ISKCON Inaugurates Motel Bhagavad-Gita Project - ProHindu | hindujagruti.
- http://www.diigo.com/069fm
- members of Pancajanya Project (www.MotelGita.org), a branch of ISKCON dedicated to placing at least 1 million Bhagavad-Gitas in guest rooms across the U.S. and Canada. By making these sacred books available to millions of travelers who might not otherwise buy or examine them, not only the readers but everyone involved will be immensely benefited.
- funds are needed to print and ship the books, and to supply advertising and promotional materials. Many, but not all motel owners are contributing the cost of the Gitas for their own rooms.
- Pancajanya Project organizers request everyone to visit www.MotelGita.org and to contact Milan Doshi, (510) 962-2203 (milan.doshi@gmail.com), Rohini Nandana, (617) 233-9567 (rohini.nrs@gmail.com), or Dilip Patel (650) 369-3903, to find out more about the Project and how they can assist this historical effort.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.