A Gorakhpur boy plays a dutiful son to his blind mother
By Pawan Shah
Gorakhpur, May 27: In a unique case of son's dedication towards his mother, Kailesh Giri Brahamchari, has been carrying his mother on his shoulders and taking her all over the country to visit places of Hindu worship.
He left his house at a young age of 23 years. He has been traveling continuously for over 13 years to accomplish his mother's desire of undertaking a pilgrimage to the four most prominent abodes of Hindu Gods, spreading across length and breadth of India.
He says that it's his duty to fulfill his mother's desire of visiting the four abodes in India as his mother undertook the pledge after he had fallen off a tree.
People do admit candidly that the son's gesture is indeed rare. He is also being referred to as the modern day 'Shravan Kumar'.
The mother-son duo are being sought after everywhere, the people seek the blessings of the mother and give her offerings as well.