The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Anchal resurfaces in Srinagar does volte face
- Mohit Kandhari | Jammu
- Blames Jammu parties for ‘exploiting’ her situation
- Anchal Sharma nee Amina Yousaf, who disappeared in mysterious circumstances from her in-laws’ house in Jammu, resurfaced in Srinagar on late Saturday evening and made a sudden U-turn by changing her previous statement. This was exactly opposite to what she had stated on camera in front of the Additional Deputy Commissioner in Srinagar, heading a magisterial probe to ascertain the truth behind the mysterious death of her husband Rajneesh Sharma, a Jammu-based businessman.
- If Anchal was under duress, as she claimed during her interaction with media in Srinagar outside the lower court, she was at liberty to tell the truth to the Additional DC instead of recording graphic picture of torture.
- On Saturday, when Anchal was produced before the judge in the lower court, she introduced herself as Amina Yousaf, daughter of Mohd Yousaf Marazi, without showing any remorse.
Before marrying Rajneesh on August 21, 2009 she had converted to Hinduism against the wishes of her parents. -
Dissatisfied with the pace of the investigations
- Coming out of the court, Anchal Sharma during her brief interaction with the mediapersons, raised many eyebrows as she accused political parties in Jammu for exploiting her sentiments.
She even levelled allegations that she was not willing to convert to Hindusim but was forced to do so by Rajneesh. In her previous statements before media, she had contested these allegations of her parents and countered the same by admitting that she was having an affair with Rajneesh for a long time and she decided to marry him by embracing Hinduism as per own choice.
In one of her statements, she had even stated: “If Rajneesh would have converted to Islam then my father would have garlanded him with marigold flowers and danced at the wedding reception.”
“Rajneesh was killed because he had the courage to marry a Muslim,” she told mediapersons and others who called on her to share her grief in Jammu. - COMMENTS
- By Anil
- She must have got the wind of impending suffering she will have to go through while the Indian state will deliver justice to her in d-u-e c-o-u-r-s-e of time. Hence she got frustrated & decided to go back to her family. Poor Rajneesh is nothing but a statistics in secular India. Compare this with Indians been attacked in Australia and how India is demanding the justice to be delivered at lightning speed!
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.