Sunday, January 24, 2010

A peek into your past life - Self Help - Spirituality - Life - The Times of India

    • The modern sage of past-life therapy, Dr Brian Weiss, was a robust sceptic himself until a patient stunned him with details of his family life which she could not have possibly known. This intermingling of her life and his is the basis for the analogy that he uses most often to explain the mystery of multiple lives and crossover memory: "We are like ice cubes, which are made from water. The water melts and now there's no individuality anymore... We melt into a spiritual sea. Love is the organising spirit of it all. God is in all of us. We are all souls and we are all connected." That is why, says Weiss in his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, in a journey into past lives one changes race, religion, colour and gender. As the great Swiss psychotherapist Carl Jung explained, we are all inheritors of a collective mythology.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.