Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Scoop: Islam reborns after every Karbala……

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    • The end of year 2009, like every year, will be marked by the birth of Jesus Christ on 25th December. Coincidentally this year, another important day of 10th Moharram will also be observed in the same weak on 28th Dec.. Islamic history witnessed the biggest terrorist action 1329 years ago on 10 October 680 BC, when Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad was assassinated along with 72 members of his family in the city of Karbala on the banks of river Euphrates. A particular sect of Muslims mourns this day in different ways. Majlis’ are organized, processions are taken out, devotees of Hussein walk on fire and beat themselves with swords and chains to pay obeisance. Different types of mourning programmes are held to remember Imam Hussein for his sacrifice for saving Islam from Yazid who, unfortunately, was a ‘Muslim’ ruler of Syria and was the real enemy of Islamic principles
    • According to my information and knowledge, perhaps after the Karbala incident, no Muslim parents gave their child, the name ‘Yazid’. But I was proved wrong. In January this year a video was issued by the terrorist organisation Al Qaeda. In this video, an Al Qaeda commander Mustafa Abu Al Yazid was shown spitting out poison against India, the US & Pakistan administration.. Then I again believed that ‘Yazid’ is not dead yet, he is still alive. As ‘Yazidism’ has established itself in Islam today, and this ‘Yazidism’ is once again trying to degrade Islam in the entire world, there is not only a need of another Karbala, rather to save Islam it is also imperative to promote Hussein and ‘Husseinism’. That’s why a famous poet has said- qatl-e-hussein asl mein marg-e-yazid hai, islam zinda hota hai har karbala ke baad.(Assassination of Hussein is in fact the death of Yazid, whenever there will be other tragedy like karbala(sacrifice), Islam(justice) will get life again & again).
    • By Tanveer Jafri

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Holy mans amazing feet

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    • A bizarre holy man has been arrested on child torture charges after horrified parents found him stamping on their youngsters' throats to cure them of colds. Self-proclaimed demi-god Jamun Yadav, 50, told police his holy Hindu powers allowed him to transfer divine energy from the soles of his feet. He said the amazing feets of magic allowed him to fight all illnesses in Katihar, eastern India. "This is scandalous and we have arrested him. The parents didn't know just what his treatment involved when they agreed to it," said police spokesman Santosh Singh. "He claims he needs no defence in court because he speaks for God. So it should be an interesting trial," he added.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Uma Bharti meets sadhvi in Nashik - dnaindia.com

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    • Vaishali Balajiwale / DNA
    • Nashik
    • Uma Bharati met Sadhvi Pradnya Singh, the accused in Malegaon blast case at a hospital in Nashik and enquired about her health.

    • An ailing Singh is admitted to Ayurveda hospital in Ganeshwadi, Nashik, for the past two months.

      Uma Bharati said: "I came to meet Sadhvi, as we are friends. As she is in hospital under treatment, I came to enquire about her health. She seems to be recovering and is under good treatment. She has been physically tortured so much so that I think there are hardly any chances she will stand up in her life again. The way a Hindu Sadhvi has been treated on suspicion is unfortunate. It is an irony that real criminals like Ajmal Kasab and Sanjay Dutt are treated like heroes and a sadhvi is beaten brutally on suspicion. We have decided to create a nation wide public awareness on this issue."

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Take temple car through Dalit colony: High Court - The Times of India

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    • Lambasting the trustees of a temple in Pottai village of Villupuram district for their opposition to diverting the temple car through a Dalit colony, the Madras High Court has asked the district administration ensure that the car, if necessary small in size, be taken through the colony.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Union of Catholic Asian News » Youth group to ensure Christmas joy for Orissa Christians

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    • By Lissy Maruthanakuzhy
    • A Hindu-Catholic youth group from Orissa is intent on ensuring a happy and safe Christmas for Christians in the troubled Kandhamal area this year.
    • Members of the handpicked group say they have new insights into the problems of their home state after a week-long conflict resolution course run by Salesians in Assam.
    • Himang Shu (standing) translates a talk by Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati (seated third from left)
    • This year things will be different, Hindu youth leader Himang Shu says.

      "During Christmas we will go to Christian houses and celebrate the feast together," he told UCA News.

      He and 23 other young Hindus and Christians from Kandhamal were picked by the Orissa government for the course at Don Bosco Youth Institute, Guwahati, in Assam. They belong to "Antaranga" (conscience), a youth forum formed after the violence erupted in their home region.

      Sister Lolia Annie, who works at the Salesian center in Assam, said Kishan Kumar, a senior government official in Kandhamal, had sent the youth group. She said the Kandhamal administration wanted the Church center's help to train youths in resolving conflict.

    • Shu, who is in charge of Antaranga's documentation and research department, said the forum has some 4,000 members spread over 120 youth clubs in Kandhamal.

      "We will train and send them to villages in mixed groups (Christians and Hindus) during Christmas," he said.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Our gods have three feet: Jairam Ramesh | Top News

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    • Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh borrowed a leaf from Hindu mythology while defending the government's stand at the Copenhagen climate summit, saying like "(some) gods have three feet", India was with the G-77, the BASIC group and the industrialised nations.

      "We're in the G77 and in the BASIC group and in talks with industrialised countries. Many of our gods have three feet. We should do the same," Ramesh quipped at a press conference when asked to comment on reported unhappiness among members of the Group of 77 countries at India's stand in Copenhagen.

      He then added as further illustration: "We should be like Nataraj (Hindu deity who performs dance of destruction). Doesn't he have four feet(sic)?"

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

visfot.com । विस्फोट.कॉम - गढ़ तो चढ़ गये गड़करी लेकिन...

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    • प्रेम शुक्ल
    • गडकरी निश्चित तौर पर महाराष्ट्र के लोक निर्माण विभाग में क्रांतिकारी परिवर्तन करने में कामयाब हुए थे। उन्होंने विदर्भ में भाजपा के विस्तार की कमान भी संभाले रखी। लेकिन पिछले पांच वर्षों के कार्यकाल में वे महाराष्ट्र में भाजपा को पुनर्संगठित करने में कामयाब नहीं हुए। महाराष्ट्र में भाजपा को सफलता दिलाने में उन्हें किसी प्रकार की बाधा नहीं थी। क्या राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर वही गडकरी भाजपा को नए सिरे से सुसंगठित करने में कामयाब हो पाएंगे?
    • क्या भाजपा में अध्यक्ष सर्वशक्तिमान व्यक्ति होता है? अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी और लालकृष्ण आडवाणी के अलावा पिछले 29 वर्षों में भाजपा का कोई भी अध्यक्ष सर्वोच्च नेता की हैसियत को नहीं पा सका है? वाजपेयी और आडवाणी के बाद पहली बार अध्यक्ष की कुर्सी पानेवाले मुरली मनोहर जोशी वरिष्ठता, अनुभव, वक्तृत्व, विद्वता आदि मापदंडों पर सुषमा स्वराज या अरूण जेटली की तुलना में बहुत आगे हैं। फिर मुरली मनोहर जोशी को वाजपेयी और आडवाणी के बाद पार्टी में कभी तीसरे क्रमांक का भी व्यक्ति क्यों नहीं बनाया गया?
    • राजनाथ सिंह की विदाई इस अंदाज में की गई है मानो वे भाजपा के सबसे विफलतम अध्यक्ष रहे हों। जबकि सच्चाई यह है कि राजनाथ सिंह के नेतृत्व में उत्तराखंड, हिमाचल प्रदेश, गुजरात, पंजाब, बिहार, छत्तीसगढ़, मध्य प्रदेश और कर्नाटक में पार्टी को सफलता हासिल हुई। यदि केंद्र में सरकार न बनाने की विफलता राजनाथ सिंह के खाते में दर्ज होती है तो राज्यों की सफलता भी उनके खातों में क्यों नहीं दर्ज की जाती?
    • पार्टी विरोधी कार्रवाइयों को जब अध्यक्ष के खिलाफ शीर्ष नेतृत्व हवा दे रहा हो तो क्यों कोई अध्यक्ष पार्टी को सफलता दिला सकता है? फिर राजनाथ सिंह से सफलता की उम्मीद किस खातिर?
    • भाजपा का उदय सांगठिनक क्षमता की बजाय राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर कांग्रेस के अल्पसंख्यकवाद की प्रतिक्रिया के चलते हुआ। अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी भाजपा के सबसे अधिक प्रभावोत्पादक नेता रहे। वे 1980 से 1986 तक भाजपा के अध्यक्ष थे। इस काल में भाजपा राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर प्रभाव डालनेवाली शक्ति नहीं बन पाई थी। लालाकृष्ण आडवाणी का पहला कार्यकाल भी भाजपा को विपक्ष की सशक्ततम पार्टी नहीं बना पाया था। भाजपा जिस आंदोलन के चलते सत्ता के समीकरण में अपरिहार्य बनी, वह उसका अपना आंदोलन होने की बजाय विश्व हिंदू परिषद का आंदोलन था। भाजपा का राष्ट्रीय विकास 1989 से 1996 के बीच हुआ। इन सात वर्षों में तीन वर्ष मुरली मनोहर जोशी अध्यक्ष रहे। उन्होंने भी आडवाणी की तरह राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर रथयात्रा की। वे कश्मीर के लाल चैक तक भाजपा का रथ लेकर गए। बावजूद इसके जब कोई भाजपाई आडवाणी और जोशी की तुलना करता है तो वह जोशी को कभी आडवाणी की बराबरी का सम्मान नहीं देता, क्यों? भाजपा सत्ता में आते ही राम जन्मभूमि, धारा 370, समान नागरिक संहिता जैसे अपने मूलभूत मुद्वों को किनारे कर बैठी।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

भ्रांतिरू पेण संस्थिता

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    • देश का राजनीतिक परिदृश्य तेजी से बदल रहा है। लोकतंत्र का स्वरू प छिन्न-भिन्न होता दिखाई पड़ रहा है। जनता को जिस प्रतिपक्ष से अधिक अपेक्षाएं रहती हैं, वही भाजपा आत्महत्या के मार्ग पर मुड़ती दिखाई पड़ रही है।
      जिस प्रकार नए अध्यक्ष का चुनाव किया गया।

      जिस प्रकार संघ ने कह दिया कि आगे स्वयं गडकरी जानें।
      जिस प्रकार सभी दिग्गजों ने अपनी-अपनी कुर्सियां हथिया लीं और संसदीय बोर्ड मूकदर्शक बना बैठा रहा।
      जिस प्रकार कुर्सी से उतरते ही राजनाथ सिंह कह पड़े कि "बड़े नेता के दबाव और दखल के कारण उनके निर्णय लागू नहीं हो पाए, यह परम्परा अच्छी नहीं है।"

      जिस प्रकार प्रदेश अध्यक्ष की हैसियत से तीन-तीन चुनाव हारने पर भी गडकरी को अध्यक्ष बनाया गया।
      जिस प्रकार संसदीय दल के अध्यक्ष का पद सृजित करके आडवाणी ने स्वयं को भीष्म पितामह की तरह इच्छा-मृत्यु का अधिकारी साबित करने का प्रयास किया है।
    • लगता यही है कि आने वाले समय में संघ की अनिर्णय की भूमिका ही भाजपा की दुर्गति का कारण बनेगी। आरक्षण ही की तरह संघ/ गैर संघ की लड़ाई बड़ी होती जाएगी, भाजपा छोटी होती जाएगी।
    • गुलाब कोठारी

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

सबसे शर्मनाक दिन

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    • स्वतंत्र भारत के इतिहास में सबसे शर्मनाक दिन कौन-सा है? क्या 6 दिसंबर, 1992 का वह दिन, जब अयोध्या स्थित विवादास्पद ढाचा ध्वस्त हुआ या फिर 16 मार्च, 2006 को होली की छुट्टी का वह दिन, जब केरल विधानसभा का विशेष सत्र बुलाकर साठ निरपराधों की हत्या के आरोपी आतंकवादी की रिहाई के लिए सर्वसम्मति से प्रस्ताव पारित किया गया? केरल के सेकुलरिस्टों ने उक्त आरोपित आतंकवादी को जेल में न केवल पंचसितारा सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवाईं, बल्कि उसकी रिहाई के लिए विधायिका का दुरुपयोग भी किया।
    • [बलबीर पुंज : लेखक भाजपा के राज्यसभा सासद हैं]

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

The Grand Asymmetry: The Swiss Minaret Ban

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    • The minaret that triggered the ban overwhelms the local landscape
    • Terrified bleeding passenger after attack on bus at Agra after Saddam execution
    • Let's try to put this in context, as Suzanna Genocide Roy always exhorts us to do. Now Switzerland is a neutral country, always was. It stayed neutral in WW I, WW II and characteristically it remained neutral in the Iraq war. In other words, if there is one country the "occupation" theory does not apply to, it is the region of Europe we proudly claim Kashmir is similar to.
    • Swiss minorities started radicalizing and started creating the same sort of issues that we see everywhere. The recent imports from more radical countries started becoming more assertive. The minaret that triggered the ban (pictured above) was in fact constructed atop a Turkish cultural center, amid protests by local residents. It was clearly more political than anything religious. It was clearly a "mine is bigger than yours" type of statement. In 2006, terror plots got exposed in Switzerland, leading to the arrest of a dozen people.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

The plight of Hindus in Bangladesh | Bangladeshi Hindu

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    • Hindu Women Raped
    • What is the reason for this? The rise of Islamic extremism has obviously led to the present scenario. But who are responsible for the rise of hardline islamics? The answer is—successive Bangladesh governments. They have forgotten the pillars on which the Bangla nation was formed. The ideology of those very extremists who supported Pakistan during the ’71 Liberation war is prospering. The secular, progressive credentials of Bangladesh have been long consigned to the dustbin of history. Politically, the situation is bound to worsen. Let Hindus not have any hope from the government.
    • The Hindus must aim to become a political force in the country. They must be united in quest of this goal. The community must vote for a consensus candidate and when Hindus are attacked or threatened, the community must hit the streets together. The Hindus must have no hesitation in becoming a “vote bank”. The Hindus must, as a primary goal, seek to make themselves relevant to the extent that they can influence 50-60 seats in the Jatiya Sangsad. Then and only then will their voice be heard loud and clear. And in these attempts, the Hindus must bring with them the other minorities of Bangladesh.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Shah Bano Ver 2.0

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    • In the recent judgment, delivered on December 4, a Supreme Court Bench comprising Justices Deepak Verma and Sudarshan Reddy upheld the right of a divorced Muslim woman Shabana Bano to get maintenance from her husband.
    • Predictably, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) has issued a veiled threat of sorts.

      “The Supreme Court judgment is a direct interference in Muslim personal law. It is also against the Shariat, which states that marriage is a contract between two individuals and it becomes null and void after divorce,” said Maulana Khalid Rashid, a member of the board.

    • On the other side, we don’t see any “spontaneous” emotional outbursts from the secularist and women’s liberation quarters considering that Shabana Bano’s “crime” was that she was unable to bring in the dowry demanded by her husband’s family. To be fair, a lone article in the Indian Express welcomed the Supreme Court’s judgment but didn’t get to the fundamentals, something everybody wants to avoid.
    • In a way, the AIMPLB is irrelevant today because the UPA has taken upon itself the task to systematically bend to and satisfy every whim of the minorities before they even demand it.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Tarun Vijay: My name is not Khan, I am Mr Kaul

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    • Tarun Vijay
    • But unfortunately I am a Kaul. I am not a Khan.

      Hence when my sisters and mothers were raped and killed, when six-year-old Seema was witness to the brutal slaughtering of her brother, mother and father with a butcher's knife by a Khan, nobody ever came to make a movie on my agony, pain and anguish, and tears.

      No KJ would make a movie on Kashmiri Hindus. Because we are not Khans. We are Kauls.

    • It's not fashionable to side with those who are Kauls. And Rainas. And Bhatts. Dismissively called KPs. KPs means Kashmiri Pandits. They are a bunch of communalists. They were the agents of one Mr Jagmohan who planned their exodus so that Khans can be blamed falsely. In fact, a movie can be made on how these KPs conspired their own exile to give a bad name to the loving and affectionate Khan brothers of the valley.
    • All that the Kauls are allowed is a space at Jantar Mantar: shout, weep and go back to your tents after a tiring demonstration. Mr Kaul, you have got a wrong name.
    • Not the one who would declare in newspaper interviews: "I think I am an ambassador for Islam". Shah Rukh is Shah Rukh, not because he is an ambassador for Islam. If that was true, he could have found a room in Deoband. Fine enough. But he became a heartthrob and a famousl star because he is a great actor. He owes everything he has to Indians and not just to Muslims.
    • If you are Mr Khan and found dead on the railway tracks, the entire nation would be shaken. And he was also a Rizwan. May be just a coincidence that our Mr Khan in the movie is also a Rizwan.

      Rizwan's death saw the police commissioner punished and cover stories written by missionary writers. But if you are a Sharma or a Kaul and happened to love an Ameena Yusuf in Srinagar, you would soon find your corpse inside the police thana

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Anti-Hindu dogmas from Indian Media Popes CHAPTER 4: METHOD IN MEDIA MADNESS | Great Hindu

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    • The media is really mad when it comes to its anti-Hindu nature. However, there is a method to their madness. See the patterns of their anti-Hindu nature.

      1. Magnify Hindu violence wherever you see them. So a little skirmish in a little-know pub in Mangalore is internationalized.

      2. Cover minority violence wherever you see them. The murder of a shady missionary called Graham Staines is projected as a heinous crime while his illicit conversion activities is hushed up.

      4. Whenever Muslims strike first (as is the case in keeping up with Koranic theme of “Slay the Infidel wherever you find them), ignore it. Make it a point to magnify the Hindu backlash (Ignore Godhra and magnify Gujarat riots).

      5. Whenever Hindu-Muslim riots take place, ignore the ones who started it and start projecting the aggressor and the victim in the same coin.

      6. Whenever Islamic terrorists strike, state that terrorists have no religion. This is when it is obvious that they are Islamic terrorists.

    • 12. When all cases fail, invent a case whereby the Hindus are held guilty. For instance, the media did a story during the Godhra inferno, they said that the Hindu Ram Sewaks had abducted a Muslim vendors daughter. There was no source for this story. It was just a red herring to let the Islamic terrorists off hook.

      13. Ignore Kashmir genocides. Write reams and blare on Gujarat riots.

    • 20. When things are down in India, attribute it to the Hindu rate of growth. If things are going up, attribute it to the class of the English educated “Macualay” Indian.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Secular mafia: Why do Hindus knowingly support it? « Indian Realist

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    •  There is a question that at least some of them ask us at some time or the other. The Hindus who say with pride that they are Hindus have had to face this question on several occasions. The question is none but this. “Ok, we agree when you say that the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has been functioning since 1925; that the man who had the most tremendous impact on our era, Dr Hedgewarji, the karma yogi, Param Pujaneeya Guruji and tens of thousands of selfless activists have worked for Hindu solidarity and prosperity; that the Sangh had been active in Kerala since 1940. Now tell us what has been your achievement in Kerala?”

      This is the question for which we need to enlighten them with an appropriate answer.

    • Today the Hindu society is organized enough and united enough to face the direct challenges posed to it. But that, my sisters and brothers, is not enough. A health-conscious person does not wait for a disease to strike and then achieve its cure. A health conscious person would aim at preventing a disease from attacking the body. Today we have the organized strength to face the challenges posed to our society, but that is not enough. What we need to achieve is a state of affairs wherein challenges posed to our society will be few and far. It is to this end that we must act, so time has not yet come that we can put up our feet and relax in tired indolence.
    • On the contrary, if the argument is that the assassins of Mahatma Gandhi can be hanged because they are Hindus, the assassins of Indira Gandhi can be hanged because they are Sikh, but the attackers of the Indian Parliament must not be hanged because they are Muslims, then there is some thing very seriously wrong with this alleged “secularism”.
    • There should be a law against religious conversions. If the Government does not bring about a law against religious conversions, then we, the public, can stop religious conversions. The mothers seated before me can stop religious conversions. We have the strength and capability within us to do so. During the time of Rama-Avataara, the Gods and rishis were asked to take birth as Vaanars. Do you know the peculiarity of the Vaanars? They react in the same way as you behave with them. If you jump they jump. If you throw stones then they throw stones.

      Let’s behave like the Vaanars of the Sri Ram Sena. Let’s behave in the same manner in which they behave with us. Let’s pay them back in the same coin. Let’s go street by street and try to propagate our religion. Let us go into the houses and fix a few deals for conversion. Soon enough you will find a clamour for a law prohibiting religious conversions. Let the Hindu convert ten others to Hinduism and you will see the government bringing out a law against religious conversions.

    • The ruling dispensation grabbed the control and wealth of Hindu temples by sheer force and bullying.

      How many of us know this shocking fact that over 60 percent of the employees of the Tirupathy-Tirumala Devasthanam are Christians? That is the smartness and skill of Samuel Rajasekhara Reddy.

    • There may be corruption in the existing Devaswoms. We all are very aware that no organization is free from corruption. To remove corruption, the society has to change. The answer to corruption is not forcible assumption of governmental control. For if that were so, then the ruling dispensation in this Kerala state which is soaked to the gills in the Lavlin corruption scandal ought to be dismissed and President’s rule ought to be imposed on the state. If the answer to corruption is forcible assumption of governmental control, then the solution of government ministerial corruption is dismissal of the corrupt government ministry and forcible imposition of Presidential rule. Why isn’t that being done?
    • This is because the crores of Rupees of temple revenue went straight to the government coffers, leaving nothing for the Hindu poor. The government does not want to control the places of worship of the non-Hindus. The government does not want to take the revenues from the places of worship of the non-Hindus.
    • I ask you if the Hindus are supposed to eat leftovers of other’s meal. We should be capable of asking loudly, IF THE MUSLIMS HAVE THE FIRST CLAIM ON THE NATIONAL RESOURCES OF INDIA THEN ARE THE HINDUS SUPPOSED TO EAT THEIR LEFT OVERS?
    • We must see in the eye of our mind the enchanting scene of the newborn baby Sri Krishna being carried in a basket by his father Prince Vasudeva to the safety of Gokulam across the flooded River Yamuna. The Lord did not just fly away to safety; he expected Prince Vasudeva to carry Him away to safety and that is just what the Prince did. You can see from this incident that we are supposed to protect Easwara-Chaitanyam with our lives, if need be.
    • Why did Sri Krishna, again, an avataar of MahaVishnu demand that Arjuna get off his posterior, shake off his despondency and fight in the MahaBharata war when Sri Krishna, who killed King Shishupala with a throw of Sudarshana chakra, could have easily killed Duryodhana, the Crown Prince, with a throw of Sudarshana Chakra and rendered the terrible Mahabharata war unnecessary? We are supposed to fight on the side of Dharma with all the resources at our disposal. This human intervention on the side of Dharma is a way for the Divinity to judge us mortals.
    • While going to a temple, inquire whether the temple is under the control of the HR&CE Department / Devaswom Board / Devasthanam Board. These Departments and Boards are controlled by anti-Hindu “secular” politicians. E.g., Guruvayur Temple, Chidambaram Temple etc.


    • If you go to a temple controlled by the Government controlled HR&CE Department / Devaswom Board / Devasthanam Board, please do give money to the employees of the temples like poojaris, watch and ward staff and sweepers but do not put money in the temple Hundi.

      Now if you are a sentimental person, there is still something you can do. Donate money to a Hindu-run orphanage or old-age home in the name of your favourite deity, collect the receipt and deposit it in the Hundi in the full knowledge that the anti-Hindu “secular” politicians cannot steal it and use it against us.

    • Please inquire about the administration of Charities before giving donation. Do not give any money to Christian Missionary charities like Child’s Relief and You, World Vision etc. They will take your money and convert orphaned Hindu children into rabid Hindu-haters.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.