Monday, February 22, 2010

Organiser - Not soft, Bharat is the chosen target

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    • Not soft, Bharat is the chosen target
    • By Dr Pravin Togadia
    • TogadiaSpeak
    • When we all would try to explain this concept of jehad and how dangerous it is to the nation, most pseudo-seculars would condemn it as an outdated blah-blah until 9/11. This was when the US of A started using jehad word to explain as to why Osama attacked them then and even before in Yemen in the sea, that somewhere in Bharat some people started realising the larger conspiracy in many such attacks in Bharat-be it Kashmir 1990 or Mumbai March 12, 1993, and many of them later. Some rightly realised that even 1947 Partition was a planned political jehad by Jinnah. Historians started explaining earlier invasions and rules by many Islamic invaders on Bharat as an attempt of jehad and not just looting. Yet, up until Mumbai attack on 26/11, for many so-called pseudo-secularist, the word jehad was not only a taboo but also was ‘an extreme reaction by mad people like Togadia’.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.