Sunday, December 6, 2009

WEBCommentary(tm) - A Statistical Analysis of President Obama's renewed Strategy

    • A Statistical Analysis of President Obama's renewed Strategy
      Part One: Focus on the Middle East
    • This commentary is in two parts for the purpose of getting a clear and concise understanding of just how complex the war in Afghanistan is, and to point out why the President's strategy will not work in the long run, but rather shift the venue of fighting from the Middle East to the North American continent, only in a different form.
    • This commentary deals with why I believe President Obama's strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan may fail. One of the biggest obstacles to his impending success is opium.
    • This realization alone is one of the major reasons Obama may run into industry road blocks politically as he pursues an end to terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan in a fight to reduce the illegal trade of opium. Something that has not been done ever. The grappling with this necessary evil goes as far back as the nineteenth century when the Opium Wars loomed between the British and the Chinese. Yet opium is still around and ostensibly shall always be with us.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.