Sunday, February 7, 2010

The nation must come first -

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    • Anand Benegal
    • In India, since there are so many castes, sub-castes, creeds, religions and interdependent communities living together, making inflammatory statements like these are going to disturb the peace and harmony in the nation.

      It also seems like Thackeray has a problem with Biharis, even making remarks like ‘Ek Bihari, sau bimari’ (one Bihari, a hundred diseases) and stating that they are an unwanted lot in Maharashtra.

      In some sort of way, Bal Thackeray has a problem with India as a whole and wants only pure Maharashtrians to be in Maharashtra. This sort of parochial thinking is extremely harmful for our nation and may lead to civil unrest and riots like it earlier did, leading to the destruction of the Babri Masjid by Shiv Sena and BJP members in 1992.


      The author of this article is a 12-year-old schoolboy from Mumbai.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.