- कीरतपुर साहिब
बजरंग दल का 25 लाख युवकों को शपथ दिलाने का लक्ष्य
- उन्होंने बताया कि पूरे पंजाब मे दो लाख व पूरे देश में 25 लाख युवाओं को सदस्यता ग्रहण करवाने का हमारा मुख्य उद्देश्य है।
- उन्होंने यह भी बताया कि जम्मू कश्मीर क्षेत्र में स्थित बुढ्डा अमरनाथ की यात्रा के लिए 31 जुलाई 09 से 3 अगस्त 09 तक हमारा संगठन श्रद्धालुओं के जत्थे लेकर जा रहा है जिसका मुख्य उद्देश्य है कि वहां रहने वाले हिंदु परिवारों जो पलायन करने पर मजबूर है को कुछ हौसला मिल सके।
!! समर्थ हिन्दु, समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान !!;........................!! समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान, समर्थ विश्व !!............................ All the posts on this blog are re-postings and post headings point towards the actual posts.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
बजरंग दल का 25 लाख युवकों को शपथ दिलाने का लक्ष्य
तसलीमा ने मांगी वतन लौटने की इजाजत
Jagran - Yahoo! India - International :: General News
- तसलीमा ने मांगी वतन लौटने की इजाजत
- बांग्लादेश की विवादास्पद लेखिका तसलीमा नसरीन ने प्रधानमंत्री शेख हसीना से 15 साल बाद वतन लौटने की इजाजत मांगी है। तसलीमा को हालांकि अब तक हसीना से कोई जवाब नहीं मिला है।
- तसलीमा ने जब बांग्लादेश छोड़ा, तब भी हसीना ही प्रधानमंत्री थीं।
बांग्लादेश सरकार के साथ ही तसलीमा भारत के निजाम से भी खफा हैं। बांग्लादेश छोड़ने के बाद उन्होंने कोलकाता में पनाह ली थी। लेकिन, भारत के कंट्टरपंथी मुस्लिमों की धमकियों के बाद तसलीमा ने नवंबर 2007 में कोलकाता भी छोड़ दिया। कई महीने भारत सरकार की हिफाजत में गुजारने के बाद तसलीमा पिछले साल मार्च में स्वीडन चली गई थीं। स्वीडन में उन्हें दो साल तक रहने की इजाजत दी गई है।
भारत सरकार की आलोचना करते हुए तसलीमा ने कहा, 'भारत में मुझे रहने की इजाजत नहीं दी गई क्योंकि सरकार इस्लाम विरोधी कहलाने से डरती थी। भारत के सभी राजनीतिक दल मुस्लिम कंट्टरपंथियों को संतुष्ट रखना चाहते हैं।'
* VivekaJyoti *: It is time for all Hindus to stand up against secular treachery and hegemony: Dr. Babu Suseelan
It is time for all Hindus to stand up against secular treachery and hegemony: Dr. Babu Suseelan
The Congress Absurdity and the Secular Injustice-- Dr. Babu Suseelan - THE WAY OUT
- It is important that Hindus who still hold sacred our traditions be made aware of the constant assault that is being waged on Hindu society by our secular enemies.
- In order for the Hindu majority to remain strong and competitive, they need to align with rural and urban Hindu groups, the police, military, judiciary, the business people and traders that could provide organizational strength and financial muscle to fight against the Muslim, Christian and phony secular interest blocs.
- The overwhelming Hindu groups will become the cultural archetypes for Hindus across the country. Organizations like VHP, RSS, and Bjarang Dal should build a winning coalition of rural and urban Hindus into a strong political base.When organized Hindus show their muscle strength and take a stand, some barriers will begin to come down, and advances become possible. Organized and strong Hindu groups can smash the excesses of secular injustice.
- It is time for Hindus to be openly proud of their culture, heritage and the nation, and it’s time to utterly reject the cultural insults that the bogus secularists used to terrorize and marginalize Hindus.
From: Anonymous - Enough of Blogs and yahoogroup memberships..get to the streets now. Jammu has shown an example.
* VivekaJyoti *: India has its first Sikh prime minister, Manmohan Singh, but his community is not trusted enough to guard him: Outlook magazine
- Sikhs have not been used as bodyguards since Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her personal Sikh bodyguards in 1984 at the height of a Sikh insurgency, Outlook said.
- There are scarcely any Muslims working inIndia
* VivekaJyoti *: Is it fair to subject a shy society to a shameless debate? -- S. Gurumurthy
* VivekaJyoti *: Is it fair to subject a shy society to a shameless debate? -- S. Gurumurthy
- The Delhi High Court ruling held only one part of Sec 377 as unconstitutional. But what part is held constitutional cannot be described without allowing the discourse to become shameless; without spilling filth in the discourse. So it is not being described as shamelessness should yield to shyness. But, the media, particularly the visual, has been purveying needless filth using the issue for quite some time now. And growing shamelessness is replacing dignified shyness that marks the public discourse. Is it fair to subject a shy society to a shameless debate?
» Blog Archive » सांसदों के बीच बैठी वह महिला कौन थी?
» Blog Archive » सांसदों के बीच बैठी वह महिला कौन थी?
- अंशू सिंह
डेटलाइन इंडिया - खबर यह है कि सरकार संसद की सुरक्षा पर हर मिनट के लिए लाखों रुपये खर्च कर रही है और ऐसे में अगर कोई महिला संसद भवन में जाकर सीधे सांसदों के बीच बैठकर संसद की कार्रवाई का मजा ले तो आप क्या कहेंगे। ऐसा दुनिया में और कहीं हो या न हो, मगर हमारे देश में हो सकता है। हमारे देश में ये भी हो सकता है कि किसी लड़की को लेकर दिल्ली की सड़कों पर अवारागर्दी करने वाले लड़के सीधे प्रधान मंत्री के घर तक पहुँच जाए और देश की और प्रधान मंत्री की सुरक्षा में लगी एजेंसियों को इसकी खबर प्रधान मंत्री के घर पर जमा हुए मीडिया के लोगों से मिले।
- बाद में बेहद गोपनीय स्तर पर इस मामले की जाँच-पड़ताल की गई तो पता चला कि वह महिला संसद के सुरक्षा व्यवस्था को धता बताकर संसद के मुख्य हाल में पहुँच गई थी। यह महिला केरल के पुन्नामी लोकसभा क्षेत्र से मुस्लिम लीग के सांसद ईटी बशीर की पत्नी थीं। जिस समय यह महिला संसद में सांसदों के बीच बैठी थी उस समय बजट भाषण की वजह से प्रधान मंत्री सहित सभी मंत्री और विपक्ष के नेताओं से लेकर सभी सदस्य सदन में मौजूद थे।
» Blog Archive » अयोध्या से जुड़ी फाइलें गायब, अफसर मरा
» Blog Archive » अयोध्या से जुड़ी फाइलें गायब, अफसर मरा
- श्रीपति त्रिवेदी
डेटलाइन इंडिया - बाबरी मस्जिद का सच अब कभी सामने नहीं आएगा। इसकी 23 महत्वपूर्ण फाइलें गायब हो गई है। फाइलें गायब कैसे हुईं? राज्य के गृह विभाग में काम करने वाले एक छोटे अधिकारी को परम गोपनीय लॉकर में रखी हुई ये फाइलें घर ले जाने के लिए दी गई और रास्ते में इस अधिकारी की एक दुर्घटना में मौत हो गई। लाश तो मिल गई लेकिन फाइलें नहीं मिली। यह हादसा 6 जून 2009 का है और मृतक अधिकारी का नाम सुभाष भान साध है।
- अब सवाल यह है कि मायावती का क्या स्वार्थ है कि वे इन दस्तावेजों को गायब करें। जवाब यह है कि लिब्राहन आयोग की रिपोर्ट में इन दस्तावेजों का हवाला दिया गया है और कहा गया है कि मामला मंदिर मस्जिद का कम और परस्पर विरोधी तथ्यों का ज्यादा है। मायावती को मुलायम सिंह को फंसाना है, उनके दोस्त कल्याण सिंह को फंसाना हैं, पूरी भारतीय जनता पार्टी को फंसाना हैं, बाबरी मस्जिद कांग्रेस सरकार के दौरान गिरी थी इसलिए कांग्रेस को फंसाना हैं इसलिए रास्ते में रूकावट बनने वाले दस्तावेज गायब करना ही आसान विकल्प था। मारे गए अधिकारी के परिवार वाले लगातार शिकायत कर रहे हैं कि ये दुर्घटना नहीं कत्ल हैं लेकिन माया मेम साहब की सरकार में सुनवाईयां नहीं होती।
Rightwing Rumblings: Euro-American Burger King Denigrates Hindu Goddess Lakshmi
Rightwing Rumblings: Euro-American Burger King Denigrates Hindu Goddess Lakshmi
- I encourage every Hindu out there to join hands in this peaceful protest and lodge your complaint to bring these pompous corporates, who think they can do anything distasteful and offensive like this and get away with it, to justice.
- I encourage every Hindu out there to join hands in this peaceful protest and lodge your complaint to bring these pompous corporates, who think they can do anything distasteful and offensive like this and get away with it, to justice.
- The note should be sent by U.S. Mail to U.S. Corporate Headquarters at the address below:
Mr. John W. Chidsey, Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Russ Klein, President of Global Marketing, Strategy and Innovation
Burger King Corporation
5505 Blue Lagoon Drive
Miami, Florida 33126
In addition, you may call the Corporate Headquarters at +1 305 378 3000.
Please also email the letter to Burger King's Spain Headquarters: prensa@burgerking.es
After Tibet, Xinjiang exposes China's Achilles' heel - Windows Live
After Tibet, Xinjiang exposes China's Achilles' heel - Windows Live
For China, the chickens come home to roost
Brahma Chellaney
By blanketing the oil-rich Xinjiang with troops, China’s rulers may have subdued the Uighur revolt, which began in Urumqi, the regional capital, and spread to other heavily guarded cities like Kashgar. But this deadliest case of minority rioting in decades — along with the 2008 uprising across the Tibetan plateau — shows the costs of forcible absorption, laying bare China’s Achilles’ heel.
About 60 per cent territory of the People’s Republic comprises territories that historically had not been under direct Han rule. In fact, the Great Wall was built as the Han empire’s outer security perimeter. Today, Xinjiang and Tibet, by themselves, make up nearly half of China’s landmass.
- The Manchu assimilation into Han society and the swamping of the locals in Inner Mongolia have left only the Tibetans and the Turkic-speaking Muslim ethnic groups in Xinjiang as the holdouts. But the events since last year have come as a painful reminder to the Chinese leadership that its policies in Tibet and Xinjiang aren’t working. Economic development in those regions, largely geared at exploiting their resource wealth, has only helped marginalize the natives. While the locals get the menial work to do, the Han settlers run the show and hold the well-paying jobs, symbolizing an equation between the colonized and the colonizers.
- There are important parallels between the Tibet and Xinjiang violence. The ethnic uprisings in both regions erupted after authorities tried to disperse peaceful protesters in the local capital — Lhasa and Urumqi — where Han Chinese now outnumber the natives. And just as Beijing was quick to accuse the Dalai Lama of inciting the Tibetan rebellion, it has blamed the Xinjiang bloodshed on exiled Uighur leaders, specifically the Washington-based Rebiya Kadeer. But Kadeer, an ex-businesswoman, is no advocate of violence, although she spent six years in a Chinese jail and two of her sons are still imprisoned in Xinjiang.
- The policies of forced assimilation in Tibet and Xinjiang began after Chairman Mao Zedong created a land corridor link between the two rebellious regions by gobbling up India’s 38,000-square-kilometre Aksai Chin. This area — almost the size of whole Switzerland — started coming under Chinese control through furtive encroachment in the 1950s, before Mao consolidated and extended China’s hold by waging open war on India in 1962. Aksai Chin provides the only accessible Tibet-Xinjiang passageway through the Kunlun Mountains.
Good Karma Can Be Really Fast
Hinduism Today Magazine - Hindu Press International » Good Karma Can Be Really Fast
- When choosing a name for its new eco-friendly sports car, Florida-based Fisker Motors choose a Hindu word: karma.
The Fisker Karma, an electric hybrid,reaches 60mph in 5.8 seconds and has an autonomy of 50 miles before it needs any gas.
This car’s good karma? More than 100 miles a gallon and “a cleaner conscience than ever before,” the manufacturer says.
You can see the Fisker Karma http://karma.fiskerautomotive.com/
fisker Karma (14 photos) - mdolla
HJS drive against sale of Sree Ganesha idols made up of PoP - Ganesh Chaturthi | hindujagruti.org
HJS drive against sale of Sree Ganesha idols made up of PoP - Ganesh Chaturthi | hindujagruti.org
- Panaji (Goa)
- Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) had recently made a demand in its memorandum submitted to the State Government of Goa for imposing ban on sale of Sree Ganesha idols made of PoP wherein it has been mentioned that if such order imposing ban on idols was issued in time, the sculptors would be deterred from making such idols which cause pollution and is also against the science. Even people would become aware of not getting such idols. The spiritual perspective behind making of idols from clay instead of PoP has also been explained in the memorandum.
Protest: Burger King denigrates Goddess Lakshmi - Hindu Deities | hindujagruti.org
Protest: Burger King denigrates Goddess Lakshmi - Hindu Deities | hindujagruti.org
- A US based company of fast food, 'Burger King' is featuring Goddess Lakshmi in its advertisement. All Hindus worldwide should force 'Burger King' to remove Goddess Lakshmi from advertisement & it should give public apology to Billions of Hindus worldwide.
- Contact Details for protest:
Corporate office: Burger King Corporation, 5505 Blue Lagoon Drive, Miami, Florida 33126
Phone Numbers:
Corporate Headquarters: 305-378-3000
Marketing/Advertising Information Requests: 305-378-7200
Consumer Relations: 305-378-3535
HAVE IT YOUR WAY® Cards Consumer Help Desk: 1-800-522-1278
Consumer Relations department: 305-378-3535.
100 Pak Hindus migrate to India - Atrocities on Hindus | hindujagruti.org
100 Pak Hindus migrate to India - Atrocities on Hindus | hindujagruti.org
- Fearing religious persecution by hardline Muslims groups in Pakistan, a group of 100 Pakistani Hindus came to India on Friday on valid travel papers and sought Indian citizenship. The group boarded the Thar Express and reached Jodhpur on Friday.
- Jaipur
RSS pressurizes to stop Weekly Sanatan Prabhat's Kannada edition - RSS | hindujagruti.org
RSS pressurizes to stop Weekly Sanatan Prabhat's Kannada edition - RSS | hindujagruti.org
- Mangaluru
- Kannada weekly Sanatan Prabhat (WSP) was being printed in 'Digant' Printing Press for the past 7 years. The owner of the press is an office bearer of RSS. In Kannada WSP, many times, news criticizing RSS are published. Therefore, RSS pressurized the owner of the printing press to stop the printing of WSP. As a result, the owner of 'Digant' Press has refused to print WSP from now onwards.
- 'Sanatan Prabhat' criticizes RSS and BJP to bring an improvement in them, whereas it criticizes Congress to create furore among people for its anti-Hindu and anti-national activities!