The name of the new God was “Allah” and according to the followers of Islam the impurity and errors of Judaism and Christianity were meant to have found their final home within the final messenger. This final messenger in Islamic tradition was Mohammed therefore Islam implies a link which unifies the Abrahamic faiths and is based on “the oneness of God” and the principles of monotheism.
In fact, Islam, in the eyes of conservative Orthodox Muslims is pure monotheism and the other two Abrahamic faiths have been diluted. Also, Mohammed and his followers believed that they had cleansed Arabia of Paganism.
Yet the name Allah already existed and Mohammed’s father was called Abd-ullah (Slave of Allah). In fact, just like the concept of Allah had already existed it soon becomes apparent that the very foundations of Islam are based on Paganism. Therefore, rather than “revolutionary change” it is apparent that you have modifications but these modifications are within the Pagan dominated Arabia of Mohammed’s childhood.
Deodorus Sicolus in 60 B.C. mentions the Ka’aba and it is clear that the Ka’aba, hajj (pilgrimage) and other customs existed before the Islamic faith. Pagan Arabs therefore worshipped at the Ka’aba, did their obligatory hajj and threw stones at Iblis (the devil) in Wadi Mina.
If Pagan Arabs could see the modern day hajj and Muslims walking around a black stone (animism) and then witness Muslims throwing stones at Iblis; then surely they would believe that the Pagan faith had triumphed over monotheism and other faiths which existed during the childhood of Mohammed.
The Sabaeans in the time of Mohammed prayed seven times a day and just like Islam, at appointed times. Ritual is very powerful in Islam and the Sabaeans fasted and celebrated Eid and just like the Ka’aba and stoning Iblis; it is abundantly clear that the religion of Islam incorporated all these things from different faiths within Arabia.
Monotheism now became fused within the power of a black stone and the animistic worldview, alongside constant pagan rituals. This transformed Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and others, and recreated the old texts within a fusion of Paganism.
The mystical night journey where Mohammed claims to ride on a magical horse called Buraq; does not find itself within the Abrahamic fold. However, the image would have been symbolic within the Zoroastrian faith.
The mystical virgins in heaven who are waiting to serve men do not belong to Abrahamic concepts. Yet, in Zoroastrianism the wide-eyed houris could have been seen within the paaris but unlike the Zoroastrian concept; the Islamic fusion uses the houris by rewarding Muslim martyrs who kill non-Muslims.
Mohammed, therefore, fuses elements of monotheism and borrows from his knowledge of Christianity and Judaism; albeit, with mistakes added. At the same time he fully understands that the powerhouse belongs to Arab Paganism and while he destroys other gods at the Ka’aba; he still incorporates the old ways and the black stone and other rituals are maintained. (please visit)
The black stone of Kabba is said to be an ancient shiv linga. If true muslims are in esssence worshiping a hindu diety.