Saturday, January 30, 2010

Some of the Muslim scientists invented-PHOTO

Opened in London Muslim scientists invented the world to shed light on the works exhibited are on display.

'1001 Meeting opened in London; Islamic Heritage Explore Our World 'exhibition at the art of science and technology of the Islamic civilization to the west of the contributions that are described in historical works.

İngiltere'nin başkenti Londra'da Bilim, Teknoloji ve Medeniyet Vakfı tarafından gerçekleşen '1001 İcat-İslam Mirası' adlı sergide tarihte Müslüman bilim adamlarının bulduğu icatlar sergileniyor. In London, the capital of the UK Science, Technology and civilization made by the Foundation for Innovation-Islamic Heritage of '1001 'in the exhibition of scientists has found Muslim inventions in history are on display. Sergilenen icatlar arasında El-Cezire'nin bulduğu 'fil saat' ve su ile çalışan 'çizgi saat', bugün hala ameliyatta kullanılan bıçak, makas gibi aletlerin yanı sıra günlük hayata ışık tutan yüzlerce buluş Londra'daki Bilim Müzesi'nde (Science Museum) ziyaretçilere tanıtlıyor. Exhibited between the invention of Al-Jazeera finds 'elephant hours' work with water and the 'time line', still used in surgical knife, scissors or tools, as well as shed light on the daily life of hundreds of meetings in London's Science Museum (Science Museum) prove to visitors.