================================Christianity is the top Threat for Humankind because of its dastardly criminal Nature -- By Hans AtrottHans Atrott's book: "Jesus' Bluff - The universal Scandal of the World" and the Christians' War on India================================
In ancient Rome, there were only five per cent Christians when, backed by a Christian Emperor (Constantine), this organized criminal group raped 95 per cent of the Romans to accept Christianity. This is what the fake religion of Christians (now making 6 per cent of Indian population) is going to perpetrate in India after the so-called “Mother Theresa” played the Trojan Horse and Sonia Gandhi is ready to play “Emperor Constantine” for the criminal spread of Christianity in India
- Beware of the enemies of God! Either you constrain the Christians in India, or the Christians will extirpate you as they did so in ancient Rome and all over Europe! The Christians will commit a genocide of Hindus, as they committed the holocaust on the Jews, from 1933-1945.
- The Christians will destroy the unity of India and will instigate mass-murders of those that do not cringe before them. They put up the Christianizing of the American continent with mass-murders of about 150 millions of native inhabitants