाद भी हिन्दू ही यह पूछता फिर रहा है की मुसलमानों को आरक्षण क्यों नहीं देदेते। अब चरखे वाले बाबा के इन बंदरो को कौन बताये की जिनके लिए तुम मुझे दीनानाथ बनने के लिए कह रहे हो इन्होने (पूर्वजो) ही तुम्हारे ही माँ बेहेन की इज्जत लुट कर तुम्हारे ही बाप दादों की छाती पर खूंटा गाड़ कर हिन्दुस्थान से अलग अपने रहेने के लिए दो देश १९४७ में ही ले लेलिये हैं।

अरे जब हमारे मनमोहन सिंह जी ने ही हिन्दुओ को असली ज्ञान दे दिया था की ओ हिन्दुओ सुनलो की हिन्दुस्थान (पाकिस्तान और बांग्लादेश देने के बाद भी) के सभी भौतिक साधनों और संसाधनों पर इसलाम के वारिसों का ही प्रथम अधिकार है.

तो भइया जी एक और बात बता दो की यह हिन्दुतान में दिल्ली से हरिद्वार जाने वाली ही सड़क क्यों नहीं बनी है।
जब की आगरा, अजमेर, जयपुर, चडीगढ़ और माशाअल्लह पुणे मुंबई एक्सप्रेस हाई वे बने इतने साल हो गए।

भाई यहाँ खाड़ी का पैसा भी नहीं जो कुछ कर लेते हम तो सरकार के ही भरोसे है। सुना है कांग्रेस ने चुनाव से पहेले मुस्लिम बस्तियो में मुस्लमान को सरकारी बैंको के जरिए सात आठ महीनो में ही अरबो रूपये बाँट दिए और हम हैं की अडवाणी की उम्र पर ही नाक भों सिकोड़ रहे है।

रही बात हमारी तो इस कम्बखत शांति के लिए ही तो आज हमारी हालत यह होगई की हिन्दुओ के अत्यंत परम धार्मिक स्थल के लिए एक अदद ढंग की सड़क की मांग मुझे करनी पड़ रही है।

उस पर भी इस बात पर हलकान हुए जा रहा हूँ की कही कोई मुझे हिंदुत्व से जुड़े मुद्दे उठाने का अपराधी घोषित न कर दे। क्या करू हजूर आत्मा नहीं मानती है इस शारीर को तो आपका कानून बांधे ही हुआ है। और यदि आत्मा मरती तो दलाई लामा कब का कोमुनिस्ट हो गया होता।

Nepal Hindu martyr news-Hindu preacher declared `religious martyr` by Nepal govt

Usual Suspects: The civil war is necessary to clarify matters

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    • Also keep in mind there is one person who has kept himself aloof from the murkiness in Delhi. Narendra Modi's firm handling of a potentially explosive problem in Surat has won him praise.
    • I believe that Modi will soon come to be accepted as the most enlightened and modern BJP face.

5 Reasons why it is best time to start an all-out military campaign against naxals | Promise of Reason

Hinduism Today Magazine - Hindu Press International » Ask the Right Ear

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    • In three differently designed tests, researchers found that requests spoken into to the right ear were more effective than those spoken into the left ear.
    • In Hindu tradition, the importance of the right ear has been recognized from ancient times.
    • At a namakarana samskara, the baby's name, astrologically chosen, is whispered in the right ear by the father.
    • It is also traditional to whisper a sacred mantra in the right ear of the newly deceased,

* VivekaJyoti *: The Rapid Expansion of Christianity in India

» Blog Archive » नेपाली माओवादियों ने भारत में लाल झंडा फहराया

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    • ओलाक कुमार सिंह
      डेटलाइन इंडिया
    • माओवादी संगठन पर केन्द्र सरकार के प्रतिबन्ध सम्बन्धी आदेश के दो दिन बाद नेपाली माओवादियों ने भारतीय सीमा में घुसकर अपने संगठन का झण्डा फहराया और सीमा पर लगे तीन पत्थरों को क्षतिग्रस्त कर दिया।
    • प्रत्यक्षदर्शियों के अनुसार 100 से भी अधिक युवा नेपालियों ने सीमा पर यह उपद्रव किया।स

» Blog Archive » फैसले अर्जुन सिंह के, मोहर कपिल सिब्बल की

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    • मिलन गुप्ता
      डेटलाइन इंडिया
    • केंद्रीय मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्री कपिल सिब्बल यशपाल कमेटी की जिस रिपोर्ट पर फुल कर कुपा हो रहे हैं, शिक्षा जगत में क्रांतिकारी परिवर्तन लाने का दावा कर रहे हैं उन्होंने शायद यह रिपोर्ट खुद अभी तक ठीक से पढ़ी ही नहीं। पढ़ी होती तो समझ पाते कि विदेशी विश्वविद्यालयों के मामले में यशपाल कमेटी की रिपोर्ट उनकी योजनाओं को एक दम उलट रही है।
    • सच तो यह है कि कपिल सिब्बल ने अभी तक खुद कोई फैसला नहीं किया है और पहले के किए हुए फैसलों पर ही अपनी मुहर लगा रहे हैं।

Bharat Swabhiman: A biased article in Guardian

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    • TV swami offers a cure for all ills

      Yoga evangelist has millions in his thrall, but critics claim devotees are being duped
    • Every morning, the swami appears on television chanting prayers and explaining that ailments, physical and mental, can be treated by what looks like little more than sharp intakes of air and painful-looking body contortions. More than 20 million tune in each day in India alone. The television guru, who is also known as Baba Ramdev, is also available across the world - including Britain.
    • Born into a farming family in north India he retains a common touch, making rustic jokes in chaste Hindi. The guru combines this with a gentle manner and a knack for public relations.
    • In a country where renunciation is seen as almost a divine virtue, Ramdev announces that he has long ago given up sex - because "it is not love".
    • Mohammed Abbas, The president of the Indian Medical Association, said that although yoga is "good exercise, it cannot be used to make ridiculous claims about curing HIV or cancer. This is false hope for ill people."
    • Asked whether he has run any tests to analyse treatment, he offers a book of testimonies from disciples convinced they have been cured of cancer, cirrhosis and kidney failure.

      Some have called for the swami to be prosecuted for "peddling quackery of the highest order".

      "Claiming such absurdities is against the law," said Sanal Edamaruku of the Indian Rationalist Association. "The magical remedies act of 1954 was brought in to stop people such as Baba Ramdev from promoting dangerous ideas about curing cancer and the like.

Pictures of Christian Saint distributed to Hindu students for worshipping - Conversions |

Who will save the Hindus? - Shri. Milind Gadgil |

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    • Bhutan Rich in natural resources!
    • 90% of its Budget comes as a grant from the Government of India!
    • Farming and the orchards are the main industries of Bhutan. In this industry for the last hundreds of years Hindu farmers and labourers of Nepalese lineage have been engaged. Even today 30 to 35% of Bhutan's population is Hindu of Nepalese lineage. Beside this Bhutan is very rich in mineral resources.
    • And because of this Bhutan is being coveted by China. Bhutan has a treaty of cooperation with Indian Government for its Foreign policy and Security.
    • Harrasment of Hindus by imposing the Buddhist religion on Bhutan!
    • King under the guise of taking a census declared 3 lakh of these Hindus of Nepalese Lineage as infiltrators and deported them from Bhutan. 2 lakh of these people went to Nepal and 1 lakh came to India. Both these countries did not recognize them as their citizens.
    • This was 15 years ago but there has been no change in their status.
    • here is no one to stand up for the 3 lakh Hindu refugees. World wide this is the plight of the Hindus. So now the time has come to leave the attitude of pleading, and take a firm and resolute stand on this issue.
    • The Bad condition of the Kashmiri Pandits!
    • 'The Human Rights watch' an international organization evaluated the medical condition of the families who are listed as refugees in their own country.
    • The reason for the drop in birth rate was examined. It was found that the women's menstruation cycle had stopped 10 to 15 years earlier than normal. And the reproductive efficiency was at 25%. The Birth rate was dropping due to lack space and privacy. The doctors examining the Kashmiri Pandits opined that the Kashmiri Pandits were physically and psychologically 10 to 15 years older than their natural age. If this condition continues there is a danger of the extinction of the race of Kashmiri Pandits.

The Facts of Khajuraho - Articles |

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    • Male and female Statues
    • Chandela Musicians
    • Finally Erotic Sculpture Depicting the Kamasutra Positions.
      (Less than 10% of the total carvings)
    • The Chandelas were followers of the Tantric cult which believes that gratification of earthly desires is a step towards attaining the ultimate liberation. Tantrism has been mostly misunderstood and the Philosophical part of Tantras like the Mahanirvana Tantra have been totally forgotten. This was one of the reasons why Tantrics perished.
    • It must be emphasized that Khajuraho Temples, do not contain sexual themes inside the Temple premises or near the deity but only on external carvings. They portray that for seeing the deity, one must leave his sexual desires outside the Temple. They also depict that the inner deity of the Temple is pure like the soul (atman) which is unaffected by sexual desires and other gross tendencies, destiny etc, whereas the external curvature and carvings of the Temples depict the bodily changes that occur in us.
    • Only as many as 10% carvings contain sexual themes, not between any deities but between ordinary humans. The rest depict the common man's life of those days.
    • They give the message that one should always have God as the central point in one's life even though one is engaged in worldly activities.
    • It is a misconception that since Khajuraho are Temples, they depict sex between deities!
    • In Khajuraho Temples, the idols of Shiva, Nandi, Goddess Durga, Incarnations of Vishnu etc are fully clothed.

Tarun Vijay: Krishna 'Raag'

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    • Tarun Vijay
    • China has travelled a long way outsmarting India in manufacturing, economic growth, infrastructure building and military strength. While India has shrunk to almost half in the last 100 years, China has doubled geographically too.
    • But the level of ignorance about China in India is simply baffling. More than Pakistan, it should have been China on our radar of engagement knowing it more than any other nation.
    • India must not become a partner in the US game in this region which is, at present more Pakistan-centric and has ignored Indian concerns. Every US dollar given to Pakistan under the cover of "controlling Taliban", is turned into a missile on Indian interests
    • This has to be corrected with direct links with Afghan tribal leaders and an operational policy for Pakistan held Kashmir and NWFP.
    • revitalize and make assertive policy towards Chinese links with Pakistan’s extremist organizations like Jammat-e-Islami and tribal leaders of Gilgit and Baltistan.
    • Not only that Indians must get Chinese reports from Indian correspondents but there has to be a methodical approach towards Track II citizens diplomacy towards China.