Crematorium used to dump PMC waste - Goa - City - NEWS - The Times of India
- Ponda's civic authorities have found a rather callous solution to the waste issue in the temple townthe Hindu crematorium Muktidham' near the Maruti temple.
- Since the last two months, garbage is allegedly being disposed of in pits inside the crematorium, in the same place where unclaimed bodies and those that cannot be consigned to flames (for instance, very young children) are buried. Once dumped, a JCB excavator covers the garbage in the pits with a layer of mud. With the monsoon on, water from the pits has started to accumulate leading to a stinking, unhealthy environ.
!! समर्थ हिन्दु, समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान !!;........................!! समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान, समर्थ विश्व !!............................ All the posts on this blog are re-postings and post headings point towards the actual posts.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Crematorium used to dump PMC waste - Goa - City - NEWS - The Times of India
Crematorium used to dump PMC waste - Goa - City - NEWS - The Times of India
Common Hindu