Thursday, February 10, 2011

SIT, the Seculars and Narendra Modi

SIT, the Seculars and Narendra Modi: " Did Modi get a clean chit from the SIT team? The answer is both YES and NO. It depends on which side of the secular fence you belong, who do you want to believe and whose half-truth you trust more. In India, the ‘seculars’ even judge the court’s verdict and unfortunately the court often responds to [...]"

The Hindutva of Development is the Rupee-yatra of late 2000 — Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Himachal follow Gujarat — and aids the development of modern Hindutva. Modinomics threatens Manmohanomics; in this age of scams, spiralling prices and coalition pressures, the Congress party is returning to minority politics as its survival strategy for the next decade.