Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Musings on Love « Incognito thoughts

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    • A child is born as love. But the parents cannot give love.
    • And I don’t mean you should get rid of your physical parents, I mean you should get rid of your parental voices inside, your program inside, your tapes inside. Because that is what made you something you are not. We need to retrieve our individuality, our personality. Yes, you become an individual. For the first time, you are no longer part of the mass, you have an authentic individuality. You are on your own. This is what growth is. This is what a grown-up person should be. He is happy in his aloneness – his aloneness is a song, a celebration.

      And when you are completely free of parental impressions, you have attained to a second birth. You are completely a new being, fresh out of the shell, an individual.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.