Sadhvi Pragya's affidavit exposing cruelty of ATS - General | hindujagruti.org
- O Hindus, why don’t we feel anything for the Sadhvi who is languishing in jail and bearing tortures ? Just because she is not related to us ? Do we value only blood relations ? When are we going to consider all Hindus as our relatives ? When Mr. Lalkrushna Advani read the Sadhvi’s affidavit, he expressed his fury in his speeches; but on receiving a phone call from the Prime Minister, he had to stop. Shivsena showered flowers on her, but outside the court ! What about the action to be taken against Sadhvi’s tortures? Declarations were made of announcing the names and addresses of the cruel ATS officers who tortured the Sadhvi and her associates; but they too got burnt on the funeral pyre of Mr. Hemant Karkare, ATS Chief.
!! समर्थ हिन्दु, समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान !!;........................!! समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान, समर्थ विश्व !!............................ All the posts on this blog are re-postings and post headings point towards the actual posts.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sadhvi Pragya's affidavit exposing cruelty of ATS - General | hindujagruti.org
महाजाल पर सुरेश चिपलूनकर (Suresh Chiplunkar): भारत पर शासन करने के लिये विदेशी पढ़ाई और “गोरी प्रेस” को मैनेज करना ज़रूरी है… Rahul Gandhi, Western Education, Western Media
- पिछले सौ वर्षों में नेहरू-गाँधी परिवार के लगभग सभी सदस्यों ने विदेश में उच्च शिक्षा(?) हासिल की है, या फ़िर इंग्लैंड-अमेरिका में काफ़ी समय बिताया है। पश्चिमी मीडिया और नेहरु-गाँधी पीढ़ी और उनके विरासतियों के बीच प्रगाढ़ सम्बन्ध बहुत पहले से ही रहे हैं।
- पश्चिमी सत्ता संस्थान और वहाँ के मीडिया को गाँधी परिवार से खास लगाव है, और यह स्वाभाविक भी है, क्योंकि ये लोग पश्चिमी शिक्षा-दीक्षा के कारण वहाँ के रंग-ढंग, आचार-विचार में पूरी तरह से ढल चुके होते हैं और फ़िर इनसे कोई काम निकलवाना (यानी कोई विशेष नीतिगत मामला, अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मंचों और समझौतों, UNO आदि में पश्चिम के पक्ष में वोटिंग या “हाँ/ना” में मुंडी हिलाना, तथा अपना माल बेचने के लिये परमाणु करार, हथियार सौदे या क्रूड तेल बेचना आदि करना) आसान हो जाता है।
- राहुल गाँधी भारत को खोज कैसे रहे हैं, कलावती के झोपड़े में, उत्तरप्रदेश में एक दलित के यहाँ रात गुज़ारकर, और सड़क किनारे खाना खाकर। यदि इसी पैमाने को “भारत खोजना” या “क्रान्तिकारी कदम” कहते हैं तो इससे सौ गुना अधिक तो भाजपा-बसपा-वामपंथी सभी पार्टियों के कई नेता अपनी जवानी में कर चुके हैं, गाँव-गाँव सम्पर्क बनाकर, पदयात्रा करके, धूल-मिट्टी फ़ाँककर… उन्हें तो कभी क्रान्तिकारी नहीं कहा गया। जबकि राहुल गाँधी की शिक्षा-दीक्षा के बारे में संदेह अभी भी बना हुआ है, कि आखिर उन्होंने कौन सी डिग्री ली है? (यहाँ देखें http://baltimore.indymedia.org/newswire/display/14469/index.php)
- अनौपचारिक बातचीत में कई बड़े-बड़े राजनेता इस बात को दबे-छिपे स्वर में मानते हैं कि बगैर अमेरिका और ब्रिटेन की सहमति के भारत का प्रधानमंत्री बनना बहुत मुश्किल है, यदि कोई बन भी जाये तो टिकना मुश्किल है। अमेरिका को धता बताकर पोखरण परमाणु विस्फ़ोट करने के बाद से ही भाजपा उनकी आँख की किरकिरी बनी, जबकि विश्व बैंक पेंशन होल्डर मनमोहन सिंह उनके सबसे पसन्दीदा उम्मीदवार हैं। कई वरिष्ठ पत्रकार भी मानते हैं कि हमेशा आम चुनावों के दौरान अमेरिका और ब्रिटेन के दिल्ली स्थित दूतावासों में अनपेक्षित और संदेहास्पद गतिविधियाँ अचानक बढ़ जाती हैं।
- अब ये मत पूछियेगा कि अब तक राहुल गांधी का भारत के सामाजिक, आर्थिक, शैक्षिक उन्नयन में कितना योगदान है (हिन्दी भाषा में इसे “कौन सा तीर मार लिया”, कहते हैं)? ये भी न पूछियेगा कि यदि राहुल बाबा इतने ही ज्ञानवान और ऊर्जा से भरपूर हैं तो युवाओं से सम्बन्धित मामलों जैसे धारा 377 (समलैंगिकता), हरियाणा की पंचायत द्वारा हत्या किये जाने जैसे मामलों पर बहस करने या बयान देने कभी आगे क्यों नहीं आते? अक्सर उन्हें टीवी पर हाथ हिलाते और कॉलेज के युवकों-युवतियों के साथ मुस्कराते हुए ही क्यों देखा जाता है, बजाय इसके कि वे देश में फ़ैले भ्रष्टाचार के बारे में कुछ करने की बातें करें (आखिर यह रायता भी तो उन्हीं के परिवार ने फ़ैलाया है, इसे समेटने की बड़ी जिम्मेदारी भी उन्हीं की है)? अमरनाथ-कश्मीर-शोपियाँ, धर्मनिरपेक्षता-साम्प्रदायिकता-आरक्षण-युवाओं में फ़ैलती निराशा, देश की जर्जर प्राथमिक शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्था जैसे ज्वलंत मुद्दों पर कभी आपने उन्हें कभी टीवी पर किसी बहस में हिस्सा लेते देखा है? नहीं देखा होगा, क्योंकि खुद उनकी “मम्मी” ने आज तक मुश्किल से दो-चार इंटरव्यू दिये होंगे (वो भी उस पत्रकार पर बड़ा अहसान जताकर)।
Thousands of Sadhvis would get ready to fight if one Sadhvi is harassed !: 'Pramod Mutalik' - Sree Ram Sena | hindujagruti.org
- When I talked about it in one of the programs, many news channels asked me various kind of questions. If one sadhvi is harassed, in her support, thousands of sadhvis would keep aside their ‘puja-ladles' (small spoons used for ‘achaman’ during worship rituals), arm themselves and take to the roads to fight against the injustice being done to her. The above fiery views were expressed by Mr. Parmod Mutalik of Srirama Sene while he was talking to members of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) at the residence of Mr. Dilip Kagwad.
Bangladesh: Minor Hindu Girl abducted and forcefully converted to Islam - Conversions | hindujagruti.org
- By Adv. Rabindra Ghosh, President, Bangladesh Minority Watch
- Ms.Debosree Halder (14) a Hindu school going girl kidnapped and forcefully converted to Islam.
- Bangladesh
- This minor daughter of Samarendra Halder was the student of Class X, Jhalokathi Govewrnment Girls High School. Her date of birth according to school Admission registered on 31.12.1993 i.e. she is aged about 14 years 6 months. On the way to her school accused Kazi Shahidul Islam Rasel son of late Kazi Enayet Karim of village Birshena (Nabogram) police station, District – Jhalokathi along with another person forcibly abducted her on 2.07.2008 at about 8 a.m. near Chandkathi Bazer against her will and took away her by a motorcycle towards Biswa Road.
Mumbai police present 'kurta-payjama' to Kasab - Police | hindujagruti.org
Mumbai police present 'kurta-payjama' to Kasab - Police | hindujagruti.org
- Ajmal Kasab, the lone surviving terrorist involved in the terror attack in Mumbai on 26th November 2008, was presented a ‘kurta-payjama’ by the Assistant Police Inspector of the Mumbai Police Crime branch, Dinesh Kadam, who provides security to Kasab. The above matter has been brought to light in the special court yesterday. (On one hand, the Police are torturing Sadhvi Pragya Singh, the accused in Malgaon bomb blast so much that she wants to commit suicide and on the other hand, they are pampering a Pakistani terrorist who has killed so many policemen. Such incidents very clearly show the uselessness of democracy. – Editor SP)
Gayatri Mantra and Jesus Christ – where’s the connection? « Hindu focus
Gayatri Mantra and Jesus Christ – where’s the connection? « Hindu focus
Is it an attempt to introduce the mantra to the followers of Jesus or is it to introduce Jesus to those who chant the mantra?
Is it an interfaith message? Or is it an attempt to ‘fool’ by inculturation.
Is it to emphasize that the mantra may be yours but the God must be ours?
Why is there no acknowledgement of the source of the mantra?
Why Jesus, why not Krishna or at least both?
Will it become mantra minus Hinduism, just like yoga minus Hinduism?
Gay Ruling — Muddai Bhi Khud, Kazi Bhi Khud « Indian Realist
Gay Ruling — Muddai Bhi Khud, Kazi Bhi Khud « Indian Realist
The judge who legalised gay sex had appeared as an advocate on behalf of an NGO that has filed a case for legalising gay sex. He should be sacked for confict of interest and hiding this information from the people.
I am very curious about this AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan. Who is behind this and who is funding it? And why should a secretive NGO about AIDS should hire advocates to legalise gay sex? Something stink. The foriegn funding of this NGO should be probed and its real patrons identified. Also, the relation of this agency with the judge should be investigated.
AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan (ABVA)
Post Box 5308, New Delhi – 100 053
- Activist collective doing community work in issues of queers, blood donors, drug users, women, HIV+ people, law, health and education
Shades Of Saffron: Parshuram Bhumi Gomantak : Goa The Land of Shree Parshuram
Shades Of Saffron: Parshuram Bhumi Gomantak : Goa The Land of Shree Parshuram
- How many of us know that the land of Goa or Gomantak was reclaimed from the sea by none other than Bhagvaan Parshuram, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. There are many evidences which reveal the fact that Goa was claimed from the sea.
- When Shree Parshuram shot an arrow from the peak of Sahyadri in the Arabian sea the sea receded. This lead to the formation of Gomantak or Gomaanchal.
- Bhaardwaaj, Koushik, Vatsa, Koudimy, Kashyap, Vasisht, Jamadagni, Vishwaamitr, Gautam and Atri were the ten sages who, along with Parshuram, came from Trihotr (Bihar) and settled in Gomaanchal in the eight villages
- Temples of 'Vir' or 'Purush' who reclaimed flooded lands by bunds are found in Goa. This means that the knowledge of reclaimation of land from sea was known to ancient Goans.
Hinduism Today Magazine - Hindu Press International » How Many Hindu Temples are Under State Administration in India?
- Hinduism Today is trying to find out how many Hindu temples are under government administration in each state of India.
- The intent is to assemble a list of all Hindu temples under State or local government control in India. If you can help, kindly e-mail ar@hindu.org
We will publish in HPI whatever information we find.
2003 Mumbai blasts: All accused convicted under POTA
2003 Mumbai blasts: All accused convicted under POTA
The 16-year-old daughter of Hanif and Fehmida was also arrested for her alleged involvement in aiding her parents but was subsequently discharged since she was a minor, Nikam said.
'Love hormone' being used to boost plant growth: Rediff.com news
'Love hormone' being used to boost plant growth: Rediff.com news
- A large number of Indian farmers are using the love hormone oxytocin, also known as 'cuddle chemical', to boost the growth of pumpkins and cucumbers.
However, the Indian Ministry of Agriculture is adamant on banning the practice, as 'indiscriminate use of oxytocin may cause health hazards if taken through vegetables over a period of time.'
The use of oxytocin in farming has become prevalent in the Uttar Pradesh [ Images ] and Punjab [ Images ] regions in northern India.
News Analysis India | Nuclear Cult Mass Suicides
News Analysis India | Nuclear Cult Mass Suicides
On the pressure of US for the benefit of nuclear reactor supplying multinational companies India is ready to exempt American nuclear suppliers of any liability in case of a nuclear accident in reactors they are planning to sell to India.
Nuke attack of U S on Hiroshima is lesser crime than Pushing towards ‘Nuclear-cult-Suicides’ through legislation on Civil Nuclear Liability and Amendment to the Atomic Energy Act 1962 by UPA Government.
‘Indo US Civilian Nuke Deal’ is not bad idea but terms on that are not in the interest of the people. Above facts proves this.
The above facts show that Indo US Civilian Nuke Deal is to handcuff future generation. Dr. Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi were adamant on the Nuke deal because of hidden deal of money matter in nuke deal.
Legal bribery and the U S Govt’s pressure are the two factors behind this facilitation.
- Fixing the liability on operators is important to Nuclear reactor supplying US firms who are looking to supply nuclear reactors at Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat as otherwise they cannot avail of insurance.
- Analysis by Premendra Agrawal