Paradox of Different Paths Leading to One God | Bangladeshi Hindu - Portal to Hindu World!
- Hindus take tremendous pride in the fact that their religion encourage true pluralism. According to Hinduism, all religions are true and they all lead to the same God. This leads to confusing conclusion leading some people to loose the significance of Hinduism itself. They wonder what makes Hinduism stand out. They question why can’t Krishna be called Allah or Jehovah.
- Hindu Philosophy
It’s important for you to stick to your spiritual path and identify yourself with it. It will make sense if we think of spirituality as a materialistic goal. Let’s say our goal is to make 1 million $. There are multiple ways of acquiring that goal but all ways are not successful for everyone. If you find your way, then stick to it and identify yourself with it. If you keep saying that all paths to million $ are the same then you are deceiving yourself as they are not.
Then after you get that million $, you recognize your path, not discard it. Don’t say, now that you got million dollars your path is not anymore important to you. That’s why the people that have truly achieved moksha (i.e. Vivekananda) they continued to recognize their path to their spiritual goal.
The belief of different paths leading to the same God is strictly a belief of Sanatan Dharma. If you believe in that philosophy, then you are a Hindu. If Hindu philosophy is not your thing then move on to a different spiritual philosophy. However, if you ascribe to a non-sanatan philosophy, remember then you are actually giving up this belief of all paths being equally valued.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.