Thursday, August 6, 2009

Neither war nor peace

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    • R Jagannathan
    R Jagannathan
    • We have now compounded the mistake by claiming that our activities in Balochistan are "an open book". In its two decades of sponsoring terrorism, Pakistan has never once used the 'open book' argument to prove its hands were clean. It will never open its books to us and we will be stuck with the promise to do so in Balochistan.
    • The real issue is this: by talking about an open book, we are taking a moral position instead of being driven purely by the country's long-term interests. And this has been true for us since the time of Gandhi and Nehru. Manmohan Singh is only the latest leader in a long line of people to believe that somewhere, sometime, Pakistanis will want peace as much as we do.
    • They won't. There are several reasons why there won't be real peace in our time. One is a civilisational issue. The second is ideological. And the third has to do with geopolitics.