Haindava Keralam - global community of dedicated Hindu Keralites with a peace mission
- By Dipin Damodharan - oneindia news
- Let us turn over the screen a morsel into the Muslim world. The atrocious actions of Muslim rulers have come to the fore now. Why the world is ignorant about the Tora Prison of Egypt? Here prison guards are forced inmates to rape each other. Can you imagine this? Another vile story from our neighboring Islamist nation Pakistan was reported by the Dawn newspaper recently.
- This story revolves around two ordinary Syrian citizens, Bahaa Mustafa Joughel (Syrian identity card number 01020288992) and Mohamed Aiman Abo Attot (Syrian card number 01020265346). Let us have a drive to their life.
- The great tragedy here is that their (Attot and Joughel) families have no information about them. They have no known reason for this obscene term of imprisonment. No further news, No charges, No trial… Is this the Shari at rule propagated by the Islamic rulers, then it is great…. This kind of unheard Guantanamos is a hidden reality in many Muslim nations.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.