apr 18th, 2011 CE
can't blame PM for not saying what he really believes. other examples include:
1. "brit colonialism was good for india" (speech while receiving honorary doctorate from some brit univ)
2. "india's resources are first meant for mohammedans"
3. "pak is as much a victim of terrorism as india is"
4. "i am losing sleep because mohammedan indian doc in australia is being called a terrorist"
so this is the mother of all freudian slips
if PM's job is to 'normalize' indo-pak relations (a euphemism for giving kashmir to pak), who gave him this job?
some candidates leap to mind: NATO? US? UK? china? saudi arabia? i admit this is just conjecture. but clearly it is not the indian voter who has given him this job, because the indian voter is interested primarily in cricket and doesn't really give much of a damn about 'normalizing' indo-pak ties.
silly me, i had been laboring under the misconception that his job was to uphold india's supposedly religion-blind constitution (wrong, see 2 and 4), or uphold india's interests (wrong, see 1 and 3).
really, can't blame PM. he's been telling all of us for some time that he has a job to do, and dammit, he's going to do it.
now he tells us what the job is.
this is all clear as day.
any questions?