Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gay Ruling — Muddai Bhi Khud, Kazi Bhi Khud « Indian Realist

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    • The judge who legalised gay sex had appeared as an advocate on behalf of an NGO that has filed a case for legalising gay sex. He should be sacked for confict of interest and hiding this information from the people.

      Gay sex ruling: HC judge accused of judicial impropriety


      I am very curious about this AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan. Who is behind this and who is funding it? And why should a secretive NGO about AIDS should hire advocates to legalise gay sex? Something stink. The foriegn funding of this NGO should be probed and its real patrons identified. Also, the relation of this agency with the judge should be investigated.

      AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan (ABVA)
      Post Box 5308, New Delhi – 100 053
      - Activist collective doing community work in issues of queers, blood donors, drug users, women, HIV+ people, law, health and education