Sonia’s mafia on warpath against Hindustan! Down with secularism! « Janamejayan’s Weblog
- After the two Rupee coins with Christian cross, now comes coins which propagate and glorify only Christian Religion
- Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
Shri M. Prasad
Joint Secretary (Admn.) & Director of Public Grievances.
Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs,
Room No. 166-D, North Block, New Delhi.
Tel. 23094905 (Off.) Fax No. 23093422
e-mail:mprasad@nic.inDear Sir,
Sub: Request to stop production and distribution of coins which propagates and glorifies only Christian Religion.
We came across a five Rupee coin with one side embossed with Saint Sister Alphonsa birth centenary 1910-2009 and her photograph. After seeing this there is lot of unrest and people are protesting against this coin. We regret to state that Ministry of Finance GOI always neglects our rich Indian and Hindu culture,Hindu Dharma and Hindu Saints and purposely glorifies minority saints and symbols while producing currency and coins. Ministry of Finance had produced two Rupee coins with Christian cross for which there were lot of protests throughout India. Similarly you have produced a coin with one side embossed with Sister Alphonsa who is unknown to majority Indians and who might have been active during British rule in India doing conversions,miracles etc. This has hurt our sentiments and we have received lot of complaints in this matter.
In view of above you are requested to withdraw this disputed five rupee coin which glorifies only Christian Saint and purposely neglects Hindu Dharmagurus and Saints.
Thanking you ,
Yours Faithfully,
For Hindu Janajagruti Samiti,
Visit www.hindujagruti.org
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