Friday, July 17, 2009

* VivekaJyoti *: A right to make religious converts does not exist either in the Indian Constitution or in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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    • A right to make religious converts does not exist either in the Indian Constitution or in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Again, the freedom to change one's religion in the UDHR is not the same as a right to make religious converts. Some years ago when the Vatican attempted to get a right to make religious converts declared as a basic human right, it was strongly resisted by Hindu representatives and rejected by the United Nations. The act of making religious converts is inherently violent as it destroys the religious faith, culture and family relationships of the targeted persons. It may be legal in some places but it is not generally accepted by Hindus as an ethical or moral activity.
    • (Sri Ram Narayan in his letter, in the Deccan Chronicle, Chennai, on Oct. 21, 2008)