Saturday, February 27, 2010


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    • At this point let me share the meeting between Swami Vivekananda and Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata during a ship journey. It happened in 1893. A ship was sailing Japan to USA. There were hundreds of people in that ship including two significant personalities. Swami Vivekananda and Jamshedji Tata were in that ship. Swamiji asked Jamshedji for what mission he was traveling. Jamshedji said that he wanted to bring steel industry to India. Swami Vivekanda blessed him. He suggested steel technology had two components – one is steel science and the other is manufacturing technology. What can you bring to this country in material technology – you will have to build material science within the country.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

‘I won’t blame my father if he accepts Qatar offer’

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    • Georgina Maddox
    • Firing a salvo and then disappearing into the lanes of Qatar is typical MF Husain. When you call his phone, a polite voice in Arabic tells you this number has been switched off. Meanwhile, the news of the maverick Bombay Progressives painter having accepted the citizenship offered upon him by the Qatar royal family has made its way around the globe. His little sketch of a horse and the cryptic note says it all: “I am an Indian citizen who has been offered Qatar citizenship.”


      His eldest son, Shamshad, is fighting a brave battle with a serious illness in hospital in Delhi while his youngest son, Owais, is immersed in his new film. In Dubai, Owais awaits the moment his dad will switch on his phone. “My father has always taken his own decisions. There is no ulterior motive in his accepting the citizenship offered to him by Qatar. Of course, giving up citizenship of India saddens him but they say that you can take a man out of the country but you cannot take the country out of a man,” says Owais.

    • M F Husain's youngest son, Owais
    • — with inputs from


      Vandana Kalra

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

The single adoptive mum - Times Online

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    Journalist and Author Jane Clarke pictured with her adopted daughter Maya(7years)
    • Jane Clarke with her adopted daughter Maya
    • Penny Wark
    • Seven years ago, aged 36, single, unable to have children and desperate to become a mother, Clarke travelled to India in the hope of finding a child to adopt. Or, more to the point, to love.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Let Ayodhya be symbol of communal harmony: Buddhist scholar -

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    • A Buddhist scholar and author has said the disputed land in Ayodhya should be converted into a symbol of religious harmony by constructing a temple, mosque and a Buddha vihara, and criticised the BJP for its "politically motivated" stand on the issue.
    • "All the three religion monuments should be built at the same place to end enmity between the various religious groups," Krishna Gamre said here.
    • Gamre, author of 'Buddha's Saket " No Ayodhya, No Babri Masjid', is an NRI settled in London. He is also founder of Ambedkarite Social and Buddhist Movement and International Coordinator of the Indo-Sri Lankan Buddhist Association.

      Gamre said in 1992 when Muslim and Hindu outfits filed cases in Faizabad and Lucknow courts, Bharatiya Buddha Darshan Sar Society, too, had moved a petition saying his community was the true heir of the disputed land as a Buddhist shrine once existed there.

      From October 14, a group of Buddhists would march from Nagpur's Deekshabhoomi and reach Ayodhya on December 6, the anniversary of the Babri Masjid demolition, in support of their claim and spread awareness about it, he said.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

The Next Al Qaeda? -

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    • Terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba is now focusing on foreigners and the West.
    • By Jeremy Kahn | NEWSWEEK
    • While the U.S. remains focused on hunting down Al Qaeda's original leadership along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, a lesser-known Islamic militant group has emerged as potentially the most dangerous terrorist outfit on the planet. For more than 15 years Lashkar-e-Taiba, known widely as LeT, has been targeting Indian interests, particularly in the disputed territory of Kashmir. But Western and Indian intelligence experts say LeT now has a growing interest in attacking foreigners and expanding its reach on a global scale—and that the group has the capability to carry out devastating attacks beyond India.
    • To some analysts, LeT may be an even greater threat than Al Qaeda because of its technological sophistication, its broader global recruiting and fundraising network, its close ties to protectors within the Pakistani government, and the fact that it is still a less high-profile target of Western intelligence.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

मोहन भागवत भोपाल में, एक होकर काम करने पर जोर

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    • विजय तिवारी
    • राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सर संघचालक डॉ. मोहन भागवत का कहना है कि किसी भी दल को चुनने और सरकार के बारे में फैसला करने के लिए सब स्वतंत्र हैं, लेकिन ¨हिंदू समाज के हित के लिए सभी जाति संगठनों को मिलकर काम करना चाहिए। एक दूसरे समुदायों से मेल-जोल बढ़ाएं, दूरियां कम करें ताकि गलतफहमियां दूर हों। संघ की पहल पर शनिवार को शहीद भवन में आयोजित सद्भावना बैठक में हिंदू समाज की 103 जातियों के प्रतिनिधि व कुछ संगठनों के पदाधिकारी शामिल हुए। करीब तीन सौ सामाजिक नुमाइंदों की इस बैठक में 35 प्रतिनिधियों ने अपने सुझाव भी दिए। सर संघचालक बनने के बाद डॉ. भागवत देश भर में इस तरह की बैठकें ले रहे हैं। यह इस कड़ी में 24 वीं बैठक थी।
    • भोपाल.
    • फोटो- महेश विश्वकर्मा

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

हुसैन को भगोड़ा घोषित करें :किरण :: प्रेसनोट डाट इन | आपकी भाषा आपकी खबरें

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    • भारतीय जनता महिला मोर्चा की राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष किरण माहेश्वरी नें चित्रकार एम. एफ. हुसैन को भगोड़ा घोषित कर देश में लाने की मांग की है। विभिन्न अदालतों में चल रहे आपराधिक प्रकरणों से बचने के लिए हुसैन 2006 से ही विदेशों मे है। हिन्दु देवी देवताओं के आपत्तिजनक रुपण के अपराधी हुसैन का देश के कानुन से इस प्रकार � चकर भाग जाना हमारी विधि व्यवस्था पर एर गम्भीर प्रश्न है।

      किरण ने इस बात पर आश्चर्य व्यक्त किया है कि हुसैन के लगातार विधिक कार्यवाही से बचकर विदेशों में रहने पर भारत सरकार ने मौन स्वीकृति दे रखी है। हुसैन को देश में लाकर न्याय करवाना सरकार का दायित्व है। क्या यदि कोई हिन्दु अन्य धर्मलम्बियों की आस्था पर भी इसी प्रकार की चोट करता तो सरकार मूक दर्शक बनी रहती?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

देवताओं के होर्डिंगस से छेड़छाड़ निंदनीय

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    • PunjabHoshiarpur ZilaUdmur
    • पोस्टरों से खिलवाड़ बर्दाशत नहीं : महंत राम प्रकाश
    • दातारपुर
    • इसाई समुदाय द्वारा जालंधर में हिंदू धर्म के देवी देवताओं के पोस्टरों छेड़छाड़ कर रोष व्यक्त करने का तरीका बिलकुल गलत हैं जो किसी भी कीमत पर बर्दाशत नहीं किया जाएगा। देवी देवताओं के चित्र फाडऩे और हिंदू धार्मिक स्थलों को हानि पहुंचाने पर इसाई समुदाय के रवैये की कड़ी निंदा करते हुए बाबा लाल दयाल दरबार के गद्दीनशीन व सहारा वैल्फेयर क्लब के चेयरमैन परम पूज्य महंत राम प्रकाश दास ने कहा कि जिस तरह से हिंदूओं की भावना से खिलवाड़ किया जा रहा उसको कभी भी सहन नहीं किया जाएगा। इस दौरान बाबा राजिंदर सिंह, बाबा ईश्र दास, महंत राज गिरी जी, सुश्री देवा जी भी शामिल हुए।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

विवादों में घिरे डा. साबर

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    • अमृतसर. सिख धर्म अध्ययन कोर्स के डायरैक्टर डा. जसबीर सिंह साबर विवादों में घिर गए हैं। अलग रविदास ग्रंथ तैयार करने के चलते पहले ही चर्चा में आए डा. साबर पर अब सिख धर्म अध्ययन कोर्स के दूसरे पाठयक्रम में हिंदु ग्रंथों को तवज्जो देने के आरोपों लगे हैं।

      अकालतख्त के जत्थेदार गुरबचन सिंह ने कहा है कि अगर उनके खिलाफ अकालतख्त को लिखित शिकायत मिलता है तो विचार कर सकते हैं। गौर हो कि मौजूदा विवाद के तहत डा. साबर पर सिख इतिहास में हुई कुर्बानियों को दरकिनार कर हिन्दु धर्म के इतिहास, धार्मिक ग्रंथों व हिंदू धर्म का विशेष उल्लेख करने का आरोप है।

      याद रहे कि डेरा बल्लां की ओर से जारी वैबसाइट टैक्सट ऑफ अमृतबाणी में गुरु रविदास संबंधी उपलब्ध जानकारियों के तहत उनकी ओर से महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी मुहैया कराने व अलग ग्रंथ तैयार करने के प्रति उनका नाम दर्ज है। हालांकि उनका मानना है कि केवल श्री गुरु ग्रंथ साहिब में दर्ज रविदास की बाणी ही प्रमाणित है।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

गले मिलें, करें ठिठोली और खेलें तिलक होली

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    • भोपाल. शहर में सोमवार को होली पर्व हषरेल्लास से मनेगा। लोग हंसी-ठिठोली के बीच गूजे और पकवानों का भरपूर आनंद लेंगे पर पानी को व्यर्थ नहीं बहने देंगे। शहर की अनेक संस्थाओं ने लोगों से अपील की है कि वे पानी की किल्लत को ध्यान में रखकर गुलाल, रोली और चंदन आदि का तिलक लगाकर होली मनाएं।

      बाग मुगालिया एक्सटेंशन कॉलोनी विकास समिति के सदस्यों ने लकड़ी की जगह कंडों से होली जलाने व सूखे रंगों से होली खेलने का संकल्प लिया। अध्यक्ष उमाशंकर तिवारी ने बताया कि पर्यावरण व जल की रक्षा को ध्यान में रख सभी सदस्यों ने यह निर्णय लिया है।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

पंजाब-हरियाण में डेरा सच्चा सौदा समर्थकों का तांडव

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    पंजाब और हरियाणा के तमाम शहरों में बाबा के समर्थक बवाल कर रहे हैं।
    • पंजाब और हरियाणा के तमाम शहरों में बाबा के समर्थक बवाल कर रहे हैं। बाबा राम रहीम के समर्थक उनके खिलाफ मुकदमा दर्ज किए जाने के खिलाफ हिंसा पर उतर आए हैं। दरअसल दो दिन पहले सीबीआई ने बाबा राम रहीम के खिलाफ कत्म के एक मामले में एफआईआर दर्ज की थी। इससे डेरा समर्थक भड़के हुए हैं।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

होली पर सिनावल में नहीं बिखरते रंग

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    • गणेशदत्त सांवला
    • जी हां! दतिया अनुभाग के ग्राम सिनावल, जिसे स्थानीय लोग सोनागिर के नाम भी जानते हैं, में उल्लास व उमंग के पर्व होली पर रंग नहीं बिखेरे जाते। इसकी वजह न तो कोई मान्यता या किवदंती है और न ही प्राकृतिक आपदा का अंदेशा। ग्रामीण बताते हैं कि सांप्रदायिक सोहाद्र्र को ध्यान में रखते हुए पूर्वजों ने कभी होली न खेलने का निर्णय लिया होगा। जिस पर आज तक अमल जारी है।
    • इसी उपलक्ष्य में यहां वर्षों से चैत्र कृष्ण प्रतिपदा से पांच दिवसीय मेले का आयोजन होता है। इस मेले में देश के कोने-कोने से जैन समाज के लोग पहुंचते हैं। ग्राम पंचायत सिनावल के सरपंच संतोष चौधरी के अनुसार बाहर से आने वाले जैन धर्मावलंबियों को होली के रंगों से परेशानी न हो और उनकी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा में किसी भी प्रकार का व्यवधान पैदा न हो, इसी सोच के साथ कभी ग्राम सिनावल के ग्रामीणों ने होलिका दहन के बाद क्षेत्र में होली न खेलने का निर्णय लिया होगा। इसी निर्णय के चलते ग्राम सिनावल के ग्रामीण होली नहीं खेलते और न ही अन्य किसी पर रंग डालने का प्रयास करते है। इस तरह लोगों ने आज भी वर्षों की परंपरा को कायम रखा है।

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here. । विस्फोट.कॉम - 15 हजार मछुआरे क्या मराठी माणुस नहीं हैं?

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    • राजेश सिंह, रत्नागिरी से लौटकर
    • इन मछुआरों के रोजगार को तहस-नहस करने के पीछे एक कंपनी है जो कि 20 वर्ष पहले यहाँ आयी है। कंपनी का नाम है फिनोलेक्स इंडस्ट्रीज लिमिटेड। स्थानीय लोग एवं कंपनी से पीड़ित मछुआरे बताते है कि इस कंपनी और कंपनी के मालिक को मराठा क्षत्रप शरद पवार का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त है इसलिए इन मछुआरों की व्यथा को स्थानीय समाचार पत्रों में भी जगह नहीं मिलती।
    • स्थानीय जानकार कंपनी के इन करतूतों को पर्यावरण के लिए गंभीर खतरा बता रहे है इनके अनुसार रनपार बंदर का 8 किलोमीटर का समुद्री किनारा है और रनपार बंदर के तीन तरफ से पहाड़ है इस 8 किलोमीटर लंबे समुद्री किनारे पर समुद्री घास मैन्ग्रोस की बहुतायत है समुद्री मछलियां इन्ही समुद्री मैन्ग्रोस के पास अंडे देने आती है रनपार बंदर का समुद्री किनारा मछलियों के अंडे देने का सबसे पसंदीदा जगह था किन्तु अब कंपनी के  मालवाहक जहाज और बार्जों के आवाजाही से रनपार बंदर के समुद्री किनारे का पर्यावरण संतुलन बिगड़ रहा है अब जब संयुक्त राष्ट्र नें वर्ष 2010 को बायोडाईवर्सिटी इयर यानि जैव विविधता वर्ष घोषित किया है कंपनी ( फिनोलेक्स इंडस्ट्रीज लिमिटेड) रनपार बंदर के जैव विविधता को ध्वस्त करने पर तुली है. चूँकि यह कंपनी मछुआरों के रोजगार को छीन रही है इसलिए मछुआरे कंपनी के विरुद्ध आवाज उठा रहे है. मछली व्यवसाय के इस धंधे के कुल 15,000  आश्रितों के आजीविका को छीनने वाली इस कंपनी में केवल 300 लोग रोजगार पाते है जिसमे 26 लोग स्थानीय यानि मराठी माणुस हैं. शिवसेना प्रमुख बाल ठाकरे, मनसे प्रमुख राज ठाकरे और मुख्यमंत्री अशोक चव्हाण यह बताने की कोशिश करेंगे कि 15000 मछुआरे मराठी माणुस क्यों नहीं है?

      (राजेश सिंह मानवाधिकार संगठन AIHRCO के अध्यक्ष हैं और नागरिक विकल्प नामक पत्रिका के संपादक हैं. संपर्क:

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Bamulahija Live: Rahul was pushed into local train

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    • राहुल गाँधी की मुंबई यात्रा की सफलता से कांग्रेसी उत्साहित हैं राहुल भी बेहद खुश हैं की शिवसैनिको की धमकियों के बावजूद वे चकमा देकर मुंबई दौरा पूरा करके लौटे. लेकिन अन्दर की बात कुछ और ही निकली है. सूत्रों की मानें तो राहुल का लोकल ट्रेन में बैठने का कोई प्रोग्राम नहीं था. वे बस स्टेशन पर लोगों से मिलकर वापस जाना चाहते थे, लेकिन इधर राहुल का आना हुआ और उधर ट्रेन का भीड़ भाड़ और धक्का मुक्की में राहुल जबरन ट्रेन में धकेल दिए गए. वैसे बेहतर टी आर पी मिलने और अच्छी खबर बन जाने से कांग्रेस और राहुल खुश है लेकिन फिर भी जांच एजेंसियां पता लगाने की कोशिश में लगी है कि आखिर राहुल को धक्का किसने दिया था ?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Cartoon, Hindi Cartoon, Indian Cartoon, Cartoon on Indian Politcs: BAMULAHIJA

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Tirupati replica in Kurukshetra

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    • With 20 million visitors per year, it is regarded as the most visited shrine in the world. Now to cope with the huge pilgrim rush, the Tirumala temple authorities of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, will set up a new shrine at Kurukshetra in Haryana. This will be the first full-fledged temple of Lord Venkateshwara outside Andhta by the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD).


      A meeting took place between Adikeshavulu Naidu, TTD chairman, and Haryana CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda in Delhi on Thursday. The Haryana government has agreed to give five acres of land free of cost to TTD at Kurukshetra.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Sindhis start move to stop conversions -

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    • A number of influential Sindhi personalities have come forward to restrain the ongoing trend of conversion among fellow community members in Ulhasnagar. They have decided to start a shuddhikaran (purification) movement for those who have stopped following traditions of Hinduism.
    • “We are going to launch a shuddhikaran movement soon for those who have changed their faith,” said Pradeep Bhavanani, president of Bharatiya Sindhi Samaj, the largest non-religious organisation of the community in India.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Pakistan snub raises fears of IPL terrorism - Cricket, Sport - The Independent

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    • By Mihir Bose
    Indian cricket authorities may invite Pakistanis to play in the IPL to try to avoid a repeat of the Mumbai terror attacks
    • The Indian cricket authorities are extremely worried that there could be a terrorist strike from a Pakistani-based al-Qa'ida group against the Indian Premier League. The third edition of this immensely successful Twenty20 tournament starts in India in two weeks' time, on 12 March.

      The Indians feel that the threat could be defused if Pakistani players were to take part in this tournament. At present Pakistani players are excluded from this year's IPL, including five Pakistani players, Kamran Akmal, Misbah ul-Haq, Abdul Razzaq, Umar Gul and Sohail Tanvir, who had IPL contracts.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

End product of a culture of violence

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    • Balbir K Punj
    • The treatment meted out to the Pandits in Kashmir Valley and the total silence on it among the Muslim leadership has not enabled the Muslim community to convince their Hindu neighbours that true secularism is inherent in the Islamic political doctrine. It is not the condemnation alone of the beheading of the Sikhs in Pakistan that international public opinion is looking forward to as an isolated event. It is the total disavowal of the culture of sanctifying use of barbaric violence for supporting and propagating religion that the civilised world would like to see emerging in the Muslim world.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

On Faith Panelists Blog: Why no Hindu or Buddhist representation? - Aseem Shukla

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    Aseem Shukla
    • co-founder, Hindu American Foundation

      Aseem Shukla

      Associate Professor in urologic surgery at the University of Minnesota medical school. Co-founder and board member of Hindu

    • The U.S. has an Ambassador to the Vatican and Israel, and perhaps, soon, the Muslim world. So we reward those that profess a state religion, persecute infidels in their midsts and laugh off secularism as an irrelevant relic, and we relegate the 1.5 billion adherents of pluralistic, non-proselytizing Dharma religions to no voice at all? Can we reconcile this appeasement to the Muslim world while we deny the agency of religious ambassadorship to India and Thailand, that despite their respective Hindu and Buddhist majorities, maintain democratic and secular governance?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Mukherjee invokes rain god for economic growth | CalcuttaTube

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    • Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee Friday invoked the Hindu rain god Lord Indra for a good monsoon that, he said, would help maintain the growth trajectory of the Indian economy.

      Mukherjee’s invocation at the very start of his 2010-11 budget speech in parliament underlined the importance of the monsoon for agriculture in India, an activity that provides livelihood to over 60 percent of the population.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Panther's Party moves apex court to bring back Husain | TopNews

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    • Submitted by Saurav Shukla
    • A Jammu and Kashmir politician has moved the Supreme Court seeking direction to the central government to scrap various criminal cases filed against noted painter M. F. Husain for allegedly making obscene paintings of Hindu gods and goddesses.

      In his lawsuit filed in the apex court treasury, J&K National Panthers' Party chief Bhim Singh has also sought direction to the government to bring back Husain to the country from Qatar, where he is living in self-exile since 2006.(IANS)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Holi Festival

holi in india

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

OfficialWire: New Film To Analyze Tiger Woods’ Apology

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    • by David Cohen
    • As the world analyzes Tiger Woods’ apology, the international epic "Karma: The New Revolution” will explain the Buddhist approach to Atonement and Redemption that will play an important role in his comeback. Filmed in over a dozen countries -- from the Louvre Museum in Paris to the Sal forests where the Buddha taught in India -- the film will combine the teachings of the Buddha, Bhagavad-Gita, Upanishads, Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda as well as some of the greatest Western philosophers including Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Bertrand Russell, Mark Twain, Carl Sagan, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Voltaire, Plato and the like.

      The film’s Presenter and one of the only Buddhist-Brahmins in the West, Acharya Zen elaborates, "One of the most powerful stories of redemption in any religion is the inspirational saga of Angulimala who overcame a life full of depravity to become one of the Buddha’s best-known disciples. In fact his lesson is highlighted in Verse 173 of the Dhammapadas where the Buddha states that ‘a person who makes amends for the wrong he has done can light up the world like the moon merging from the clouds’. This suggests that Tiger Woods has a real opportunity to become an even bigger inspiration by proving that a true role model is not one who never makes mistakes; but one who always makes amends”.

    • “Karma: The New Revolution” will be available on Blue-Ray, DVD and iPhone formats in March and more information and previews are available at

      Acharya Zen is one of the only Buddhist Brahmins in the world hailing from the same distinguished lineage that authored and maintained most of the Buddhist and Hindu scriptures over the centuries. He is also the prime architect behind the revival of the original Vedantic Buddhism of India and presents its teachings with a Motivational tone for a Western audience. He can be visited at, and

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Lonely Lalu, Mulayam remind BJP of pre-Babri good times

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    Lalu mulayam
    • In the political wilderness, both Lalu Prasad and Mulayam Singh Yadav on Thursday made an unusual appeal to the BJP. Had the party not brought down the Babri Masjid, they said, all of them would have still been together. They also urged Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar, who is being made the punching bag for rising food prices by ally Congress, to switch over.


      Participating in a discussion over price rise in the Lok Sabha, the RJD president accused the Congress of turning “arrogant”, while the SP chief regretted having supported it in power. Both also said that but for the Babri factor, things could have been different between them and the BJP.


      “Aapne agar masjid nahi giaraya hota to aaj hum bikharte nahin (Had you not demolished the Babri Masjid, we would not have fragmented),” Lalu said as the BJP members listened quietly.


      In fact, he hoped that despite their disunity they could come together to bring down the Congress-led government. “Despite being in different parties, we can coordinate and organise a countrywide bandh... This government will not last its full term,” Lalu said, with BJP members thumping their desks this time.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Jagran - Yahoo! India - रथ महोत्सव का आयोजन करेंगे मलेशियाई हिंदू

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    • मलेशिया के वार्षिक मासी मगमथेप्पाथिरूविला[चलायमान रथ] महोत्सव का रविवार को तेलुकबहांगके श्री सिंगामुगाकालीयाम्मनमंदिर में आयोजन होगा। भगवान श्री सिंगामुगाकालीयाम्मनके सम्मान में इस वार्षिक महोत्सव का आयोजन किया जाता है।

      इस महोत्सव का विशेष आकर्षण समुद्र में एक गतिशील नाव पर भगवान श्री सिंगामुगाकालीयाम्मनकी प्रतिमा का अनावरण होगा। मंदिर के सचिव एन. गणेशनने बताया कि इस मंदिर का निर्माण 113वर्ष पहले हुआ था। उन्होंने बताया कि शुरुआती दिनों में मछुआरे देवता की प्रतिमा को नावों पर समुद्र में ले जाते थे।

      गणेशनने कहा कि उनके पास कोई और विकल्प नहीं था, क्योंकि वहां सडकों की सुविधाएं नहीं थीं। मलेशिया में करीब 20लाख भारतीय रहते हैं। इनमें से ज्यादातर तमिल हिंदू हैं जो ब्रिटिश काल के दौरान यहां आकर बस गए थे।

    • कुआलालंपुर

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Jagran - Yahoo! India - पहले मैं आत्मदाह करूंगा फिर समर्थक

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    • फर्जी शंकराचार्योके मामले में नित नये मोड आ रहे हैं। एक दिन पूर्व अपने समर्थकों द्वारा आत्मदाह का ऐलान करने वाले निर्मल अखाडे के महामंडलेश्वरसंजीव हरि ने बुधवार को गंगा की सौगंध खाकर यह ऐलान दोहराया। साथ ही उन्होंने कहा कि अपने समर्थकों के साथ वे खुद भी आत्मदाह करेंगे। उधर, निर्मल अखाडे की ओर से उन्हें इस तरह की बयानबाजी न करने व पद से हटाने की चेतावनी भी दी गई है।

      पंचकुलासे आए निर्मल अखाडे के महामंडलेश्वरसंजीव हरि ने बुधवार को काली मंदिर के नये घाट पर जाकर गंगा की सौगंध खाई। उन्होंने कहा कि फर्जी शंकराचार्योके खिलाफ चलाये जा रहे अभियान के तहत यदि जगद्गुरु शंकराचार्य स्वरूपानंद सरस्वती अपना शिविर छोडकर जाते हैं तो उनके समर्थक आत्मदाह करेंगे। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने कहा कि यह कोरी धमकी नहीं है, अपने समर्थकों के साथ वे खुद भी आत्मदाह करेंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि मेला प्रशासन को फर्जी शंकराचार्योको बढावा नहीं देना चाहिए।

    • हरिद्वार

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Veer Savarkar

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    • Oh Motherland,
      Sacrifice for you is like life!
      Living without you is death!!
      - Veer Savarkar, the ideal form of Warrior energy

      26th Feb: HJS salutes Maha patriot Veer Savarkar on His Memorial Day!

      HJS has undertaken a campaign to get
      approval from the INDIAN government for a
      Memorial to Veer Savarkar in France.

      Shame on Bharat's Selfish political parties who have
      forgotten the sacrifice of Veer Savarkar !

      • Veer Savarkar - A legend

      • The first political leader to daringly set 'Absolute Political Independence' as Bharat's goal.
      • The first Bharatiya political leader to courageously conduct a bonfire of foreign-made clothes.
      • The first Bharatiya to organise a revolutionary movement for Bharat's Independence at an international level.
      • The first graduate, whose degree was withdrawn by an Bharatiya University for striving for Bharat's Independence.
      • The first political prisoner in the world who was sentenced to life-imprisonment twice, a sentence unparalleled in the history of the British Empire.
    • Jay Hindu Rashtra!

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

The Illegals: Mumbai's Bangladeshis: India News

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    According to Ramesh Bagwe, Minister of State for Home, their number in Maharashtra [ Images ] could be 3.5 lakh but when he talked to the media last week, he did not explain how this number was arrived at. There never has been a survey to determine that.
    • Then there is the number put out by Kirit Somaiya, former MP known for being a number cruncher, there are as many as 16 lakh in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, ten lakh of lakh of them within Mumbai municipal limits.

    • Once here, they pretend to be from West Bengal and claim to be domestic migrants so to say and assert their right to live here. The truth is that Maharashtra officials when asked to deport them find it hard to distinguish them from Bangladeshis though there are nuances which differentiate one from the other.

    • Why are the numbers so big now? There are several reasons.

      One reason is that when, especially after the 1992-93 riots the exercise of locating and deporting them, especially from Mumbai continued, civil society protested. The protests were on the 'secular' platform, the logic being that since most were Muslims, they ought not to be sent packing. The argument was not that they were poor so one needed to be nice to them. The point missed was that even if on that count, they needed to come as refugees, not by stealth and pretend to be Indian citizens.

    • Mahesh Vijapurkar is a senior journalist and commentator

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Raman's strategic analysis: HIT, BUT STEALTHILY

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    • B.Raman
    • Direct military action against a State-sponsor of terrorism waging a proxy war against us by using terrorism through surrogates as a low-cost weapon without the direct involvement of its Armed Forces would be counter-productive and messy.

      While there could be no doubt about India's ultimate success in a military conflict, the final cost of the conflict would further retard India's economic development.

    • When terrorism is used by a State as a low-cost weapon to achieve its strategic objective, what works against it is the ability and the determination of the victim State to hurt the interests of the State-sponsor in order to make it a high-cost weapon for the wielder.

      State-sponsored terrorism withers away when the villain State is made to realise that it will have to pay a heavy price for its sponsorship.
    • The need of the hour is a counter proxy war doctrine incorporating its political, diplomatic, economic and covert components and its implementation in a determined and consistent manner. The results would not come dramatically, but slowly and almost imperceptibly.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

VivekaJyoti: The root of all movements to break India are ultimately found in denying the religious and cultural unity of the Indian people

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Raman's strategic analysis: ARE BIN LADEN & ZAWAHIRI IN KARACHI?

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    • B.RAMAN
    • However, the recent arrest of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the supposed No. 2 of the Afghan Taliban, and some middle-level leaders of the organisation, in Karachi have lent credibility to the allegations of the MQM. Sources in Mr.Altaf Hussain's organisation are now alleging that not only leaders of the Afghan Taliban, but also many absconding elements of Al Qaeda, including Osama bin Laden, and his No.2 Ayman al-Zawahiri, have shifted to Karachi from North Waziristan to escape the intensified Drone (unmanned planes) attacks by the USA's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and that they have been given shelter by their Pashtun sympathisers in Karachi. They further allege that the Pakistani authorities and some of the political leaders are aware of this.
    • He expressed his grave concern over the information that Abu Riyan al Zarqawi, also known as Abu Musa, reportedly told the security agencies that Osama bin Laden and Mulla Omar were in Pakistan and that just a month ago he met them personally

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Haindava Keralam - Feb 26-Atmasamarpan divas of Veer Savarkar

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    • Dipin Damodharan
    • February 26: Atma Samarpan divas of Veer Savarkar

      Hindu Rashtra bid tribute to Swantra Veer Savarkar

      "Whenever the natural process of national and political evolution is violently suppressed by the forces of wrong, then revolution must step in as a natural reaction and therefore ought to be welcomed as the only effective instrument to enthrone Truth and Right"- Swatantra Veer Vinayak Damodhar Savarkar

    • In 1966 Savarkar renounced medicines, food and water leading to his death on February 26, 1966. He was mourned by large crowds that attended his cremation.

      In the history of struggle for Bharat’s independence, V.D. Savarkar's place is unique. Savarkar was the first Indian leader to give the message of absolute political independence and unity to the nation. Today Savarkar is revered in Bharat as “Brave Savarkar”. The history of Bharat judge Vinayak Damodhar Savarkar as a brave revolutionary, a fiercely patriotic leader, a great social reformer, a prolific speaker, an epic poet, dramatist, philosopher …….

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Haindava Keralam - Sarsangachalak calls for Hindu unity

    • The 40-acre Ashra-mam Grounds in Kollam city on Wednesday evening became a picture of Kerala’s Hindu might and patriotic spirit with over 1,00,000 disciplined RSS volunteers lining up in full uniform (Purna Gana Vesh) to salute Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat at the Pranth Sanghik.

      The event proved to be the declaration of resoluteness of Kerala’s Hindu mind to fight against all cultural and political degradations and to work selflessly for the welfare of humanity and uphold forever the spirit of Hindutva.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Haindava Keralam - global community of dedicated Hindu Keralites with a peace mission

    • KOLLAM
    • One lakh Swayamsevaks together paid Pranams to Sarsanghachalak first time in the history of RSS. Sarsanghachalak Dr. Mohanji Bhagawath addressed more than 2 Lakhs Swayamsevaks and sympathizers packed in 40 acres of Asharam ground. As planned, the program started sharp at 5 pm and concluded at 7.30 pm.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

How Vajpayee reacted to Rahul Gandhi & Rahul Mahajan — both drug addicts | Great Hindu

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Elizabeth Hurley steps out in sheer sari gown sans bra -

    • British model Elizabeth Hurley was recently spotted wearing a sheer sari gown with no bra or blouse on.
    • Hurley, 44, was attending the Love Ball London with husband Arun Nayar on February 23, reports Us magazine.
      She was feeling a little more modest after the event, and was seen covering her chest with a folder and handbag.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Happy Holi

Orkut  India
Orkut Scraps

Tension as India, Pakistan talk - asia - world |

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    PROTESTING AGAINST PAKISTAN: An activist from Rashtrawadi Sena, a hardline Hindu group, holds a trishul in front of a placard during a protest in New Delhi.
    • PROTESTING AGAINST PAKISTAN: An activist from Rashtrawadi Sena, a hardline Hindu group, holds a trishul in front of a placard during a protest in New Delhi.
    • The two countries have to agree which subjects should be covered in the talks -- India wants to focus on terrorism while Pakistan eyes the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir that has been the cause of two of their three wars.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

No problem with M F Husain’s return: RSS chief - Hindustan Times

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    • Ramesh Babu, Hindustan Times
    • Thiruvananthapuram
    • RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat said on Thursday said his organization wouldn’t oppose if the noted painter M F Husain, who is living in exile in the middle-east since 2006, wants to come back to his country.

      “If he would have apologized for hurting the sentiments of a section of the people we have no problem. We will neither oppose nor welcome his return,” he said at a meet the press programme here.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Thousands gather in Himachal to celebrate Buddhist fair

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    • Thousands of Buddhists from India and abroad have thronged to the Rewalsar lake in Himachal Pradesh's Mandi district for the two-day Tsechu fair to commemorate the birth anniversary of Guru Padma Sambhava.
    • The fair commemorates the birthday of Padma Sambhava, who went to Tibet from India via Nepal and preached Buddhism there in 747 AD. He meditated for many years on the banks of the Rewalsar, around 200 km from the state capital.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Madhya Pradesh Church battles property control | CathNews Asia

    • Catholics in India’s Madhya Pradesh state have launched a campaign to garner public support against a proposed legislation that aims to bring Church properties under government control.

    • Madhya Pradesh Church battles property control thumbnail

    • However, Anand Bernad, the Christian member of Madhya Pradesh’s minority commission, told UCA News he initiated the law to protect the interest of Christians in the state.
      He said several Protestant groups sell off common properties without consulting their people, thus impoverishing communities.
      According to him, the legislation will also protect the properties from land encroachers and help people use their income for their community’s welfare better.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

The Hindu : News / National : M.F. Husain gets Qatar nationality

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    • N. Ram
    The black-and-white line drawing eminent artist M.F. Husain shared with The Hindu. Though this exemplar of secular art did not apply for it, he was conferred citizenship by Qatar.
    • M.F. Husain, India’s greatest and most celebrated artist, has been conferred Qatar nationality - something that is very rarely given. The artist gave me this news from Dubai early Wednesday morning by reading out the few lines he had written on a black-and-white line drawing that he released to The Hindu.

      “Honoured by Qatar nationality” but deeply saddened by his enforced exile and the need now to give up the citizenship of the land of his birth, which he has lovingly and secularly celebrated in his art covering a period of over seven decades. India does not allow dual citizenship, even though it has instituted the category of the ‘Overseas Indian Citizen.’ Mr. Husain will no doubt seek to acquire OIC status after completing the due procedures.

      It is important to note that Mr. Husain did not apply for Qatar nationality and that it was conferred upon him at the instance of the modernising emirate’s ruling family.

    • His work now is mostly towards two large projects, the history of Indian civilisation and the history of Arab civilisation. The latter was commissioned by Qatar’s powerful first lady – Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser al Missned, wife of the emirate’s ruler, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. The works will be housed in a separate museum in Doha.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

VivekaJyoti: Jawharlal Nehru's Grandfather name was Giyasuddin Gazi (mughal)

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    • It is now quite clear, as you will soon see, that Ganga Dhar was an assumed name. The man we now know as the paternal grandfather of Jawahar Lal (son of Moti Lal) was in reality a sunni Mohammedan; in fact he was a Mogul nobleman. The important question is why did he then adopt a Hindu kafir's name? In this case a Kashmiri Brahmin's name?
    • The Muslim Grandfather of Jawaharlal Nehru

      Ghiyasuddin Ghazi (the word means 'kafir-killer') looked exactly like a sunni Mogul. Don't they say: 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, well, then it IS a duck.' The same was the case with Ganga Dhar, the Kashmiri Brahmin alias Ghiyasuddin Ghazi the sunni Mogul.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

How Muslims took over the British underworld | The Sun |Features

Ex gang member
Strangehold ... Amir poses with sword as he tells of power of Asian gangs

IN traditional Islamic headgear, Asian ex-gang member Amir poses with his sword and issues the stark warning: "Britain's underworld belongs to the Muslims."
    • The 21-year-old, whose organisation turned over thousands of pounds a day from drug-dealing and credit card scams, claims a post-9/11 fear of terrorism has allowed Muslims to develop a stranglehold on our criminal community.

      Through Islam, he says, they have numbers which cannot be matched, and rival gangs are being forced out by ruthless Islamic criminals who only deal with each other.


      They recruit black and white members in Britain's jails, tempting them to convert to Islam in exchange for a cushier life inside.

      Once released, the converted cons have access to an entirely new network of Muslim criminal contacts - and are trusted because they pray to Allah.

      Amir claims that Britain's underworld will soon be completely dominated by Islamic gangs - and he says the West's paranoia over terrorism is to blame. "People don't f*** with us because they think we're all in al-Qaeda," he explains.

    • "The reality is that Asian gangs don't give much of toss about religion, but with Islam comes fear, and with fear comes power.
    • "Second, every Friday Muslims are allowed prayer meetings. This is free time away from the guards, so they can plot, make new contacts and often discuss anti-West ideology.

      "Muslims also get better food. They have money sent in for their kitchens from the Muslim community outside, and they get special Halal dishes stipulated by Islam.

    • "Muslims have this country under control. Nobody can touch us."

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

त्यागी - हिन्दू एक नहीं हजार राम मंदिर भी छोड़ सकता है परन्तु कब तक??????

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    • आज दिल्ली में मुग़ल काल के टूटे महल पर्यटन के नाम पर दुबारा बनाये जा सकते है वो भी हिन्दुओ के टैक्स के पैसे से तो फिर हिन्दुओ का एक मंदिर बनने में आपत्ति क्या .
      मित्रो एक बात दू की पूजा तो रोज अयोध्या जाकर में भी नहीं करूँगा परन्तु जो आज हिन्दू के साथ हो रहा है वो घोर आपत्तिजनक है. की एक मंदिर की मांग १२५ करोड़ हिन्दुओ की नहीं मानी जा सकती तो क्या हम गाँधी की समाधी ढ़ोने के लिए पैदा हुए है. थू है हम पर.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

महाजाल पर सुरेश चिपलूनकर (Suresh Chiplunkar): इस्लाम की छवि पूरी दुनिया में बुरी क्यों है… शायद ज़ाकिर नाईक जैसों के कारण?…… Zakir Naik, Islamic Propagandist, Indian Muslims & Secularism

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    • इसका एक मतलब यह भी है कि इस्लाम में “आना” वन-वे ट्रैफ़िक है, कोई इस्लाम में आ तो सकता है, लेकिन जा नहीं सकता (इसी से मिलता-जुलता कथन फ़िल्मों में मुम्बई का अण्डरवर्ल्ड माफ़िया भी दोहराता है), तो इससे क्या समझा जाये? सोचिये कि इस कथन और व्याख्या से कोई गैर-इस्लामी व्यक्ति क्या समझे? और जब कुर-आन की ऐसी व्याख्या मदरसे में पढ़ा(?) कोई मंदबुद्धि व्यक्ति सुनेगा तो वह कैसे “रिएक्ट” करेगा?

    • अब इसे कश्मीर के रजनीश मामले और कोलकाता के रिज़वान मामले से जोड़कर देखिये… दिमाग हिल जायेगा, क्योंकि ऐसा संदेह भी व्यक्त किया जा रहा है कि लक्स कोज़ी वाले अशोक तोड़ी ने रिज़वान को इस्लाम छोड़ने के लिये लगभग राजी कर लिया था, फ़िर संदेहास्पद तरीके से उसकी लाश पटरियों पर पाई गई और अब मामला न्यायालय में है, इसी तरह कश्मीर में रजनीश की थाने में हत्या कर दी गई, उसके द्वारा शादी करके लाई गई मुस्लिम लड़की अमीना को उसके घरवाले जम्मू से अपहरण करके श्रीनगर ले जा चुके… और उमर अब्दुल्ला जाँच का आश्वासन दे रहे हैं। यानी कि शरीयत के मुताबिक नाबालिग हिन्दू लड़की भी भगाई जा सकती है, लेकिन पढ़ी-लिखी वयस्क मुस्लिम लड़की किसी हिन्दू से शादी नहीं कर सकती। तात्पर्य यह है कि जब इस्लाम के तथाकथित विद्वान ज़ाकिर नाईक जब कुतर्कों के सहारे कुर-आन की मनमानी व्याख्या करते फ़िरते हैं तब “सेकुलर” सरकारें सोती क्यों रहती हैं? वामपंथी बगलें क्यों झाँकते रहते हैं?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Meghalaya considering blaphemy law in wake of protests

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Sindhi conversions in Ulhasnagar raise a storm -

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    • Kiran Tare / DNA
    • The close-knit Sindhi community in Ulhasnagar, north-east of Mumbai, is undergoing a social upheaval of sorts. Over the last two years, a sizeable number in the township — primarily created for Sindhis who came in as refugees from Pakistan’s Sindh province after partition — have drifted away from Hinduism and embraced Christianity.
    • Mumbai
    • Those who are taking to Christianity are not branding it as a conversion; instead, they say they have only changed their faith. Most have not even changed their Hindu names, which is turning out to be a major bone of contention with the Hindus.
    • Global recession is to blame, say Hindu leaders in the community. Ulhasnagar is largely a business township, full of small scale industries and traders.

      Balram said, “The Christian missionaries helped the small businessmen rebuild their businesses. Since then, there has been a wave of conversion.”

      But Ram Budhwani, a resident who follows Christianity, rubbishes the argument. “I started visiting the chapel to get peace of mind. I lost my wife in an accident two years ago. I became an alcoholic. I suffered heavy losses in my business and had to close down my shop. But since I am visiting the prayer house (known as Prarthana Ghar in Ulhasnagar) I am making progress in my business. I set up my shop again and am doing well. I have changed my faith, not the religion,” he said.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Indian monk arrested in Nepal | Accident / Crime / Disaster

Indian monk arrested in Nepal
    • A 40-year-old monk from India’s renowned social service organisation Bharat Sevasharm Sangha, known especially for relief work during disasters, has been arrested in Nepal after a six-year-old boy was found dead at the school-cum-ashram for destitute children in Kathmandu.

      Swami Atmashuddhananda, a 40-year-old originally from Assam and based in Nepal for 15 years, was arrested Tuesday night along with four other inmates of the centre, known as the Pranavananda Ashram in Nepal after Hindu monk Swami Pranavananda, who founded the sect in 1917.

      At least two of those arrested are minors.

      The saffron robed monk was handcuffed Wednesday and taken to the district court where police will ask judges for permission to keep all five in custody till they complete investigations.

    • Kathmandu
    • The young boy is said to have had a fight with two other students after which he was reportedly chastised by the ashram authorities.

      The boy was found dead Tuesday leading to the arrests. Two of the arrested are students of the ashram.

    • However, the increasingly bitter relation between India and Nepal have seen public distrust about Indian ashrams in Nepal grow.

      Recently, another unit run in southern Nepal by Bharat Sevasharm faced a media campaign with allegations that the main official was trafficking the children when they had actually gone home during the ‘Chhat’ holidays.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.