- George Friedman
- Successful revolutions have three phases. First, a strategically located single or limited segment of society begins vocally to express resentment, asserting itself in the streets of a major city, usually the capital.
- This segment is joined by other segments in the city and by segments elsewhere as the demonstration spreads to other cities and becomes more assertive, disruptive and potentially violent.
- As resistance to the regime spreads, the regime deploys its military and security forces. These forces, drawn from resisting social segments and isolated from the rest of society, turn on the regime, and stop following the regime’s orders.
- This is what happened to the Shah of Iran in 1979; it is also what happened in Russia in 1917 or in Romania in 1989.
- Revolutions fail when no one joins the initial segment, meaning the initial demonstrators are the ones who find themselves socially isolated. When the demonstrations do not spread to other cities, the demonstrations either peter out or the regime brings in the security and military forces — who remain loyal to the regime and frequently personally hostile to the demonstrators — and use force to suppress the rising to the extent necessary. This is what happened in Tiananmen Square in China: The students who rose up were not joined by others. Military forces who were not only loyal to the regime but hostile to the students were brought in, and the students were crushed.
!! समर्थ हिन्दु, समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान !!;........................!! समर्थ हिन्दुस्थान, समर्थ विश्व !!............................ All the posts on this blog are re-postings and post headings point towards the actual posts.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Vijayvaani.com - The Iranian election and the Revolution Test
Vijayvaani.com - Eclipse of the Hindu Nation
- Radha Rajan
- Historically, the sense of nation and nationhood among Hindus has been cultural and civilisational.
- Politics, a means to protect and preserve dharma, was subordinate to dharma.
- Historically, until Hindus faced successive Islamic and Christian conquests, they had no sense of civilisational, adversarial political-cultural purposes. However, confronted with the hostility of Islam and Christianity, a heightened Hindu nationalism manifested itself over the last 1200 years as organized resistance and as individual acts of extreme courage to protect Hindus and the Hindu way of life.
- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi [1] and later Jawaharlal Nehru successfully stifled the march of Hindu nationalism. Nehru viewed a politically vibrant Hindu nationalism as a threat to his preeminence and invoked the might of state patronage to promote an academic discourse and an ‘authorized’ history that relegated Hindu civilization to the margins of national consciousness [2]
- Writers of modified history [3] perpetuated the colonial fiction that India was always pluralist, never Hindu, the implication being that Hindus cannot claim this land as their special janmabhumi, and cannot legitimately undertake steps to protect their territory, their way of life, or their cultural sensibilities.
- So intolerant was Indian political discourse to Hindu nationalism that even eminent Hindu political leaders took to mouthing inanities, like ‘Hindu nationalism is only cultural nationalism.’ That this misconceived articulation amounted to a denial of territorial content and political intent in Hindu nationalism was either overlooked or ignored or simply not understood at all.
- the book critically examines the freedom movement between the years 1890-1947, particularly the events that launched Gandhi to the commanding heights of the movement. Gandhi did not rise naturally to demonstrated leadership potential; rather, this exalted position was reserved for him and he simply walked to the pinnacle immediately after his return to India from South Africa.
- This book seeks to correct the anti-Hindu political discourse which owes its existence to Gandhi and Nehru; this book signals the beginning of the collective effort of political-minded Hindus to set down the coffins of Gandhi and Nehru from the unwilling shoulders of the Hindu nation.
- [Excerpted from
Eclipse of the Hindu Nation: Gandhi and HIS Freedom Struggle
Radha Rajan
New Age Publishers Pvt Ltd, Delhi, 2009
Price: Rs 495/-
To order, call Rima Kar Ghosh at 011- 26493326/27/28 or e-mail Rima at ncbadel@ncbapvtltd.com
Muthalik flays PC’s apology
- “When home minister P Chidambaram visited Kandhamal he apologised to the people and promised to build them homes.I want to ask him if has talked about the over 1 lakh Tamils killed in neighbouring Sri Lanka which is near the State from which he was elected? This is an insult to Hindus.”
- Condemning the attacks on Indian students in Australia he said that the attacks in Australia and other countries were a result of poor foreign policy and that a group of Hindu organisations would present a joint memorandum to the President in August Ram Sene and Hindu Mak- kal Katchi have been conducting protests against institutions where Australians are students and boycotting Australian products.
हिंदुत्व का विरोध करने वाले भ्रम के शिकार
हिंदुत्व का विरोध करने वाले भ्रम के शिकार
- वाराणसी
- डा. तोगड़िया रविवार दोपहर महमूरगंज में एक प्रेस कांफ्रेंस को संबोधित कर रहे थे। सवालों के जवाब में उन्होंने कहा कि विहिप का भविष्य में किसी राजनीतिक दल के गठन का इरादा नहीं है।
- लोकसभा चुनाव में भाजपा के खराब प्रदर्शन से हिंदुत्व को जोडे़ जाने संबंधी सवाल पर वे बोले, चुनाव में हिंदुत्व तो मुद्दा ही नहीं था। सभी दलों ने विकास को मुद्दा बनाया। यही वजह रही कि जहां की जनता को जिस दल के विकास का एजेंडा अच्छा लगा, उसने उसे सफलता दिलाई। ऐसी स्थिति में हिंदुत्व की जीत या हार कहने वाले दूषित मानसिकता के हैं।
शराब की बोतल पर गणेश जी की तस्वीर
शराब की बोतल पर गणेश जी की तस्वीर
- अभी कुछ दिनों पहले ही स्विटजरलैंड में जूते टांगने के लिए बुद्ध की प्रतिमा को इस्तेमाल में लाए जाने की घटना सामने आई थी। अब अमेरिका में बीयर की बोतल पर गणेश जी की तस्वीर छपी होने से श्रद्धालुओं में रोष व्याप्त है। प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार केलिफोर्निया स्थित लास्ट कास्ट ब्रेवली कंपनी ने इंडिया पेल अलेब्रांड की बीयर की बोतल पर गणेश जी की तस्वीर प्रकाशित की है।
पाकिस्तानी हिंदू गंगा में विसर्जित कर सकेंगे अस्थियां
पाकिस्तानी हिंदू गंगा में विसर्जित कर सकेंगे अस्थियां
- मोगा-पाकिस्तान में रह रहे हिंदू परिवार अपने मृतक परिजनों की अस्थियां अब धार्मिक रीति से हरिद्वार में गंगा में विसर्जित कर सकेंगे। इसको लेकर गृह व विदेश मंत्रालय ने हरी झंडी दे दी है। इसके लिए उनके पास फरवरी 2009 में कराची से हिंदू परिवारों का ई-मेल आया था। इसको लेकर उन्होंने प्रधान मंत्री डाक्टर मनमोहन सिंह के ध्यान में मामला लाया था।
- उन्होंने बताया कि पाकिस्तान में कई परिवार विगत दस पंद्रह वषरें से अपने मृतक परिजनों की अस्थियां गंगा में बहाने को लेकर वी़जा का इंतजार कर रहे है।
गाय-गंगा के हक का हिसाब अब संसद में
- सूत्रों के मुताबिक, बैठक में संतों ने इस बात पर नाराजगी जतायी कि यूपीए सरकार ने चुनाव से पहले गंगा को राष्ट्रीय नदी घोषित कर संतों, पर्यावरण प्रेमियों व गंगाभक्त हिंदुओं की सहानुभूति हासिल कर ली, लेकिन गंगाउद्धार के लिए कुछ नहीं किया।
- ऐसा ही 'विश्वासघात' गाय के साथ भी हो रहा है।
- मंच अभियान में योगगुरु बाबा रामदेव का खासतौर पर सहयोग लेगा, जो पहले ही गंगा रक्षा समिति के संयोजक हैं। गंगा को राष्ट्रीय नदी घोषित कराने का श्रेय उन्हें ही दिया जाता है।
- इसके अलावा 30 सितंबर से विश्वमंगल गोग्राम यात्रा कुरुक्षेत्र से शुरू करने की योजना है, जो लगातार 108 दिन में करीब बीस हजार किमी भ्रमण कर अगले साल 10 जनवरी को नागपुर पहुंचेगी।
- इन यात्राओं के दौरान देश भर में 50 करोड़ लोगों के हस्ताक्षर कराने की योजना है, जिनके साथ गोरक्षा संबंधी ज्ञापन राष्ट्रपति को सौंपा जायेगा।
Sunday, June 28, 2009
बालटाल के रास्ते अमरनाथ जाने से भक्त नाखुश
बालटाल के रास्ते अमरनाथ जाने से भक्त नाखुश
- जम्मू। भोलेनाथ की यात्रा तो शुरू हो गई है लेकिन कुछ भक्त ऐसे भी हैं जो इस यात्रा को हिन्दू धर्म के मुताबिक तय पारम्परिक पहलगाम रास्ते से ही करना चाहते हैं। इन भक्तों का कहना है कि यात्रा का सही फल तभी मिलता है जब पांच पवित्र स्थानों का दर्शन कर यात्रा पूरी हो।
पाकिस्तानी हिंदू गंगा में विसर्जित कर सकेंगे अस्थियां
पाकिस्तानी हिंदू गंगा में विसर्जित कर सकेंगे अस्थियां
- मोगा-पाकिस्तान में रह रहे हिंदू परिवार अपने मृतक परिजनों की अस्थियां अब धार्मिक रीति से हरिद्वार में गंगा में विसर्जित कर सकेंगे। इसको लेकर गृह व विदेश मंत्रालय ने हरी झंडी दे दी है। इसके लिए उनके पास फरवरी 2009 में कराची से हिंदू परिवारों का ई-मेल आया था। इसको लेकर उन्होंने प्रधान मंत्री डाक्टर मनमोहन सिंह के ध्यान में मामला लाया था।
- उन्होंने बताया कि पाकिस्तान में कई परिवार विगत दस पंद्रह वषरें से अपने मृतक परिजनों की अस्थियां गंगा में बहाने को लेकर वी़जा का इंतजार कर रहे है।
अब राजों की बावली में भी नमाज
- नई दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता :
- महरौली स्थित राष्ट्रीय स्मारक जमाली-कमाली मस्जिद में जबरन नमाज पढ़ने का विवाद अभी सुलझा नहीं था कि अब यहां के राजों की बावली स्मारक पर नमाज पढ़ने का मामला तूल पकड़ने लगा है। कुछ अज्ञात लोग यहां भी जबरन नमाज पढ़ रहे हैं। जिसे लेकर इस इलाके में तनाव बढ़ रहा है।
- जबकि कानून के अनुसार किसी भी स्मारक में पूजा, प्रार्थना नहीं की जा सकती है और न ही नमाज ही पढ़ी जा सकती है। इस बात की जानकारी मिलने पर एएसआई ने 28 मार्च को इस पर ताला लगा दिया था जिस पर उन लोगों ने मस्जिद का ताला और गेट तोड़ दिया और फिर से स्मारक में नमाज पढ़ी थी।
DDA approves mosque even if there are no Muslims
- बाहरी दिल्ली, जागरण संवाददाता
- रोहिणी सेक्टर-16 स्थित ब्लॉक बी1 में निर्माणाधीन धार्मिक स्थल का मामला उग्र रूप लेता जा रहा है। शुक्रवार दोपहर 12 बजे स्थानीय रेजीडेंट वेलफेयर सोसाइटियों द्वारा संयुक्त रूप से धार्मिक स्थल के निर्माण के विरोध में प्रदर्शन किया गया। प्रदर्शनकारी आज भी इस मांग पर अड़े थे कि धार्मिक स्थल का निर्माण ऐसे स्थान पर कराया जाए जहां उनके अनुयायियों की तादाद अधिक हो।
- खास बात यह थी कि मामले को तूल देकर राजनीतिक रोटियां सेकने वाले राजनेता प्रदर्शन स्थल से नदारद दिख रहे थे।
- शुक्रवार को भी आरडब्ल्यूए के अध्यक्ष सुभाष बंसल के नेतृत्व में निर्माणाधीन धार्मिक स्थल से महज 500 मीटर की दूरी पर प्रदर्शन जारी था। इस मौके पर किसी भी अप्रिय घटना को रोकने के लिए भारी संख्या में पुलिस बल की तैनाती की गई थी।
- वहीं निर्माणाधीन मस्जिद परिसर के आसपास का पूरा क्षेत्र छावनी में तब्दील कर दिया गया था। रेजीडेंट वेलफेयर के सदस्य मस्जिद निर्माण रोकने की बात कह रहे थे। उनका कहना था कि मास्टर प्लान-2021 के अंतर्गत जिस भूमि पर धर्मस्थल बनना है उसके आसपास उसी धर्म के पांच हजार अनुयायी होने आवश्यक हैं। रेजीडेंट वेलफेयर सोसायटी के सदस्य हरीश जोशी ने कहा कि वे क्षेत्र की सुरक्षा व्यवस्था को देखते हुए धार्मिक स्थल का निर्माण कहीं अन्य स्थान पर करवाने के पक्ष में हैं जहां उस धर्म के अनुयायी अधिक संख्या में निवास करते हों।
- रोहिणी सेक्टर-16 स्थित ब्लॉक बी एक में निर्माणाधीन धार्मिक स्थल के विरोध में प्रदर्शन के क्रम में गिरफ्तार किए गए 19 लोगों को अदालत ने 11 जुलाई तक न्यायिक हिरासत में जेल भेजने का आदेश दिया है। आरोपियों के खिलाफ प्रशांत विहार थाने में शुक्रवार को सांप्रदायिक सद्भाव बिगाड़ने को लेकर मामला दर्ज किया था। पुलिस ने आरोपियों को शनिवार को रोहिणी कोर्ट के एसीएमएम अमित बंसल की कोर्ट में पेश किया था।
- अदालत की शर्तो के मुताबिक आरोपियों को तभी रिहा किया जाएगा जब प्रत्येक आरोपी अदालत में 25-25 हजार रुपये की बेल बॉड भरेंगे। इसके अलावा अदालत ने आरोपियों को बाहरी जिला पुलिस उपायुक्त के आदेश के बिना निर्माणाधीन धार्मिक स्थल के निकट किसी तरह के प्रदर्शन करने पर भी पाबंदी लगा दी है।
- They enquired about the name of the pillar, and someone replied “Meru Stambha”.[1] In Arabic, the word qutb stands for the Pole Star and the interpreter said to Qutb-ud-din that the name of the pillar was Qutb Minar.
- It may be mentioned here that, Qutb-ud-din means the Pole Star of Islam. It was nearly 200 years after the death of Qutb-ud-din, his name was linked, for the first time, to Qutb Minar by a Muslim chronicler called Shams-i-shiraj [2]
- Picture of the Iron Pillar in Qutb Complex
- Picture of Ruins of Buildings in Qutb Complex – I
- In a similar manner, Qutb-ud-din conducted a large scale destruction in the area, now known as the Qutb Complex. He demolished all the above mentioned 27 temples, dedicated to 27 Asterisms and built the Qutb-ul-Islam mosque with the raw materials obtained by the demolition of those temples. Even today, one observes the entire area of the Qutb Complex strewn with remains of demolished buildings and temples.
- It has been mentioned above that Muhammad Ghori purchased young Qutb-ud-din for doing sodomy. At that time, Qutb-ud-din was a very good looking Turkish boy having a nice physique.
- Gradually the lecherous Muhammad Ghori became extraordinarily enamoured of Qutb-ud-din and Qutb-ud-din, on the other hand, exploited the opportunity and became the care-taker of the royal stable which provided him the opportunity to join military expeditions.
- So, before leaving for Ghazni, Muhammad Ghori left his conquered territory in India to the care of his beloved slave Qutb-ud-din, and when Muhammad Ghori was killed by three brave Rajput young men in 1206, Qutb-ud-din declared him the Sultan of Hindustan.Thus the foundation of Dehli Sultanate was laid.
- In a similar manner, the next Sultan Iltutmish (or Altamash) also began his career as a slave. Tabaqat-i-Nasiri, in this regard, says that young boy Altamash looked very nice and his envious brothers stealthily sold to a horse trader.
- the buttocks of Altamash were fleshy and well built and hence he was extremely attractive for the sodomites.
- It is to be noted here that the sodomite Qutb-ud-din, like his master Muhammad Ghori, gradually became extraordinarily addicted to. Altamash and never hesitated to fulfill his any desire. In this way, Altamash ultimately asked for the hand of Qutb-ud-din’s daughter and Qutb-ud-din fulfilled that desire of his beloved slave too. Finally, Qutb-ud-din nominated his slave cum son-in-law as the future Sultan of Hindustan , after his death.
- One finds a stone inscription, written in Nagri and placed in position in Vikram-Samvat 1504 (1147 AD). It has been mentioned that, Muhammad Ghori occupied Delhi in 1192, by defeating Emperor Prithwiraj Chauhan in the Battle of Tarai. So the said epigraph conclusively proves that the Qutb Minar was there, at least 45 years before the arrival of Qutb-ud-din in Delhi.
- Regarding this Iron Pillar, Kedarnath Prabhakar writes that there is an inscription on this Iron Pillar, written Sanskrit, using Brahmi alphabet. Most importantly, there is mentioning of the Qutb Minar in that inscription. Here the Qutb Minar has been called the “Prapanshu Vishnudhwaj.”
- And in the great ashrama he established at Indraprastha (original name of Delhi ), called Mihiravali, there were 27 temples on one side and on the other side, he built another temple dedicated to Kalkadevi. These 27 temples were about half a mile away from the pillar Vishnudhwaj, which Qutb-ud-din demolished.[
- On the western side of the pillar, on a hillock, there was the Kalkadevi’s temple. The spot is now known as Surajki Thikri. He also writes that, that Emperor Vikramaditya erected a similar pillar in Gandhar (today’s Afghanistan ) and its name was Vedhmaru.
- It is now known as Minar-e-Jam and Giasuddin bin Sam Ghori, the elder brother of Muhammad Ghori, in the name repair and renovation, removed all the Hindu signs and inscriptions from the Vedhmaru and gave it Islamic look by adding Koranic inscriptions on it.
- We have discovered, with the help of a torch light, an image of Lord Ganesh, in the Qutb Minar,
The Asian Age - Enjoy the difference
- The hallmark of India, in its hey-days, was the power and profundity of her mind and the purity and punctiliousness of her soul. It was this power and purity which made Indian civilisation one of the most creative and constructive civilizations in the world.
- Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, the power of the Indian mind, which had produced profound systems and structures, began to wane after the 7th century.
- Out of the stalwarts of renaissance, Sri Aurobindo emerged as the strongest champion of the Indian spirit and expressed the highest confidence in its underlying strength.
- In no uncertain terms, he declared: "India cannot perish, our race cannot become extinct, because among all the divisions of mankind it is to India that is reserved the highest and most splendid destiny, the most essential to the future of the human race. It is she who must send forth from herself the future religion of the entire world, the eternal religion which is to harmonise all religion, science and philosophies and make mankind one soul".
- In Sri Aurobindo’s thought, the Sanatan Dharm and India always appear as two sides of the same coin. But in his famous Uttarapar speech, delivered on May 30, 1909, he placed the former at a higher pedestal
- Sri Aurobindo makes it clear that Sanatan Dharm is designed to uplift the entire human race and not merely the Hindus
- It needs to be underlined that in the post-Uttarpara-speech period, Sri Aurobindo committed himself mainly to the liberation of human consciousness. He made it clear: "Spirituality is India’s only politics, the fulfillment of Sanatan Dharm its only swaraj".
Free tuitions for graduation to post graduation to minority students! - General | hindujagruti.org
Free tuitions for graduation to post graduation to minority students! - General | hindujagruti.org
- To be able to get prepared to seek entry in courses like occupational courses in technical education, engineering, Information and technology, medical and management etc. minority students would be given free tuitions. Free training also would be given for giving exams in police, public sectors, railways, banks, insurance companies etc. Tuitions also would be provided free of cost for occupational courses like air line companies, hospital management, tourism. In addition to these those students who cannot attend the post graduate classes would also be included in the list of free tuitions. Those universities and educational institutions that are ready to undertake these tuitions should make applications, says the government advertisement.
Govt. officials in Orissa expose anti-Hindu coalition of Christians and Naxalites - General | hindujagruti.org
- Phulbani (Orissa):
- The government officials told the Home Minister, “Naxalites are trying to be friendly with Christians and creating communal disharmony. Many naxalites have been seen going around with Christians. They are trying to obtain support of Christians for their movement.
- Chidambaram while talking to Christians from refugee camps said that soon, they would be able to go back to their villages. They can start their life afresh, build churches and follow the teachings of their religion. (Following teachings of Christian religion means conversion of Hindus! – Editor SP)
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Indian Muslims celebrate Pakistan's victory in cricket - General | hindujagruti.org
Indian Muslims celebrate Pakistan's victory in cricket - General | hindujagruti.org
- Kakanwada (Dist. Buldhana)
- The ‘Twenty -20’ world cup cricket tournament recently held in England was won by Pakistan. Muslims from Kakanwada, taluka Sangrampur celebrated the victory of Pakistan by bursting crackers and raising slogans of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’.
- Police did not take any action for 2 days.
- Twenty one members of Bajarang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishada, therefore, registered their protest by shaving their heads.
- Will such protests have any effect on Muslims? Hindus expect Bajarang Dal to take some appropriate action to prove its name as ‘Bajarang’! – Editor SP)
People are tortured since 5 years for conversion - Conversions | hindujagruti.org
People are tortured since 5 years for conversion - Conversions | hindujagruti.org
- Ralegaon (District Yawatmal):
- Torturing ‘Paradhi’ people in Gopalnagar for conversion, Suresh Fulmali in a recent incident threw red chilly powder in the eyes of Surekha Kale and ill-treated her.
- The Village revenue officer (Talathi) has always been busy in compelling people to accept Christian religion, those who were not ready to accept it were driven away, he used to break their houses too if they refused his order.
- to propagate Christianity every Wednesday and Sunday prayers are being organized and people are compelled by the Village revenue officer (Talathi) to attend these prayers and accept conversion
- Village revenue officer (Talathi) is demanding to throw away the idol of Hanuman by breaking the temple, women should not have ‘tilak’ on the forehead. If people do not listen then they are deprived of drinking water.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Protest against defamation of Hindu Icons by Mail Today - Hindu Deities | hindujagruti.org
Protest against defamation of Hindu Icons by Mail Today - Hindu Deities | hindujagruti.org
Contact Address:
Registered Office: F-26, 1st floor Connaught place, Delhi-110001
Bharat Bhushan,
Editor, Mail Today,
13th Floor,Videocon Tower,
E-1, Jhandewalan Extn.,New Delhi - 110 055
Write to the Editor: letters@mailtoday.in
Sales and Marketing:
15/17, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg,
Near Gole Market, New Delhi - 110 001.
Ph: +91 11 2346 8000.Mail Today has printed offensive cartoons of Hindu idols by cartoonist R. Prasad on June 23 and June 25
Picture 1 : The cartoonist has compared wolf's howling to the chanting of Om.
Picture 2 : Lord Rama deployed as security guard outside BJP headquarters till its leaders redefine Hindutva.
Muslims corporators get angry after hearing 'Sambhajinagar' - Attacks | hindujagruti.org
Muslims corporators get angry after hearing 'Sambhajinagar' - Attacks | hindujagruti.org
- Sambhajinagar (Maharashtra)
- In a general body meeting of the Municipality, hearing Nagarsevaks uttering Sambhajinagar in place of Auragabad, Muslim Nagarsevaks got infuriated.
- They started shouting, ‘Allah Ho Akbar’ climbing on the tables.
- Nagarsevak, Shri. Ganu Pande of Municipality under the rule of alliance of Shivsena and BJP took the name of the city as Sambhajinagar. Hearing this expression Nagarsevak of National Congress, Salim Maula started shouting on loudspeaker that the members would have to refer to the city as Aurangabad only.
I am sorry: Chidambaram tells Kandhamal riot victims
I am sorry: Chidambaram tells Kandhamal riot victims
The Home Minister, who is on a two-day visit to Orissa, met the victims living in relief camps set up after a series of communal clashes following the killing of 85-year-old VHP leader Swami Laxmananda Saraswati in August last year.
"I am sorry that certain things happened last year and you have been brought to these camps. But you must go back to your villages. I am here to tell you, don't fear," he said.
"Whatever happened was wrong. Build your churches and practice your dharma," he said.
When some refugees spoke of fear of RSS and Bajrang Dal, the Home Minister assured then that the guilty will be "prosecuted and punished."
Hindu extremist accused in murder and vandalism arrested
Hindu extremist accused in murder and vandalism arrested
- By: Babu Thomas
- Shailendra Chauhan alias Uday Singh, an alleged aide of Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, prime accused in 2008 Malegaon blasts case, was arrested for his involvement in several attacks on churches, police sources said.
In 2008, October 19, the accused murdered Fr Conrad Dominic Xavier (25) at Sector 20 in Noida. Again early this year, the 25-year-old radical Hindu allegedly attacked a Christian priest with a poison filled injection.
During investigation it was revealed that Chauhan was a close aide of Sadhvi Pragya Singh and is a member of two right wing extremist organisations - Vishwa Hindu Mahasangh and Abhinav Bharat.
Hindu priest's family attacked in UK - Indians Abroad - World - The Times of India
Hindu priest's family attacked in UK - Indians Abroad - World - The Times of India
- Northern Ireland police have beefed up security at the Indian Community Centre in North Belfast after family of a Hindu priest came under racial attack by a gang of youths.
- Bidit Dey, office manager at the centre said, "police did not actually stop by or call in to see her after the attack."
- A police spokeswoman on Saturday said a police unit patrolled the area in response to the reports of the attack but did not enter the building itself.
The New Straits Times Online: Appeals Court reinstates suit in conversion case
The New Straits Times Online: Appeals Court reinstates suit in conversion case
- PUTRAJAYA: The Court of Appeal yesterday reinstated a suit filed by a storekeeper for several declaratory relief on his legal status as a Muslim.
- Zaina, 58, and his three children,
- In his affidavit, Zaina said his father converted to Islam for the purpose of marriage but he (the father) continued to live as a Hindu.
As such, Zaina said, he too continued to practice Hindu rituals and customs. - In 1980, Zaina registered a non-Muslim marriage and all his three children carried Hindu names.
- However, his identity card and other official records carried the Muslim name.
Border tense ahead of Suthep visit - Nationmultimedia.com
Border tense ahead of Suthep visit - Nationmultimedia.com
- The situation remains tense along the border near Preah Vihear after Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's refusal to discuss the Hindu temple during Thai Deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban's visit today.
- Tensions have been mounting along the border near the Hindu temple since last week, when the Thai government decided to maintain its objection to Preah Vihear's World Heritage inscription.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Training camp by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA
Training camp by Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA
- Sohoni Das
- The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) has planned to conduct a Training camp named Sangh Siksha Varg 2009 from June 28th 2009 to July 5th 2009 at Mount Kare CA and Camp Wrightwood CA, respectively.
- The Sangh Siksha Varg is an excellent opportunity for young and adults to learn about Hindu heritage through the various Shakha activities while at the same time having fun and making new friends. The camp also encourages parents to accompany their kids so that even the adults can be in touch of their Hindu culture and heritage. Please register in http://www.hssus.org/index.php?option=com_mosforms&mosform=5 to receive an email about the camp details.
Hindus, Muslims and Hindi films - Columns - livemint.com
Hindus, Muslims and Hindi films - Columns - livemint.com
- First Cut | Priya Ramani
- In 2005, a colleague calculated that the net box office impact of the three Khans of Bollywood, since they first hit the big screen was an astounding Rs1,906 crore
- All the three Khans are liberal Muslims who until recently never really discussed their religion or religious identity.
- Salman Khan was born to a Hindu mother and a Muslim father. Aamir Khan divorced a Hindu woman, then married another Hindu woman. And Shah Rukh Khan? Everyone knows the story of how he wooed Delhi girl Gauri Chibba and married her more than 15 years ago.
- Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Distorted History of Qutb Minar:
- Firstly, all the barbaric Muslims invaders, like Muhammaf Ghori, Qutb-ud-din Aibak, Firuz Shah Tughluq and their lot, came to India to plunder its wealth and not to erect a minaret, like the Qutb Minar, by spending money.
- Though the so called secular historians are projecting these barbaric invaders as great builders and great admirers of art, sculpture and architecture, it becomes hard to believe that those cruel killers and lecherous vandals had any affinity for art and culture.
- Thirdly, Hasan Nizami, the court chroniclers and biographer of Qutb-ud-din, has narrated so many events of the times of Qutb-ud-din, in his Taj-ul-masir. Then how it comes that he forgot to mention erecting a splendid and magnificent exhibit of architecture like Qutb Minar by his master, in his Taj-ul-masir?
- The locality of Delhi where the so called Qutb Minar stands, with its head high penetrating the sky, is known as Meherauli. Where from the name Meherauli has been derived?
- So, it becomes evident that the place was once upon a time linked to a renowned personality called Mihir. Most of the scholars agree that this Mihir was no other than Varaha Mihira, the great mathematician and astronomer who used to grace the Royal Court of Emperor Vikramaditya Chandragupta-II and was one of the nine luminaries (Navaratna), called jewels, of his Court.
- Real History Minaret, Now called Qutb Minar:
- was a seat of learning or a university, where students used to come from far away places to learn and do research on mathematics, astronomy and astrology.
- There were several residential buildings for the students and the teachers and 27 temples dedicated to 27 asterisms.
- The pillar or the minaret, now called Qutb Minar, was used by the researchers as the astronomical observation tower and at that time, it was known as Meru (pole) Stambha (pillar).
- According to another group of scholars, the other name of this pillar was Vishnu Dhwaj (Banner of Lord Vishnu) and the scholars agree that it was authored by the great astronomer Varaha Mihira.
- It should be mentioned here that, like the Meru Stambha in Delhi , Varaha Mihir built a similar pillar in Ghazni , Afghanistan , but with bricks, in stead of sandstone. So, it becomes evident that both the Qutb Minar and the minaret at Ghazni were built nearly seven centuries before the arrival of the Muslim invaders and hence they were superb examples of Hindu architecture.
- many of the fundamental forms of Persian architecture, such as the pointed and trefoil arches, the transverse vault, the octagonal form of building, the dome etc. were originated in India . … It is through such cultural contacts that art in the West acquired substance and individuality which the establishment of Islam could hardly change or alter.
- It should also be mentioned here that, according to John Marshall, Qutb-ud-din built the Qutb Minar as a part of the Qutb-ul-Islam mosque for giving call to prayer or azan.[7] But this argument is not tenable due to two reasons.
- Firstly, the Muslims build a minaret as a part of every mosque for giving call to prayers and sighting the moon during Eid-ul-fitr. But the distance in between the Qutb-ul-Islam mosque and the Qutb Minar renders the above argument not only absurd but ridiculous.
- Secondly, considering the dimensions of the Qutb-ul-Islam mosque and the Qutb Minar, perhaps no one would be ready to accept that the latter is a part of the former because in that case, the chip would be tougher than the old block.
- Thirdly, according to the Muslim chroniclers, Qutb-ud-din built the Qutb-ul-Islam mosque with the raw materials collected from the demolished 27 temples of the Qutb Complex. So, it becomes really difficult to believe that Qutb-ud-din built the main structure, the Qutb-ul-Islam mosque, with the raw materials of the demolished temples while he built the auxiliary structure, the Qutb Minar, with fresh raw materials by spending so much money.
- It should be mentioned here that, Sir Syed Ahmed, the founder of the Aligarh Muslim University, used to believe that Qutb Minar had been authored by the Hindus and not by the Muslim rulers. In this context, it should also be noted that General Cunningham, the first Director of Archaeological Survey of India, used to hold the same view. [3]
Why has the BJP been losing its support steadily among the youth and urban educated middle class? | Promise of Reason
- Ratnakar Sadasyula
- The BJP’s right wing Hindutva ideology had large scale support among the urban educated middle classes, while its espousal of a capitalist economy enthused the youth. The reason why youth, including myself, supported the BJP in large numbers was its no nonsense stance on internal security and the country’s safety.
- One thing needs to be kept in mind, while Hindutva did play a role in the BJP’s growth, it was an issue have a limited shelf time. A vast majority of the youth, who supported the BJP during the 90’s, did so because of its stand on economic issues, internal security and foreign policy.
- The UPA rule presented many opportunities for the BJP to capture the youth vote bank. The agitation by AIIMS students in Delhi against Arjun Singh’s reservation gimmicks, the bungling in the dismissal of P.Venugopal Rao, the AIIMS head, the UPA’s ineffective management of internal security and most importantly 26/11.
- And what really made the youth dissociate itself from the BJP has been the pub attacks in Mangalore and the antics of the Shri Ram Sene. I have seen many friends of mine, who were openly critical of their tactics, and mind you most of them are not the pub going, Westernized kind.
- Trust me the moment the BJP comes up with a plan to revitalize higher education, its going to receive enthusiastic support from the youth. If the youth is veering towards Rahul Gandhi, its not because of his cute dimples, its because they feel that he could understand their concerns better. This is what the BJP needs to do immediately.
Pak PM orders fresh survey of dam site to protect temple
Pak PM orders fresh survey of dam site to protect temple
- Islamabad
- Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani today directed authorities to conduct a fresh survey of the site of a dam in Balochistan province to ensure the protection of Hinglaj Mata temple, a shrine of the minority Hindu community.
- The delegation expressed concerns about the temple being affected by the construction of Hingol Dam at Lasbela in Balochistan. Gilani directed the water and power ministry to carry out a fresh survey of the site to ensure the protection of the temple. He also asked the ministry to hold a meeting with representatives of the Hindu community to address their concerns.
Breaking the silence: ensuring justice for women | Bangladeshi Hindu - Portal to Hindu World!
Breaking the silence: ensuring justice for women | Bangladeshi Hindu - Portal to Hindu World!
- Child Prostitution in Bangladesh
- The whole system in Bangladesh is male-dominated, inspired by common prophet religions that have a culture of suppressing woman historically. We need to deal with these oppressors first. Many aw and wonderful steps had taken to bring an end to the suppression to woman and children but hopefully none of them succeed.
- More than anything, the religion of Islam encourages the majority of people in Bangladesh in the historical cultural traditions of oppressing women. Laws can change, while religion inspires adherents through heaven and hell; in this light, how will jail or capital punishment be able to make any significant change?
- A Woman is Harassed by Police in Bangladesh
- The Prophet Mohammed said, “I was standing at the edge of the fire (hell) and the majority of the people going in were women.” When the Quran and the Prophet Mohammed guide the majority of people in Bangladesh, and the Quran (4:34) orders a man to beat his wife if she doesn’t obey him, how will the law prevent the beating of women? Laws and conventions contradict the holy sayings of the Prophet and Allah and will surely fail to ensure the rights of women.
- William Gomes is an independent human rights activist ,Freelance Journalist and a political analyst. He can be reached at cda.exe@gmail.com .
» Blog Archive » चांद मोहम्मद
- अक्षय कुमार
डेटलाइन इंडिया - शिवसेना कार्यकर्ताओं ने फिजा के घर पर जाकर दोनों के खिलाफ नारेबाजी की। शिव सैनिकों ने कहा कि दोनों हिंदू होते हुए भी खुद को कभी मुस्लिम तो कभी हिंदू कहते हैं, यह बहुत गलत बात है। शिव सेना के चेयरमैन निशांत शर्मा ने कहा कि अगर चांद मोहम्मद अब चंद्रमोहन के नाम से कोई कार्यक्रम करते हैं तो इसका विरोध किया जाएगा। बाद में पुलिस ने उन्हें वहां से हटा दिया।
» Blog Archive » कश्मीरी लड़की ओबामा को सिखाएगी इस्लाम
- kashmiir के सोपिया शहर में इन दिनों जश्न मनाया जा रहा है। यहां की एक लड़की फरहा पंडित को अमेरिकी विदेश मंत्री हिलेरी क्लिंटन ने राष्ट्रपति भवन व्हाइट हाउस में मुस्लिम समुदाय का प्रतिनिधि नियुक्त किया है। किसी भारतीय को पहली बार यह सम्मान मिला है।
- भारतीय कश्मीर की एक मुस्लिम महिला को व्हाइट हाउस में पूरे अमेरिका के मुस्लिमों का प्रतिनिधि बनाने को ले कर पाकिस्तानियों का नाराज होना समझ में आता है। पाकिस्तान सरकार ने तय किया है कि इस संबंध में वह व्हाइट हाउस से जवाब तलब करेगा।
- पंडित परिवार 1970 में अमेरिका चला गया था जब फरहा सिर्फ चार साल की थी। उनके पिता मोहम्मद अनवर पंडित के पूर्वज पहले हिंदू ही थे मगर बाद में उन्होंने धर्म परिवर्तन किया मगर अपने नाम के आगे लगा पंडित शब्द नहीं छोड़ा।
» Blog Archive » सूचना का अधिकार कश्मीर में भी लागू होगा
» Blog Archive » सूचना का अधिकार कश्मीर में भी लागू होगा
- आलोक तोमर
डेटलाइन इंडिया - अब कश्मीर में भी सूचना का अधिकार लागू होगा। कश्मीर को यह विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त है कि किसी भी केंद्रीय कानून को वह अपने यहां लागू करने से रोक सकता है। इसीलिए सूचना का अधिकार भी यहां लागू नहीं हो पाया।
- जब देश की संसद एक कानून को लागू करने के लिए संसद से प्रस्ताव पारित करवा सकती है तो अक्षम्य और लगभग आपराधिक धारा 370 को हटाने के लिए कानून जारी क्यों नहीं कर रही, यह सोचने की बात है।
Friday, June 26, 2009
और यदि आत्मा मरती तो दलाई लामा कब का कोमुनिस्ट हो गया होता !!!!!!!
और यदि आत्मा मरती तो दलाई लामा कब का कोमुनिस्ट हो गया होता !!!!!!!
परन्तु नेताजी को ठिकाने लगा कर, वीर सावरकर को दोषी बता कर, संघ को कटघरे में खडा कर कर, पाकिस्तान से लुटे पिटे हिन्दुओ को कुछ एक प्लाट दे कर और बाकि बचे हिन्दुस्थान के हिन्दुओ को सेकुलेरिसम का झुनझुना पकडा दिया ।
जिसमे आज ६० साल बाद भी हिन्दू ही यह पूछता फिर रहा है की मुसलमानों को आरक्षण क्यों नहीं देदेते। अब चरखे वाले बाबा के इन बंदरो को कौन बताये की जिनके लिए तुम मुझे दीनानाथ बनने के लिए कह रहे हो इन्होने (पूर्वजो) ही तुम्हारे ही माँ बेहेन की इज्जत लुट कर तुम्हारे ही बाप दादों की छाती पर खूंटा गाड़ कर हिन्दुस्थान से अलग अपने रहेने के लिए दो देश १९४७ में ही ले लेलिये हैं।
तो भइया जी एक और बात बता दो की यह हिन्दुतान में दिल्ली से हरिद्वार जाने वाली ही सड़क क्यों नहीं बनी है। जब की आगरा, अजमेर, जयपुर, चडीगढ़ और माशाअल्लह पुणे मुंबई एक्सप्रेस हाई वे बने इतने साल हो गए।
भाई यहाँ खाड़ी का पैसा भी नहीं जो कुछ कर लेते हम तो सरकार के ही भरोसे है। सुना है कांग्रेस ने चुनाव से पहेले मुस्लिम बस्तियो में मुस्लमान को सरकारी बैंको के जरिए सात आठ महीनो में ही अरबो रूपये बाँट दिए और हम हैं की अडवाणी की उम्र पर ही नाक भों सिकोड़ रहे है।
उस पर भी इस बात पर हलकान हुए जा रहा हूँ की कही कोई मुझे हिंदुत्व से जुड़े मुद्दे उठाने का अपराधी घोषित न कर दे। क्या करू हजूर आत्मा नहीं मानती है इस शारीर को तो आपका कानून बांधे ही हुआ है। और यदि आत्मा मरती तो दलाई लामा कब का कोमुनिस्ट हो गया होता।
Nepal Hindu martyr news-Hindu preacher declared `religious martyr` by Nepal govt
Nepal Hindu martyr news-Hindu preacher declared `religious martyr` by Nepal govt
Pandit Narayan Prasad Pokharel, was shot dead by gunmen allegedly belonging to an organisation affiliated to the Maoists, when he was delivering a lecture at a religious programme in Butawal.
The cabinet today decided to honour him by recognising him as a "religious martyr", officials said.
Usual Suspects: The civil war is necessary to clarify matters
Usual Suspects: The civil war is necessary to clarify matters
- Also keep in mind there is one person who has kept himself aloof from the murkiness in Delhi. Narendra Modi's firm handling of a potentially explosive problem in Surat has won him praise.
- I believe that Modi will soon come to be accepted as the most enlightened and modern BJP face.
5 Reasons why it is best time to start an all-out military campaign against naxals | Promise of Reason
- Here are the reasons why it is the best time to start an all-out flush out campaign against maoist and naxalites.
Hinduism Today Magazine - Hindu Press International » Ask the Right Ear
Hinduism Today Magazine - Hindu Press International » Ask the Right Ear
- In three differently designed tests, researchers found that requests spoken into to the right ear were more effective than those spoken into the left ear.
- In Hindu tradition, the importance of the right ear has been recognized from ancient times.
- At a namakarana samskara, the baby's name, astrologically chosen, is whispered in the right ear by the father.
- It is also traditional to whisper a sacred mantra in the right ear of the newly deceased,
* VivekaJyoti *: The Rapid Expansion of Christianity in India
* VivekaJyoti *: The Rapid Expansion of Christianity in India
- Attached below is a link to a Christian Magazine called Charisma. Please read the article about the progress Christianity has made in India in the recent years - starts on page 26 (God's Moment for India). This is a must read article that summarizes the astonishing progress made by missionaries within the last decade. This article claims that Orissa is now 28% Christian. You should also read the article on page 6 ("They Burn Bibles in India").
» Blog Archive » नेपाली माओवादियों ने भारत में लाल झंडा फहराया
» Blog Archive » नेपाली माओवादियों ने भारत में लाल झंडा फहराया
- ओलाक कुमार सिंह
डेटलाइन इंडिया - माओवादी संगठन पर केन्द्र सरकार के प्रतिबन्ध सम्बन्धी आदेश के दो दिन बाद नेपाली माओवादियों ने भारतीय सीमा में घुसकर अपने संगठन का झण्डा फहराया और सीमा पर लगे तीन पत्थरों को क्षतिग्रस्त कर दिया।
- प्रत्यक्षदर्शियों के अनुसार 100 से भी अधिक युवा नेपालियों ने सीमा पर यह उपद्रव किया।स
» Blog Archive » फैसले अर्जुन सिंह के, मोहर कपिल सिब्बल की
» Blog Archive » फैसले अर्जुन सिंह के, मोहर कपिल सिब्बल की
- मिलन गुप्ता
डेटलाइन इंडिया - केंद्रीय मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्री कपिल सिब्बल यशपाल कमेटी की जिस रिपोर्ट पर फुल कर कुपा हो रहे हैं, शिक्षा जगत में क्रांतिकारी परिवर्तन लाने का दावा कर रहे हैं उन्होंने शायद यह रिपोर्ट खुद अभी तक ठीक से पढ़ी ही नहीं। पढ़ी होती तो समझ पाते कि विदेशी विश्वविद्यालयों के मामले में यशपाल कमेटी की रिपोर्ट उनकी योजनाओं को एक दम उलट रही है।
- सच तो यह है कि कपिल सिब्बल ने अभी तक खुद कोई फैसला नहीं किया है और पहले के किए हुए फैसलों पर ही अपनी मुहर लगा रहे हैं।
Bharat Swabhiman: A biased article in Guardian
- TV swami offers a cure for all illsYoga evangelist has millions in his thrall, but critics claim devotees are being duped
- Every morning, the swami appears on television chanting prayers and explaining that ailments, physical and mental, can be treated by what looks like little more than sharp intakes of air and painful-looking body contortions. More than 20 million tune in each day in India alone. The television guru, who is also known as Baba Ramdev, is also available across the world - including Britain.
- Born into a farming family in north India he retains a common touch, making rustic jokes in chaste Hindi. The guru combines this with a gentle manner and a knack for public relations.
- In a country where renunciation is seen as almost a divine virtue, Ramdev announces that he has long ago given up sex - because "it is not love".
- Mohammed Abbas, The president of the Indian Medical Association, said that although yoga is "good exercise, it cannot be used to make ridiculous claims about curing HIV or cancer. This is false hope for ill people."
Asked whether he has run any tests to analyse treatment, he offers a book of testimonies from disciples convinced they have been cured of cancer, cirrhosis and kidney failure.
Some have called for the swami to be prosecuted for "peddling quackery of the highest order".
"Claiming such absurdities is against the law," said Sanal Edamaruku of the Indian Rationalist Association. "The magical remedies act of 1954 was brought in to stop people such as Baba Ramdev from promoting dangerous ideas about curing cancer and the like.
Pictures of Christian Saint distributed to Hindu students for worshipping - Conversions | hindujagruti.org
- Malkapur (Maharashtra):
- There is one Alfonso English School, two kms away from this place at Karanjoshi. Hindu students have been prohibited from following Hindu culture in this school.
- Recently, pictures of so-called saint Alfonso, in A-4 size, were distributed to the children for keeping in the altar.
Who will save the Hindus? - Shri. Milind Gadgil | hindujagruti.org
Who will save the Hindus? - Shri. Milind Gadgil | hindujagruti.org
- Bhutan Rich in natural resources!
- 90% of its Budget comes as a grant from the Government of India!
- Farming and the orchards are the main industries of Bhutan. In this industry for the last hundreds of years Hindu farmers and labourers of Nepalese lineage have been engaged. Even today 30 to 35% of Bhutan's population is Hindu of Nepalese lineage. Beside this Bhutan is very rich in mineral resources.
- And because of this Bhutan is being coveted by China. Bhutan has a treaty of cooperation with Indian Government for its Foreign policy and Security.
- Harrasment of Hindus by imposing the Buddhist religion on Bhutan!
- King under the guise of taking a census declared 3 lakh of these Hindus of Nepalese Lineage as infiltrators and deported them from Bhutan. 2 lakh of these people went to Nepal and 1 lakh came to India. Both these countries did not recognize them as their citizens.
- This was 15 years ago but there has been no change in their status.
- here is no one to stand up for the 3 lakh Hindu refugees. World wide this is the plight of the Hindus. So now the time has come to leave the attitude of pleading, and take a firm and resolute stand on this issue.
- The Bad condition of the Kashmiri Pandits!
- 'The Human Rights watch' an international organization evaluated the medical condition of the families who are listed as refugees in their own country.
- The reason for the drop in birth rate was examined. It was found that the women's menstruation cycle had stopped 10 to 15 years earlier than normal. And the reproductive efficiency was at 25%. The Birth rate was dropping due to lack space and privacy. The doctors examining the Kashmiri Pandits opined that the Kashmiri Pandits were physically and psychologically 10 to 15 years older than their natural age. If this condition continues there is a danger of the extinction of the race of Kashmiri Pandits.
The Facts of Khajuraho - Articles | hindujagruti.org
The Facts of Khajuraho - Articles | hindujagruti.org
- Male and female Statues
- Chandela Musicians
- Finally Erotic Sculpture Depicting the Kamasutra Positions.
(Less than 10% of the total carvings) - The Chandelas were followers of the Tantric cult which believes that gratification of earthly desires is a step towards attaining the ultimate liberation. Tantrism has been mostly misunderstood and the Philosophical part of Tantras like the Mahanirvana Tantra have been totally forgotten. This was one of the reasons why Tantrics perished.
- It must be emphasized that Khajuraho Temples, do not contain sexual themes inside the Temple premises or near the deity but only on external carvings. They portray that for seeing the deity, one must leave his sexual desires outside the Temple. They also depict that the inner deity of the Temple is pure like the soul (atman) which is unaffected by sexual desires and other gross tendencies, destiny etc, whereas the external curvature and carvings of the Temples depict the bodily changes that occur in us.
- Only as many as 10% carvings contain sexual themes, not between any deities but between ordinary humans. The rest depict the common man's life of those days.
- They give the message that one should always have God as the central point in one's life even though one is engaged in worldly activities.
- It is a misconception that since Khajuraho are Temples, they depict sex between deities!
- In Khajuraho Temples, the idols of Shiva, Nandi, Goddess Durga, Incarnations of Vishnu etc are fully clothed.
Tarun Vijay: Krishna 'Raag'
- Tarun Vijay
- China has travelled a long way outsmarting India in manufacturing, economic growth, infrastructure building and military strength. While India has shrunk to almost half in the last 100 years, China has doubled geographically too.
- But the level of ignorance about China in India is simply baffling. More than Pakistan, it should have been China on our radar of engagement knowing it more than any other nation.
- India must not become a partner in the US game in this region which is, at present more Pakistan-centric and has ignored Indian concerns. Every US dollar given to Pakistan under the cover of "controlling Taliban", is turned into a missile on Indian interests
- This has to be corrected with direct links with Afghan tribal leaders and an operational policy for Pakistan held Kashmir and NWFP.
- revitalize and make assertive policy towards Chinese links with Pakistan’s extremist organizations like Jammat-e-Islami and tribal leaders of Gilgit and Baltistan.
- Not only that Indians must get Chinese reports from Indian correspondents but there has to be a methodical approach towards Track II citizens diplomacy towards China.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
» Blog Archive » मायावती की मूर्तियों का बजट गरीबों से ज्यादा
» Blog Archive » मायावती की मूर्तियों का बजट गरीबों से ज्यादा
- डेटलाइन इंडिया
- एक तरफ मायावती उत्तर प्रदेश को पिछड़ा और गरीब प्रदेश घोषित कर के केंद्र से बार बार बड़ा आर्थिक पैकेज मांग रही हैं तो दूसरी ओर तीन जुलाई से वे पूरे प्रदेश में अपनी, कांशीराम और डॉक्टर भीमराव अंबेडकर की करोड़ों रुपए की प्रतिमाएं स्थापित करने का अभियान भी शुरू कर रही है।
- सूत्रों के अनुसार मूर्तियां तो बहुत समय से बनी हुई थी लेकिन आचार संहिता की वजह से इन्हें लगाने में देरी की गई। फिर जब चुनाव के नतीजे आ गए तो मायावती को लाज आई कि अच्छे नतीजे नहीं होने पर भी अपनी मूर्तियां लगाना लोगों को ठीक नहीं लगेगा।
- सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में एक याचिका पड़ी हुई है जिसमें दिए गए हिसाब के अनुसार पूरे प्रदेश में मूर्तियों का खर्चा दस अरब सत्तर करोड़ रुपए हैं। इतना खर्चा उत्तर प्रदेश में गरीबों को रोजगार देने पर नहीं दिया जाता।
» Blog Archive » वरुण गांधी करेंगे हिंदुत्व का अध्ययन
» Blog Archive » वरुण गांधी करेंगे हिंदुत्व का अध्ययन
- डेटलाइन इंडिया
- वरुण गांधी कल लखनऊ में राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ के मुख्यालय में पहुंचे और वहां मौजूद प्रचारकों तथा मुख्य प्रचारक अशोक बेरी से सीधे सवाल किया कि क्या उनके भाषण से पार्टी या संघ परिवार को नुकसान हुआ है। एक घंटे की इस लंबी मुलाकात में वरुण गांधी ने कहा कि मुझे मेरी गलती बताई जाए। संघ के नेताओं ने वरुण गांधी से कहा कि वे सांस्कृतिक राष्ट्रवाद और सबको साथ ले कर चलने वाले हिंदुत्व की धारण्ाा का अध्ययन करें।
- श्री भागवत ने जम्मू विश्वविद्यालय में हुए एक सेमिनार में बोलते हुए कहा था कि हिंदू होने के लिए न किसी को अपना धर्म छोड़नाा है और न शिनाख्त बदलनी है। जो भारत में रहता है वह हिंदू हैं।
* VivekaJyoti *: Hindus do not understand that Congress is Anti-Hindu and is promoting Islam and Christianity.
- It is difficult to defeat congress if Hindus refuse to vote. The statistics say 84% of the Indian population is Hindu and only 20% of them voted in the last election. In India there is a 13% Muslim population and 90% of them voted in the election. Out of the 3% Christian population, 90% voted.
- BJP should not worry about Muslims and Christians but make Hindus into a stronger party. Muslims and Christians are not going to vote for them, so it is useless to believe that they will. They should focus on Hindus and strengthen their own party if they want to win.
- 80% of the news media is in the hands of foreigners and Christians. BJP needs to start a Hindu TV channel or news media to have their voice heard.