Wednesday, July 22, 2009

IntelliBriefs: Survey shows Indians have most favourable opinion of Israel

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    • Dhruv Patel

      Hindu Voice UK

    • Jews and Hindus share much in common: their homelands (Israel and India) are threatened on their borders by similar enemies; they make a massively disproportionate net economic contribution to any country where they settle while at the same time generally integrating well into the society; and they tend to maintain strong family and community ties.
    • a study undertaken on behalf of the Israeli Foreign Ministry recently ranked India as the most pro-Israel country in the world with 58% of respondents expressing sympathy with the Jewish state.
    • Other countries that showed significant sympathy to Israel included the United States (56%), Russia (52%), Mexico (52%) and China (50%). Most interestingly, however, was that European countries Britain (34%), France (27%) and Spain (23%) were ranked at the bottom of the list as the countries least sympathetic towards Israel. Commentator Daniel Pipes concluded in his blog that this suggests Israelis should take a fresh look at their military alliances.