Haindava Keralam - global community of dedicated Hindu Keralites with a peace mission
- By Jaibans Singh
- Interestingly, the divisive ideologies of Islamic Jihad and Maoism that the country has to contend with are direct imports from its two neighbours, China and Pakistan.
The two countries are well aware that only the Indian Army stands between them and their long standing policy of dividing India into small segments in order to curtail its growing influence.
Now, by involving the Army more and more in internal security, these countries feel that they may have hit bulls eye.
The engagement with the Naxals is not possible without diluting vigil on the border as also the edge that the Army enjoys as a conventional force. Quite obviously, the vacuum thus created will be exploited by these two countries, Pakistan will be able to boost its proxy war and China will gain strength in its negotiations for the border dispute.
The second challenge is emanating from a psychological war that has been launched against the force with the intention of denting the high moral pedestal at which it stands. The people of India see the Indian soldier as the epitome of all that is the best in the country due to his demonstrated qualities of courage, self sacrifice, integrity, strength of character and commitment to the cause of the nation.
If this image is dented, the psychological fallout may propel the country into a self destruct mode.
Against this backdrop, a sustained campaign is being orchestrated to malign the image of the soldier in the eyes of his countrymen.
Terrorists and terrorist linked organisations are keeping the pot boiling in regions like Kashmir and the North East by highlighting baseless human rights violations through the medium of orchestrated public demonstrations and virulent outcry.
In the remaining parts of the country, especially the national capital, the slightest misdemeanour by an Army man is blown out of proportion through well managed propaganda. The result is that the force and the country are getting enveloped in a feeling of low self esteem and the army is getting involved in a web of legality which is keeping it perpetually on the back foot.
- The Army is the last bastion of the nation, and a weakened, demoralized force will spell doom for it.
Isolating the Army from deliberate attempts to reduce its capabilities and from negative propagandist influences is a national responsibility.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.